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我国超常儿童研究的进展及其问题   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
施建农  徐凡 《心理学报》1998,31(3):298-305
作者在回顾了我国超常儿童研究领域近20年来的进展,总结了该领域的主要成绩,特别是方法上所取得的成绩的基础上,指出了当前尚存在的若干问题,这些问题的提出可能对今后该领域的研究有一定的目标。  相似文献   
定量运动负荷和个性特征对动觉准确性和动作稳定性的影响   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
石岩  阎守扶  申高禄 《心理学报》1996,29(2):131-138
目的在于了解个性特征和定量运动负荷与同射箭运动员技术水平密切相关的肘关节动觉方位准确性和手动作稳定性的关系。研究结果表明:个性特征对肘关节动觉方位准确性和手动作稳定性的影响不显著;定量运动负荷可以使肘关节动觉方位准确性明显提高,而手动作稳定性变化不显著。本研究初步证明了韩国射箭训练中利用跑步等手段使运动员处于较高心率之下进行射准练习的方法是实用有效的。  相似文献   
Conditioning-specific reflex modification (CRM) occurs when classical conditioning modifies responding to an unconditioned stimulus (US) in the absence of a conditioned stimulus (CS). Three experiments monitored rabbit nictitating (Oryctolagus cuniculus) membrane unconditioned responses to 5 intensities and 4 durations of periorbital electrical stimulation before and after CS or US manipulation. CRM occurred after 12 days of CS-US pairings but not following unpaired CS/US presentations or restraint. CRM survived CS-alone and CS/US-unpaired extinction of the conditioned response (CR) but not presentations of the US alone, although CRs remained intact. Thus, CRs could be weakened without eliminating CRM and CRM could be weakened without eliminating CRs. Data indicate CRM is a reliable, associative effect that is more than a generalized CR and may not be explained by habituation, stimulus generalization, contextual conditioning, or bidirectional conditioning.  相似文献   
影响中学生自我价值感形成的诸因素研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
本研究采用<青少年学生自我价值感量表>对重点中学一所、普通中学一所和职业中学一所共774名学生进行调查,问卷的表头加入年级、学习成绩、家庭经济、居住环境等10多项需要了解的学生生活环境类型,测验结果发现学习和年级因素对价值感影响最大,作用非常显著,在初二和高三年级,价值感发展最快.学习成绩越好,价值感越高.其次是家庭居住环境、家庭经济状况、父母职业、家庭结构等因素.家庭居住环境是学校居住区最有利于学生价值感的发展,家庭经济状况是经济一般的学生价值感最好,其次是富裕家庭的,贫困的最差.父母职业是教师最高,其次是军人、干部、医生等.家庭结构是健全的发展最好,其次是离异的,再次是分居的,最差的是死亡的.  相似文献   
释常静 《法音》2021,(3):72-74
坐禅是指习禅者端身正坐,不起思虑分别,系心于某一对象,从而进入禅定之境的修行活动。释迦世尊在成道之前,先是在菩提树下端坐静思,其后又在阿踰波罗树下、目真邻陀树下、罗阇耶恒那树下各坐七天,这是佛教坐禅的开始。在佛经中,常可见佛陀及其弟子们重视修禅的记载,如《大般涅槃经》中云︰"尔时有一满罗仙人之子,……忽于中路,而见如来坐息树下,合掌问讯,却坐一面,而白佛言︰夫出家法,坐禅之业最为第一。"《分别功德论》卷二云︰"阿难便般涅槃时,诸比丘各习坐禅,不复诵习。云佛有三业,坐禅第一。  相似文献   
The four-parameter logistic (4PL) item response model, which includes an upper asymptote for the correct response probability, has drawn increasing interest due to its suitability for many practical scenarios. This paper proposes a new Gibbs sampling algorithm for estimation of the multidimensional 4PL model based on an efficient data augmentation scheme (DAGS). With the introduction of three continuous latent variables, the full conditional distributions are tractable, allowing easy implementation of a Gibbs sampler. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the proposed method and several popular alternatives. An empirical data set was analysed using the 4PL model to show its improved performance over the three-parameter and two-parameter logistic models. The proposed estimation scheme is easily accessible to practitioners through the open-source IRTlogit package.  相似文献   
Prisoners' affective education is a hot topic in criminal psychology. The lack of the social support for prisoners means that they are more prone to loneliness. The mental health status of the prisoners directly concerns their social adaptation when released. We therefore explored the relationship between loneliness, psychological affect, and control source in 201 prisoners. Prisoners completed the state and trait loneliness scale, the affectal scale, the internal control, powerful others, and chance scale. Mediation effect analysis was conducted to explore the mediation role of the control source from influence of loneliness on psychological affect. State loneliness indirectly affected positive affect through internal control factors. Trait loneliness directly affected negative affect, and trait loneliness indirectly affected negative affect through opportunity factors. Overall, this study uncovers some of the psychological mechanisms underlying emotional state in prisoners, highlights the need for effective psychological correction programmes in the prison system and provides reference for effectual ascension of prisoners out of jail.  相似文献   
释心澄 《法音》2022,(1):10-11
<正>2021年是中国共产党成立一百周年,也是江苏省佛教协会成立四十周年。此次在两个一百年的历史交汇期召开的全国宗教工作会议,更显意义非凡。江苏省佛教协会成立四十年来,在党的宗教信仰自由政策的光辉照耀下,江苏佛教界高举爱国爱教旗帜,坚持"人间佛教"思想和佛教中国化方向,凝心聚力、团结协作、砥砺奋进、不断开拓,推动江苏佛教从恢复振兴走向健康传承,创造了一段光辉的历史。就在前不久,  相似文献   
释怡藏 《法音》2022,(1):15-16
<正>时隔五年,全国宗教工作会议再度召开,习近平总书记出席会议并发表重要讲话。在党的百年华诞以及十九届六中全会召开的背景之下,此次会议的召开意义重大,充分显示了以习近平同志为核心的党中央对宗教工作的高度重视。习总书记的重要讲话全面总结了党的十八大以来宗教工作的成绩经验,深刻回答了新时代宗教工作一系列重大理论和实践问题,系统阐述了新时代宗教工作的新思想、新理念、新战略,是马克思主义宗教观同中国具体实际相结合的最新成果,  相似文献   
实验1采用艾尔斯伯格悖论的研究范式,探究被试对模糊的厌恶倾向以及在决策过程中所采用的决策策略。结果发现:被试对确定选项和模糊选项的选择存在差异;在肯定形式下倾向于确定选项,而在否定形式下则倾向于模糊选项,采用了利益最大化策略。实验2采用艾尔斯伯格悖论的变式,通过操纵概率和任务类型,发现:模糊决策具有情境依赖性,并非任何情况下个体都厌恶模糊。当风险选项不能满足自己的需要,即获胜机率比较小时,人们会偏向模糊选项。  相似文献   
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