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This study randomized 90 HIV-seropositive, methadone-maintained injection drug users (IDUs) to an HIV Harm Reduction Program (HHRP+) or to an active control that included harm reduction components recommended by the National AIDS Demonstration Research Project. The treatment phase lasted 6 months, with follow-ups at 6 and 9 months after treatment entry. Patients in both treatments showed reductions in risk behaviors. However, patients assigned to HHRP+ were less likely to use illicit opiates and were more likely to adhere to antiretroviral medications during treatment; at follow-up, they had lower addiction severity scores and were less likely to have engaged in high risk behavior. Findings suggest that enhancing methadone maintenance with an intervention targeting HIV-seropositive IDUs increases both harm reduction and health promotion behaviors.  相似文献   
石小梅  何小荣 《法音》2020,(3):48-51
一、佛教七宝的译名佛教经典中常常提到七宝,而佛教七宝实际分为两大类:一类是七种王宝,一类是七种珍宝。七种王宝指转轮圣王拥有的七宝,通常是指轮宝、象宝、马宝、珠宝、玉女宝、主藏宝、典兵宝。七种珍宝指供养用的七宝,通常是指金、银、琥珀、珊瑚、砗磲、琉璃、玛瑙。佛家弟子常说的七宝是指供养用的七宝。七宝象征高尚、纯洁、坚毅、安详、富足、康健和圆满,又代表觉悟和智慧。用七宝供佛可获无量功德,但是不同经书里讲的七宝却略有不同。  相似文献   
海德格尔在"真理"问题上立场之改变标志着其"存在"运思的转换,根本说来,这体现在此在(Dasein)之"此(Da)"的意义置换:<存在与时间>中,"此"意味着此在生存论诸环节的敞开;<论真理的本质>中则意味着存在之澄明.由此,海德格尔对存在问题的追问从"此在之真理"过渡到了"存在之真理",也即是从间接说及存在转移到了直接去说存在、存在的命运.  相似文献   
Child-directed language can support language learning, but how? We addressed two questions: (1) how caregivers prosodically modulated their speech as a function of word familiarity (known or unknown to the child) and accessibility of referent (visually present or absent from the immediate environment); (2) whether such modulations affect children's unknown word learning and vocabulary development. We used data from 38 English-speaking caregivers (from the ECOLANG corpus) talking about toys (both known and unknown to their children aged 3–4 years) both when the toys are present and when absent. We analyzed prosodic dimensions (i.e., speaking rate, pitch and intensity) of caregivers’ productions of 6529 toy labels. We found that unknown labels were spoken with significantly slower speaking rate, wider pitch and intensity range than known labels, especially in the first mentions, suggesting that caregivers adjust their prosody based on children's lexical knowledge. Moreover, caregivers used slower speaking rate and larger intensity range to mark the first mentions of toys that were physically absent. After the first mentions, they talked about the referents louder with higher mean pitch when toys were present than when toys were absent. Crucially, caregivers’ mean pitch of unknown words and the degree of mean pitch modulation for unknown words relative to known words (pitch ratio) predicted children's immediate word learning and vocabulary size 1 year later. In conclusion, caregivers modify their prosody when the learning situation is more demanding for children, and these helpful modulations assist children in word learning.

Research Highlights

  • In naturalistic interactions, caregivers use slower speaking rate, wider pitch and intensity range when introducing new labels to 3–4-year-old children, especially in first mentions.
  • Compared to when toys are present, caregivers speak more slowly with larger intensity range to mark the first mentions of toys that are physically absent.
  • Mean pitch to mark word familiarity predicts children's immediate word learning and future vocabulary size.
