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通过对广州市6所高等医学院校进行调查;认为医学生医疗风险意识普遍较为淡薄;部分带教老师教学意识不强;极易因实习生违规操作引发医疗纠纷和医疗事故而涉法;为加强医学生医疗风险意识教育和医学法制教育;必须强化带教老师依法带教意识;以提高学生遵法守法素养.  相似文献   
试用马克思主义哲学矛盾观和发展现分析药源性疾病,揭示药源性疾病的一般规律性.药物不良反应是与药物的治疗作用相互依存、对立统一的客观存在,人们对其认识具有鲜明的认识的阶段性和时代特征,是螺旋式上升,波浪式前进的.药源性疾病是药物不良反应的延伸和最终表现,虽然其诱发因素很多,临床表现多样化,但是可以采取科学防控措施将其发生率减少到最低,危害程度达到最小化.  相似文献   
This case–control study enrolled 226 maladjusted soldiers and 229 controls to investigate the impact of the interpersonal–psychological theory of suicide, alexithymia, personality, and childhood trauma on suicide risk among Taiwanese soldiers. Assessments included the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Eysenck Personality Inventory, Mini‐International Neuropsychiatric Interview, and Brief Symptom Rating Scale. In addition to thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness, other risks included less extraversion with higher neuroticism, higher alexithymia, poor academic performance, domestic violence, and life‐threatening events. Our study demonstrates the interaction of the interpersonal–psychological theory and other suicide risk factors in Taiwanese soldiers.  相似文献   
利用眼动(Eyelink-2000)自带软件EB编制实验程序呈现由字母“T”经旋转后组成的刺激材料,参照预搜索范式设计了“预览组”和“清屏组”两组实验,利用区组内评估法评估两组实验预览效应产生与否以及产生的程度,以此来考察预览效应产生的内在机制.实验结果显示不管靶子是否出现,预览组和清屏组产生预览效应的程度一致,这表明:预览效应的产生是被试基于自上而下对旧客体的抑制而引起的.  相似文献   
“信任他人或者不信任他人?”是社会互动中经常面临一种行为决择, 直接影响着个体的社会生活。作为一种重要的社会信号机制, 信任是建立良好社会关系的基石, 它能够降低社会交易成本, 易化合作行为。为了探究个体在信任互动情境下大脑活动变化的时间动态特征, 采用事件相关电位技术记录了20名健康被试(充当信任者)完成重复性信任博弈任务(repeated Trust Game, rTG)时的脑电成分。行为结果发现个体选择信任的比例显著高于几率水平。电生理学结果表明, 决策阶段中不信任选择比信任选择诱发了更正的P2成分(150~250 ms), 差异波溯源分析定位于额中回(middle frontal gyrus, BA 46)和额下回(inferior frontal gyrus, BA 46)。反馈阶段中损失反馈比获益反馈诱发了更负的FRN成分(200~300 ms), 而获益反馈比损失反馈诱发了更短的P300潜伏期。本研究为理解人类信任博弈过程的动态加工时程提供了初步的神经电生理学证据。  相似文献   
以一位第一次进行胼胝体前部切开,第二次作后部切开的胼胝体全切断患者为被试,在第二次手术前后进行了Ⅰ。左右单侧操作检查,和Ⅱ。两半球之间感觉信息传递两类神经心理学实验。结果提示:后部切断前,左右侧操作没有明显的差异。同时,视觉和触觉的感觉信息的传递基本正常。在后部切断后,命名作业呈右视野和右手优势,图形临摹左手似乎较好,这时视觉和触党的感觉信息的传递发生了障碍。左视野和左手命名高于随机水平,讨论了这一结果与右脑语言的关系。方位比较等多个实验提供了支持两半球协同活动理论的证据。  相似文献   
This study aims to examine the impact of affective states and affective shifts on ideation and evaluation of creativity. Affects were induced by a two‐stage imagination procedure of recalling autobiographical experiences. Three periods of divergent thinking were measured to represent the participants’ creative ideation at different times. Creative evaluation was measured by estimating the originality of each response provided by the participants. The results indicate that (a) during the initial period of ideation, groups with positive affect obtain better creative ideation than the groups with neutral or negative affect. (b) The ideation in positive affect groups gradually decreases over time, while the ideation in negative affect groups gradually increases over time. (c) During the evaluation of originality, groups with negative affect have a higher proportion of over‐estimates and a lower proportion of under‐estimates than groups with positive affect. The viewpoints of cognitive tuning theory, which posit that the affective state influences creativity, are supported.  相似文献   
Information stored in the memory systems can affect visual search. Previous studies have shown that holding the to-be-ignored features of distractors in working memory (WM) could accelerate target selection. However, such facilitation effect was only observed when the cued to-be-ignored features remained unchanged within an experimental block (i.e., the fixed cue condition). No search benefit was obtained if the to-be-ignored features varied from trial to trial (i.e., the varied cue condition). In the present study, we conducted three behavioral experiments to investigate whether the WM and long-term memory (LTM) representations of the to-be-ignored features could facilitate visual search in the fixed cue (Experiment 1) and varied cue (Experiments 2 and 3) conditions. Given the importance of the processing time of cognitive control in distractor suppression, we divided visual search trials into five quintiles based on their reaction times (RTs) and examined the temporal characteristics of the suppression effect. Results showed that both the WM and LTM representations of the to-be-ignored features could facilitate distractor suppression in the fixed cue condition, and the facilitation effects were evident across the quintiles in the RT distribution. However, in the varied cue condition, the RT benefits of the WM-matched distractors occurred only in the trials with the longest RTs, whereas no advantage of the LTM-matched distractors was observed. These results suggest that the effective WM-guided distractor suppression depends on the availability of cognitive control and the LTM-guided suppression occurs only if sufficient WM resource is accessible by LTM reactivation.  相似文献   
三叉神经痛药物治疗的循证医学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原发性三叉神经痛是一种严重的颌面部神经疼痛,其病因未明,目前的主要治疗措施是通过各种药物进行控制,但很多药物存在副作用、长期使用疗效降低等问题。本文应用循证医学思想,通过检索和评价国内外文献,综合高质量的临床研究结论,为三叉神经痛的药物治疗提供循证医学证据。  相似文献   
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