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LA REVANCHE DE DIEU. By Gilles Kepel. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1991. 283pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 2–02–012929–9.

DEFENDERS OF GOD: THE FUNDAMENTALIST REVOLT AGAINST THE MODERN AGE. By Bruce B. Lawrence. London: I.B. Tauris, 1990. 306pp. Hb. n.p. ISBN 1–85043–288–0.

ISLAM AND THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD. By G.W. Choudhury. London: Indus Thames Publishers Ltd., 1990. 227pp. Hb. £15.00. ISBN 1–85555–000–8.

TOWARDS UNDERSTANDING THE QUR'AN. VOL.III, SURAHS 7–9. By Sayyid Abul a'la Mawdudi. Translated and edited by Zafar Ishaq Ansari. Leicester: The Islamic Foundation, 1990/1411. 328pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 0–86037–205–7.

AL‐GHAZALI: INVOCATIONS AND SUPPLICATIONS: KITAB AL‐ADHKAR WA'L‐DA'AWAT: BOOK IX OF THE REVIVAL OF THE RELIGIOUS SCIENCES: IHYA’ ‘ULUM AL‐DIN. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by K. Nakamura. Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1990. 131pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 0–946621–14–4.

TODAY'S PROBLEMS, TOMORROW'S SOLUTIONS: THE FUTURE STRUCTURE OF MUSLIM SOCIETIES. By Abdullah Omar Naseef. London and New York: Mansell, 1988. 180pp. Hb. £30.00. ISBN 0–7201–1991‐X.

AN EARLY CRESCENT: THE FUTURE OF KNOWLEDGE AND THE ENVIRONMENT IN ISLAM. Edited by Ziauddin Sardar. London and New York: Mansell, 1989. 251pp. Hb. £30.00. ISBN 0–7201–2005–5.

BEYOND FRONTIERS: ISLAM AND CONTEMPORAY NEEDS. Edited by Merryl Wyn Davies and Adnan Khalil Pasha. London and New York: Mansell, 1989. 216pp. Hb. £30.00. ISBN 0–7201–2039‐X.

AL‐KASIM B. IBRAHIM ON THE PROOF OF GOD'S EXISTENCE: KITA AL‐DALI AL‐KABIR. Edited by Binyamin Abrahamov. Islamic Philosophy and Theology Series, Vol.V. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1990. 201pp. Hb. DFL110.00 US$55.00. ISBN 90–04–08985–3.

ISLAM AND THE CULTURAL ACCOMMODATION OF SOCIAL CHANGE. By Bassam Tibi. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. 1990. 272pp. Hb. £24.95. ISBN 0–8133–0917–4.

BAHA’ I WALAD: GRUNDZÜGE SEINES LEBENS UND SEINER MYSTIK. By FRITZ MEIER. Acta Iranica. Textes et Mémoires, vol.14. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1989. 484pp. Hb. DF200, US$100. ISBN 90–6831–094–1.

IBN RUSHD (AVERROES). By Dominique Urvoy. Arabic Thought and Culture Series. London: Routledge, 1991. 156pp. Pb. £10.99. ISBN 0–415–05567–9.

ISLAM: THE FEAR AND THE HOPE. By Habib Boulares. London: Zed Books, 1990. 144pp. Pb. £8.95; $15.00. ISBN 0–86232–945–0.

IBN KHALDUN. By Aziz al‐Azmeh. London: Routledge, 1990. 176pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 0–415–03598–8.



ZANZIBAR UNDER COLONIAL RULE. Edited by Abdul Sheriff and ed Ferguson. Eastern African Studies: London: James Curry, 1991. 278pp. Pb. £9.95. ISBN 0–85255–080–4.

ISLAM ET SOCIETES AU SUD DU SAHARA. Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris. No.4, November 1990. ISSN 0084–7685.

TURABI'S REVOLUTION: ISLAM AND POWER IN SUDAN. By Abdelwahab el‐Affendi. London: Grey Seal Books, 1991. xvi + 209pp. Hb. n.p. ISBN 1–85640–004–2.