本文讨论了莫尔特曼的经世三一的上帝观典范.作者从莫尔特曼与拉纳的上帝观神学的关系出发,指出莫尔特曼的理论意图在于从新教的十字架神学出发来消解拉纳理论中所包含的内在三一和经世三一的张力.莫尔特曼的上帝观旨在于塑造一个"位格关系"中的上帝受苦的真实性,凸显栽上帝的"为我们"的特征.以此为基点,作者探讨了莫尔特曼对于基督教上帝观传统的批评,以及他的贡献所在.  相似文献   
人们通常认为尼僧作为出家人将与出家前所在世俗家庭的关系不复存在.但在8至10世纪的敦煌,情况并非这样.当时佛教极为盛行,崇佛礼佛常常成为许多家庭的重要生活内容,许多皈依佛门的尼僧与家庭仍然保持着密切的关系.孝敬父母,为他们写经造像、参与家庭事务、出家不离家,即其与家庭关系密切之表现.本文利用丰富的敦煌文献对此问题做了论证.  相似文献   
释明生 《法音》2020,(2):16-16
皈命圆满尽十方,一切真如大觉海;三乘妙法解脱僧,愿赐慈悲垂加护。时维己亥之末,岁续庚子之初,适逢迪庆之际,却婴冠状之诛,患起虽云四大,根由实系三毒。丁兹末运,身似芜萍,境风浩浩,惑染殷殷,尝欲自他而俱化,堪叹福慧兮无凭。悠悠岁月,可痛可哭,茫茫业海,无洲无渚。钦闻法赖缘生,业由心造,一念不觉,自性颠倒,丧解脱之门,迷涅槃之岛。于同体中,幻成六趣之殊;向真如境,虚受三世之报。弟子众等,自惟障缘深重,福智危危,扪心泣首,可惭可愧。  相似文献   
Lay third parties sometimes react to an interpersonal dispute by taking sides. In this paper, we investigate the interaction effects of lay third parties’ moral and expedient orientations on the relationship between perceived legitimacy (or expected negative sanctions) and their intention of side‐taking with a legitimacy party (or a sanction party). Seventy‐nine Chinese and 77 Dutch employees were presented with a scenario describing a conflict dilemma between one party who has more legitimacy claims but less negative sanctions and the other party who has less legitimacy claims but more negative sanctions. The results showed that moral orientation by itself has a reinforcing effect on the positive link between perceived legitimacy and siding with a legitimacy party. In addition, in both countries, the relationship between expected negative sanctions and side‐taking with a sanction party was moderated by a joint effect of the moral and the expedient orientations. That is, for lay third parties with a weakly moral orientation and a strongly expedient orientation, an increase in negative sanctions led to more side‐taking with a sanction party. For those lay third parties who were weakly moral and weakly expedient oriented, strongly moral and strongly expedient oriented, or strongly moral and weakly expedient oriented, the above‐mentioned link was not positive any more. Confrontés à un conflit interpersonnel, les tiers non concernés réagissent parfois en prenant parti. Dans cet article, nous étudions les effets d’interaction des orientations morales et opportunistes de tiers non impliqués sur la relation entre la légitimé perçue ou les sanctions négatives attendues et leur intention de se ranger aux côtés d’un groupe légitime ou d’un groupe puissant. On a présentéà 79 salariés chinois et 77 salariés néerlandais un scénario décrivant un dilemme conflictuel entre un groupe qui disposait de plus de légitimité, mais de sanctions négatives moindres et un autre groupe qui disposait de moins de légitimité, mais de sanctions négatives plus fortes. Les résultats montrent que l’orientation morale exerce par elle‐même un renforcement sur la liaison positive entre la légitimité perçue et le fait de se ranger aux côtés d’un groupe bénéficiant de la légitimité. De plus, dans les deux pays, la relation entre les sanctions négatives attendues et le fait de choisir le groupe puissant était régulé par un effet conjugué des orientations morales et opportunistes. Ce qui signifie que pour des tiers pourvus d’une orientation morale déficiente et d’un grand opportunisme, une augmentation des sanctions négatives incite à prendre plutôt parti pour le groupe puissant. La relation ci‐dessus mentionnée n’est nullement positive pour les tiers à la morale et à l’opportunisme faibles, à la morale et à l’opportunisme forts, ou à la morale forte et à l’opportunisme faible.  相似文献   
研究基层边防警官工作满意度的现状及提高对策。方法:采用自行编制的基层边防警官工作满意度问卷对来自全国七个地区的534名基层边防警官的进行工作满意度调查。结果:自编问卷具有良好的信度和效度;基层边防警官对工作的整体满意度在中等以上,十个主要影响因素中,对同事关系的评价最高,对晋升与发展前景的评价最低;对如何提高工作满意度提出八条建议。  相似文献   
Furthering a prior research on two‐person bi‐level multi‐objective decision‐making problems of the leader‐follower Stackelberg game, we present an extended model of bi‐level multi‐objective decision‐making with multiple interconnected decision makers at the lower level. In the model, the upper level decision maker acts as a leader and the lower level decision makers behave as the followers, and inter‐connections and interactions exist among these followers in decision‐making scenarios. Following the rules of leader‐follower Stackelberg game, we develop an interactive algorithm of the model for solving multi‐objective decision‐making problems and reflecting the interactive natures among the decision makers. Finally, the authors exemplify the model and algorithm, and draw a conclusion on points of contributions and the significance of this study in decision‐making and support. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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