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《管子》吸取了以往阴阳说与五行说的基本思想,将二者有机地融为一体,完善了阴阳五行说体系,阴阳与五行相结合是在四时观念系统中完成的,而《管子》就有非常大的贡献;《管子》中论述四时之象透露出二气消息不同状态与格局之信息,为汉代易“卦气说”奠定了基础;并且《管子》“精气说”为王充以后的“禀气说”产生重大影响。以上三个方面《管子》对易学发展的贡献是不可低估的。  相似文献   
矛盾态度是个体对同一客体同时存在的积极和消极评价与情感。本文主要阐述了矛盾态度的概念界定与测量方法,矛盾态度的相关因素与基本特性,以及矛盾态度对信息加工、行为意图和实际行为的影响。最后,文章指出矛盾态度的界定与测量还需扩展,对引发矛盾的客体、矛盾态度特性有待深入研究。  相似文献   
去年是中国抗战暨世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年。在这场正义战争中,中国共产党起了中流砥柱的作用。回想过去,我们一定要牢记历史教训,不忘国耻,大力弘扬伟大的抗战精神。展望未来,我们更加积极与时俱进,为中华民族伟大复兴谱写光辉新篇。在这个值得纪念的日子里,人们倍加怀念老  相似文献   
成瘾过程伴随着一系列心理和脑机能的改变.已有研究表明,海洛因成瘾者存在对情绪刺激的加工缺陷.这些认知变化被认为与成瘾者脑内“奖赏系统”功能紊乱有关,但这种认知功能缺陷是否随着戒断进行而有所恢复还未得到明确结论.该研究采用ERP技术,记录了控制组、短期戒断组、中期戒断组和长期戒断组被试在情绪刺激加工过程中的神经电活动.结果发现,与中性刺激相比,长期组与控制组一致,正、负性刺激诱发被试更大的P300和SPW平均波幅,两类情绪刺激诱发的SPW波幅差异不显著;中期组被试的正性和负性刺激诱发的P300和SPW波幅都显著大于中性刺激,且负性刺激诱发的两成分的波幅显著大于正性刺激;短期组被试的负性刺激引起的P300和SPW波幅显著大于中性和正性刺激,但是正性和中性刺激诱发的P300或SPW波幅之间差异不显著.结果表明,随着戒断进行,海洛因戒断者情绪加工能力有所改善,主要表现在对正性情绪刺激加工能力的恢复.  相似文献   
释秋爽 《法音》2021,(1):43-45
一、十念记数法的形成印光大师(1862-1940),法名圣量,字印光,别署常惭愧僧。大师被尊为净土宗第十三祖,与虚云、太虚、弘一,并称为民国四大高僧,是近代中国佛教影响最为深远的人物之一。印光大师通过考察前贤的念佛方法,再结合自身的实践经验,创发了更为方便易行的十念记数法,即从早期的随息法数息法,演变为随念随听的十念记数法。  相似文献   
The predictors of objectively measured sales performance were assessed with 245 sales representatives from a large South African life insurance company. Sales representatives completed measures of their locus of control, entrepreneurial attitudes, biographical history, and performance was assessed from company records of sales, net commissions earned, and lapse ratios. The nature of employment contract, job status, and race explained significant differences in performance outcomes. The predictive nature of locus of control and entrepreneurial attitudes for performance outcomes was tested using structural equation modeling procedures, with limited validity. The implications for research and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   
The specificity of genetic effects on brain activation is a central issue in understanding how molecular actions at the synapse relate to anatomic patterns of brain activity. In an effort to understand the basis for the specificity of gene-associated brain activity, we explore a well-studied genetic polymorphism, TaqIA, which lies downstream of the DRD2 gene in the protein-encoding region of a neighboring gene, ANKK1, which is not expressed in the brain. We utilize the attention network test and find that carriers of the A1 allele show gene-associated functional activation in an anatomically specific, dopamine-rich region of the brain comprising the anterior cingulate gyrus, a finding partially consistent with prior data from functional imaging genetics. A review of the patterns of expression for ANKK1 and DRD2 and the extent of linkage disequilibrium between the two genes sheds light on additional criteria for the selection of candidate genes in imaging-genetic studies.  相似文献   
This essay addresses a moral and cultural challenge facing health care in the People’s Republic of China: the need to create an understanding of medical professionalism that recognizes the new economic realities of China and that can maintain the integrity of the medical profession. It examines the rich Confucian resources for bioethics and health care policy by focusing on the Confucian tradition’s account of how virtue and human flourishing are compatible with the pursuit of profit. It offers the Confucian account of the division of labor and the financial inequalities this produces with special attention to China’s socialist project of creating the profession of barefoot doctors as egalitarian peasant physicians and why this project failed. It then further develops the Confucian acknowledgement of the unequal value of different services and products and how this conflicts with the current system of payment to physicians which has led to the corruption of medical professionalism through illegal supplementary payments. It further gives an account the oblique intentionality of Confucian moral psychology that shows how virtuous persons can pursue benevolent actions while both foreseeing profit and avoiding defining their character by greed. This account of Confucian virtue offers the basis for a medical professionalism that can function morally within a robustly profit-oriented market economy. The paper concludes with a summary of the characteristics of Confucian medical professionalism and of how it places the profit motive within its account of virtue ethics.  相似文献   
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