FAITH OF OUR FATHERS: STUDIES ON RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN SUB‐SAHARAN AFRICA. By Gerrie Ter Haar. Utrecht: Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1990. 173pp. Pb. DFI. 10.00. ISBN 90–72235–13–4.

THE GUNNY SACK: AFRICA'S ANSWER TO ‘MIDNIGHT'S CHILDREN’. By M.G. Vassanji. Oxford: Heinemann International, 1989. 276pp. Pb. £4.95; $7.95. ISBN 0–435–90544–9.

NAVIGATION OF A RAINMAKER: AN APOCALYPTIC VISION OF WAR‐TORN AFRICA. By Jamal Mahjoub. Oxford: Heinemann International, 1989. 184pp. Pb. £4.95; $7.95. ISBN 0–435–90560–0.


MUSLIM WOMEN IN INDIA: POLITICAL AND PRIVATE REALITIES. By SHAHIDA Lateef. London: Zed books, 1990. 238pp. Pb. £10.95; $16.95. ISBN 0–86232–955–8.

THE GIFT OF A VIRGIN: WOMEN, MARRIAGE AND RITUAL IN A BENGALI SOCIETY. By Lina M. Fruzzetti. Oxford: OUP, 1990. 178pp. Pb. £3.95. ISBN 0–19–56200–1.

SAINTS, GODDESSES AND KINGS: MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS IN SOUTH INDIAN SOCIETY, 1700–1900. By Susan Bayly. Cambridge: CUP, 1989. 502pp. Hb. £40.00. US$59.50. ISBN 0–521–37201–1.


ISLAM IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEXTBOOKS IN EUROPE. By Abdoldjavad Falaturi. Köln: Islamische Wissenschaftliche Akademie, 1990. 106pp. Pb. n.p. IBN 3–89108–005–0.

MUSLIM THOUGHTS FOR TEACHERS AND TEXTBOOKS AUTHORS. By Abdoldjavad Falaturi. Köln: Islamische Wissenschaftliche Akademie. 92pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 3–89108–006–9.

RELIGION, STATE AND SOCIETY IN MODERN BRITAIN. Edited by Paul Badham. Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1989. 401pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 0–88946–832‐X.

POLITICAL PARTIES AND DEMOCRACY IN TURKEY. Edited by Metin Hepper and Jacob m. Landau. London & New York: Tauris, 1991. 225pp. Hb. £29.95. ISBN 1–85043–300–3.

EGYPT AND THE CRISIS OF ISLAM. By Zahia Ragheb Dajani. American University Studies, Series IX, History, Vol.56. New York: Peter Lang, 1990. ix + 255pp. Hb. £29.00. ISBN 0–8204–1060–8.

ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM IN EGYPTIAN POLITICS. By Barry Rubin. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990. 178pp. Hb. £35.00.0 ISBN 0–333–54374–2.

SADAT AND AFTER: STRUGGLES FOR EGYPT'S POLITICAL SOUL. By Raymond William Baker. London: Tauris, 1990. 365pp. Pb. £26.50. ISBN 1–85043–216–3.

A HISTORY OF THE ARAB PEOPLES. By Albert Hourani. London: Faber and Faber Ltd., 1991. 551pp. Hb. £25.00. ISBN 0–571–13378–9.

TANZIMAT AL‐AHWAL AL‐SHAKSIYYA (PERSONAL STATUS LAW). Limassol: Middle East Council of Churches, 1990.394pp. Pb. n.p. (Arabic).

CAIRO UNIVERSITY AND THE MAKING OF MODERN EGYPT. By Donald Malcolm Reid. Cambridge: CUP, 1990. 296pp. Hb. £32.50; US$54.50. ISBN 0–521–36641–0.

EGYPT UNDER MUBARAK. Edited by CHARLES Tripp and ROGER OWEN. London: Routledge, 1989. 191pp. Hb. £35.00. ISBN 0–415–03887–1.

