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This study examined, in a sample of recently immigrated Hispanic adolescents in Miami and Los Angeles, the extent to which bicultural identity integration (BII; involving the ability to synthesise one's heritage and receiving cultural streams and to identify as a member of both cultures) is best understood as a developmental construct that changes over time or as an individual‐difference construct that is largely stable over time. We were also interested in the extent to which these trajectories predicted mental health and family functioning. Recent‐immigrant 9th graders (N = 302) were assessed 6 times from 9th to 12th grade. Latent class growth analyses using the first 5 timepoints identified 2 trajectory classes—one with lower BII scores over time and another with higher BII scores over time. Higher heritage and US identity at baseline predicted membership in the higher BII class. At the 6th study timepoint, lower BII adolescents reported significantly poorer self‐esteem, optimism, prosocial behaviour and family relationships compared with their higher BII counterparts. These findings are discussed in terms of further research on the over‐time trajectory of biculturalism, and on the need to develop interventions to promote BII as a way of facilitating well‐being and positive family functioning.  相似文献   
The study assessed 30-month-old Mandarin-speaking children’s awareness of aspectual distinctions involving the perfective marker le and the imperfective marker zhe in a preferential looking experiment. In the experiment, we presented our child subjects with a choice between two video clips (one depicting a closed event and the other depicting an on-going event), in the presence of an auditory stimulus (either the le sentence, the zhe sentence or the control sentence without any aspect marker). Children’s looking behavior in the task was recorded and analyzed. The results revealed 30-month-old children’s emerging sensitivity to the aspectual contrast between le and zhe. This was manifest by an increase in looking to the closed event when hearing the le sentence and an increase in looking to the on-going event when hearing the zhe sentence. The absence of le or zhe in the control sentence did not result in any increase or decrease in looking to either event. We also found that the effect of le on children’s looking behavior was immediate whereas the effect of zhe was late. We attributed this difference to the facilitative role of le in children’s sentence processing as well as their preference for the event boundary. The results lend support to the continuity view that functional morphemes like aspect markers are available to children early in language development.  相似文献   
The present studies sought to investigate the mapping relations between language and cognition by focusing on how Mandarin-speaking children acquire the mapping between their conceptual knowledge of possession and their linguistic expressions of possession. Two experiments were conducted. Experiment 1 used a comprehension task to explore whether young children are able to map their knowledge of possessive constructions onto their interpretation of possessive relations. Experiment 2 employed a production task to examine whether they are able to map their knowledge of possessive relations onto their linguistic expressions of possession. The findings were that 4-year-olds exhibited correct comprehension and production of possessive DE constructions, indicating that by age 4, Mandarin-speaking children have already established the mapping between their conceptual knowledge of possession and their linguistic expressions of possession. By contrast, 3-year-olds exhibited response patterns that suggest a developmental stage where they use noun–noun compounds to represent possessive relations before they map possessive relations onto possessive constructions.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the parenting practice of inherent value demonstration (IVD), involving parents' tendency to express their values in behaviours and appear satisfied and vital while doing so. Data from Chinese college students (n = 89) confirmed the hypothesis that offspring's perception of their parents as engaged in IVD predicts offspring's subjective well‐being (SWB) through sense of self‐congruence. Importantly, these relations emerged also when controlling for fundamental autonomy‐supportive (FAS) parenting practices such as taking children's perspective, minimising control and allowing choice. These findings are consistent with the view that parents concerned with their children's sense of autonomy may do well to engage in IVD in addition to more fundamental autonomy‐supportive practices. Future research may examine the role of IVD in promoting authentic values that serve as an internal compass that guides children to act in ways that feel self‐congruent.  相似文献   
释本性 《法音》2020,(2):24-27
<正>据国家卫生健康委员会网站公布,截至2月18日24时,全国因为新型冠状病毒肺炎感染而医治无效最终去世的人员,已经2004人,累计确诊人数74185人。从1月23日,武汉"封城",湖北"封省",直至全国各省,多步后尘,为了严防死守,保护人民。1月30日,联合国世界卫生组织宣布,新冠肺炎疫情构成"国际公共卫生紧急事件"。泱泱华夏,百业停摆。春节假期,延长了;学校上课,推迟了;火车停开、飞机停飞、轮船停航;高速道路,封了;社区大门,闭了;乃至,除夕之夜,大年初一,正月十五,也不例外。但疫情,却没有完全退  相似文献   
释明贤 《法音》2020,(1):71-74
<正>天下大治,是古往今来无数治国者孜孜以求的理想。国基永固,也是数千年来中国化佛教永恒不变的祝祷。十九届四中全会向世界人民展示,我们党领导人民不断探索、不断实践,形成了具有强大生命力和巨大优越性的国家制度与治理体系,创造了世所罕见的经济快速发展奇迹和社会长期稳定奇迹。[1]中国佛教协会发布《坚持佛教中国化方向五年工作规划纲要(2019-2023)》,号召全体佛教界在新时代更好地坚持佛教中国化方向,建设具有新时代中国特色的佛教思想体系、制度体系、教育体系和佛教文化,不断提高佛教与社会主义社会相适应的广度与深度。[2]而佛教教义从各个维度上自觉趋向于新时代进中国化的努力,必将以其"中国之义"奋力书写出"中国之治"的佛教答卷。  相似文献   
This study examined the relations between cultural values (i.e., individualism and collectivism) and aggression among 460 (234 girls) Chinese adolescents. Conflict level and social status insecurity were examined as potential explaining mechanisms for these relations. The results showed that adolescents' endorsement of collectivism was negatively related to their use of overt and relational aggression as reported by teachers and peers, whereas positive associations were found between the endorsement of individualism and adolescent aggression. Adolescents' conflict level and social status insecurity accounted for a significant part of these associations. Findings of this study demonstrate the importance of examining intracultural variations of cultural values in relation to adolescent aggression as well as the process variables in explaining the relations. Aggr. Behav. 36:187–194, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
监狱警察应对方式与心理健康水平研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对重庆市监狱警察应对方式和心理健康水平的抽调研究,发现调查对象倾向于采取成熟的应对方式,且其心理健康水平优于普通人群,在对应对方式有效性的评价(认识)、采取的应对方式(行为)和心理健康水平(结果)三者之间存在一致性;男女狱警在应对方式和心理健康水平方面都存在一些差异,且差异显著。这提示我们在进行应对方式干预时要注意男女狱警不同的两性特征和角色期望。  相似文献   
《管子》认为,治理国家既要采用怀柔政策,主张为政者"先之以德",通过整饬四维来形成良好的社会风尚;又强调"法不可不审",主张通过严刑峻法来树立君主的权威,赏罚严明,使人们严格遵守各项法令制度,坚持"且怀且威",礼法并重,其思想对现代社会有很好的启迪意义。  相似文献   
This is a study of the development trend of creative scientific problem finding (CSPF) ability of a sample of 1,367 elementary, middle, and high school students in two Chinese cities. Students were instructed to generate science related questions in both open and closed conditions with responses scored for Fluency, Flexibility, and Originality. Results suggest that CSPF ability has a developmental trend characterized by a significant leap in the 5th grade, followed by a steady advance until it peaked in the 8th grade, and then declined and stabilized in the high school years (9th–11th grades). No difference between male and female students was found. The type of instruction showed significant differential influence on CSPF and its development.  相似文献   
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