CITIZENS APART: A PORTRAIT OF THE PALESTINIANS IN ISRAEL. By Amina Minns and Nadia Hijab. London: I.B. Tauris, 1990. 210pp. Hb. n.p. ISBN 1–85043–204‐X.

RELIGIOUS RADICALISM AND POLITICS IN THE MIDDLE EAST. By Emmanuel Sivan and Menachem Friedman. New York: State University of New York Press, 1990. 244pp. P.b. $16.95. ISBN 2–7914–0158–8. (Hb), 0–7914–0159–6 (Pb).

VILLES AU LEVANT: HOMMAGE A ANDRE RAYMOND. Edited by Pierre‐Robert Baduel. Revue du Monde Musulman et de la Méditer‐ranée, no.55/56. Aix‐en‐Provence: Edisud, 1990. 307pp. Pb. FF.160.00. ISBN 2–85744–471–0.

THE NEAR EAST SINCE THE FIRST WORLD WAR. By M.E. Yapp. London and New York: Longman, 1991. 526pp. Pb. £14.95. ISBN 0–582–49499–0.


KUWAIT AND IRAQ: HISTORICAL CLAIMS AND TERRITORIAL DISPUTES. By Richard Schofield. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1991. 134pp. + annexes. Pb. £7.50 + postage. ISBN 0–905031–35–0.

HISTORY AND POLITICS IN ELEVENTH‐CENTURY BAGHDAD. By George Makdisi. Aldershot: Variorum, 1990. I‐IX + addenda and index. Hb. £42.50. ISBN 0–86078–289–1.

EGYPT: MOULIDS, SAINTS, SUFIS. By Nicholaas H. Biegman. London: Kegan Paul International, 1991. 175pp. Hb. £25.00. ISBN 0–7103–0415–3.

AN A TO Z OF THE MIDDLE EAST. By Alain Gresh and Dominique Vidal. London: Zed Books, 1990. 262 pp. Pb. £9.95; $15.00. ISBN 0–86232–881–0.

MY JERUSALEM: TWELVE WALKS IN THE WORLD'S HOLIEST CITY. By Teddy Kollek and Shulamith Eisner. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1990. 160pp. Hb. £14.95. ISBN 0–297–79697–6.


EARLY EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY FROM ITS ORIGINS TO 451 C.E. By C.W. GRIGGS. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1990. 276pp. Hb. DFI.140; U.S.$70. ISBN 90–04–09159–9.

COPTS AND MUSLIMS IN EGYPT: A STUDY ON HARMONY AND HOSTILITY. By S.M. Solihin. Leicester: The Islamic Foundation, 1991. 120pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 0–86037–207–3.

MY NEIGHBOUR IS MUSLIM. A HANDBOOK FOR REFORMED CHURCHES. Edited by John Knox International Reformed Centre, Geneva. Geneva: John Knox International Reformed Centre, 1990. 112pp. Pb. Sfr.10.00, DM12.00, $8.00, FF40.00.

ENCOUNTER BETWEEN CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS. Edited by Evangelisches Missionswerk, EMW. Offprint from Mission Studies. Vol. VIII 1, 15, 1991. 48pp.

ISLAMIC SPAIN 1250–1500. By L.P. Harvey. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990; 369pp. Pb. £31.95, US$45.95. ISBN 0–226–31960–1.

MUSLIMS UNDER LATIN RULE 1100–1300. Edited by James M. Powell. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990. 221pp. Hb. £29.95. ISBN 0–691–05586–6.

GOTTES IST DER ORIENT, GOTTES IST DER OKZIDENT: FESTSCHRIFT FÜR ABDOLJAVAD FALATURI ZUM 65. GEBURT‐STAG. Hrsg. Udo Tworuschka. Kölner Veröffentlichungen zur Religionsgeschichte. Bd. 21. Köln, Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1991. 650pp. Hb. n.p. ISBN 3–412–03790–7.  相似文献   

Self-transcendent emotions are positive emotions that arise out of other-focused appraisals. These emotions shift attention from the self to the needs and concerns of others. Limited work, however, focuses on self-transcendent emotions and the underlying cognitive and behavioural mechanisms by which they benefit organizations. We review the disparate streams of research on self-transcendent emotions and detail the thought-action repertoires of four self-transcendent emotions (compassion, gratitude, inspiration, and awe), explaining how each contributes to effective organizational functioning. Central to achieving this aim is the broaden-and-build theory. We show how the four self-transcendent emotions broaden cognitive processes and build the necessary resources leading to specific positive organizational outcomes. We conclude our review with four themes: (a) the importance of delineating levels of analysis in self-transcendent emotion research, (b) acknowledging contextual and cross-cultural differences shaping the experience of self-transcendent emotions, (c) addressing measurement concerns, and (d) the examination of other self-transcendent emotions. In effect, we synthesize the positive psychology and organizational behaviour literature, generating a framework that prompts theoretical and practical considerations for the role of self-transcendent emotions in organizations.  相似文献   

Allocating access to unapproved COVID-19 drugs available via Pre-Approval Access pathways or Emergency Use Authorization raises unique challenges at the intersection of clinical care and research. In conditions of scarcity, prioritization approaches should minimize harm, maximize benefit, and promote fairness. To promote continued data collection, patients seeking access to unproven COVID-19 drugs should receive lower priority for allocation when they decline to participate in clinical trials, either of the requested drug or other investigational products, offering a comparable balance of risks and benefits; special attention should be paid to concerns of voluntariness and distrust. In addition, institutional treatment protocols that can contribute more robust real world data should be preferred to single patient requests for access, with priority for inclusion based on traditional clinical allocation criteria relying on available evidence. Fairness demands distribution of these protocols across a diverse range of sites, particularly those serving marginalized populations, among other protections.  相似文献   
Five studies examined whether, in self-control dilemmas, individuals develop an implicit disposition to approach goals and avoid temptations, psychologically as well as physically. Using a method developed by A. K. Solarz (1960; see also K. L. Duckworth, J. A. Bargh, M. Garcia, & S. Chaiken, 2002), the authors assessed the time for pulling and pushing a lever in response to goal- and temptation-related stimuli (e.g., studying and partying). The results show that individuals offset the influence of tempting activities by automatically avoiding these stimuli (faster pushing responses) and by approaching stimuli related to an overarching goal (faster pulling responses). These implicit self-control dispositions varied as a function of the magnitude of the self-control conflict, itself defined by how strongly individuals were attracted to temptations and held the longer term goal. These dispositions were further shown to play a role in successful self-control.  相似文献   
The current experiment examined whether adjusting-amount and adjusting-delay procedures provide equivalent measures of discounting. Pigeons' discounting on the two procedures was compared using a within-subject yoking technique in which the indifference point (number of pellets or time until reinforcement) obtained with one procedure determined the value of the corresponding variable in the yoked condition with the other procedure. Behavior on each procedure was well described by a hyperbolic discounting function. Results revealed no systematic differences in the degree of discounting as measured by the discounting rate parameter of the hyperbola in Experiment 1, which used 20-mg pellets. These results were replicated in Experiment 2 using smaller, 14-mg pellets, which potentially yield more precise measurement of indifference points on the adjusting-amount procedure. The finding that estimates of the k parameter in the hyperbolic discounting function obtained with one procedure did not differ systematically from estimates obtained from the same subjects with the other procedure represents strong support for the hypothesis that the same process underlies the discounting of delayed rewards on both adjusting-amount and adjusting-delay procedures.  相似文献   
In his influential paper, ‘Why Was the Logic of Discovery Abandoned?’, Laudan contends that there has been no philosophical rationale for a logic of discovery since the emergence of consequentialism in the 19th century. It is the purpose of this paper to show that consequentialism does not involve the rejection of all types of logic of discovery. Laudan goes too far in his interpretation of the historical shift from generativism to consequentialism, and his claim that the context of pursuit belongs to neither discovery nor justification is based on narrow interpretations of the contexts of discovery and justification. As a result, Laudan draws unwarranted conclusions concerning both the early and contemporary defenders of a logic of discovery. A methodological logic of discovery—which involves self‐corrective methods of hypothesis generation that promote the long‐term goals of science and which require consequential support for justification—is a type of logic of discovery that survives the shift to consequentialism.  相似文献   
This study describes the relationships of smoking behavior among a sample of male college students in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to their religious practice, parents’ smoking behaviors and attitudes, peers’ smoking behaviors and attitudes, and knowledge about the dangers of smoking. A 49-item questionnaire was developed and pilot tested in KSA. This questionnaire was completed during the academic year 2013 by 715 undergraduate male students at the King Saud University in Riyadh. 29.8 % of the students were smokers (13.8 % cigarette smokers, 7.3 % sheesha smokers, and 27 % cigarette and sheesha smokers). Students in the College of Education were much more likely to be smokers than the students in the College of Science. The differences between the College of Education and the College of Science was statistically significant (χ2 = 16.864. df = 1, p = .001). Logistic regression analysis suggested that students who were more faithful in their practice of Islam were 15 % less likely to smoke. Students who were more knowledgeable about the dangers of smoking were 8 % less likely to smoke. The logistic analysis identified peers (friends) as the most powerful factor in predicting smoking. The four-factor model had an overall classification accuracy of 78 %. The need to understand more fully the dynamics of peer relations among Saudi Arabian males as a basis for developing tobacco education/prevention programs. Prevention programs will need to include education and changes in the college level or earlier in KSA.  相似文献   
Family environmental factors have been implicated in the development of delinquency and adolescent psychiatric disorders. We examined the association between psychiatric disorders and family environmental factors among female juvenile detainees. A hundred female juvenile detainees in a Malaysian rehabilitation center (12–17 years-old) were assessed using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Child and Adolescent and the Family Environment Scale. Majority of participants (56 %) had a psychiatric disorder, the commonest being Disruptive Behavior Disorders (40 %) and Depressive Disorders (30 %). Multivariate analysis found younger age (OR 0.52; 95 % CI 0.29, 0.94), older maternal age (OR 1.15; 95 % CI 1.03, 1.28), family history of crime (OR 7.19; 95 % CI 1.05, 49.43), family environment i.e. achievement orientation (OR 1.11; 95 % CI 1.02, 1.20) and control (OR 1.12; 95 % CI 1.03, 1.22) as significant factors for psychiatric disorder. This study demonstrated the role of age (younger adolescent and older mother), family history of crime and family environment beyond socio-economic status in psychiatric morbidity among female juvenile detainees. Future larger studies are needed to clarify familial-genetic factors that may impact strategies for family-centric mental health interventions.  相似文献   
In two experiments, we explored whether anecdotal stories influenced how individuals reasoned when evaluating scientific news articles. We additionally considered the role of education level and thinking dispositions on reasoning. Participants evaluated eight scientific news articles that drew questionable interpretations from the evidence. Overall, anecdotal stories decreased the ability to reason scientifically even when controlling for education level and thinking dispositions. Additionally, we found that article length was related to participants' ratings of the news articles. Our study demonstrates that anecdotes can discourage scientific reasoning while also pointing to the potential influence of article length on judgements of quality.  相似文献   
Persistent intense yearning for the deceased is a core clinical feature of complicated grief (CG) that distinguishes it from other mental disorders that develop following loss. The Yearning in Situations of Loss Scale (YSL) is a recently developed assessment of yearning. To assess the psychometric properties of the YSL in those with CG, we administered the YSL, Inventory of Complicated Grief, and Quick Inventory of Depression Symptomatology to 303 treatment-seeking bereaved adults with CG. Our results suggest the YSL is a reliable assessment with acceptable convergent and discriminant validity as a measure of yearning in those with CG.  相似文献   
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