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Recently, a series of experiments demonstrated that direct stimulation of the olfactory system by means of an odor inhaler targets brain areas associated with stress reduction and pain relief. This paper follows up on these findings and investigates whether such effects can also be found for inhalers specially designed to increase attention and concentration. In a three‐armed, randomized, controlled experiment participants' cognitive ability to discriminate between similar visual stimuli was tested either with or without the use of an odor inhaler. Concentration, visual scanning speed, and accuracy were assessed to gauge differential effects. Both odor inhalers outperformed the control condition where no odor was used. The effects were large and showed in all parameters. The direct application of specially designed essential oil compositions enhances attention and concentration when used during short‐term breaks in a stressful and attention‐demanding cognitive task.Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Implicit biases can foster negative attitudes and lead to damaging stereotypical behaviors. Stereotypes can negatively affect the education, hiring, promotion, and retention of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This study evaluated the impact of diversity training on university faculty ( \(N = 234\) ) by assessing changes in implicit associations and explicit attitudes toward women in STEM. Personal implicit associations about women in STEM improved for men, but not for women who already tended toward more positive implicit associations at pre-test. Men were more likely than women to explicitly endorse stereotypes about women in STEM at both pre- and post-test, and these attitudes did not change as a result of the diversity training. These findings suggest that participation in a brief diversity training can improve implicit associations about women in STEM.  相似文献   
The recent introduction of clinically available next generation sequencing (NGS) cancer panels has presented new challenges for genetic counselors. Determining which patients are appropriate for NGS panel testing is complex. Due to the large number of genes included in the NGS panels, thorough and appropriate pre-test counseling and interpretation of NGS results can be a time-consuming and difficult process. Many of the genes associated with increased cancer risk lack published clinical management guidelines and estimates of cancer risk for individuals with deleterious mutations. In order to efficiently and effectively review the clinical utility of NGS panels, Colorado cancer genetic counselors formed a working group to gain a better understanding of the genes included in NGS cancer panels. This publication reports on the approach of this group, the process used to evaluate a selected NGS panel, future directions for this collaboration, and ideas for other genetic counselors to form similar groups to efficiently evaluate new technologies and improve practice.  相似文献   
One explanation for the dearth of women in elected office is that voters stereotype candidates based on their gender. Research in this vein often assumes that female candidates will be stereotyped similarly to women (e.g., as compassionate) and measures stereotypes as such. We question this assumption, proposing instead that female politicians constitute a subtype—a new stereotypical category with its own qualities—of the broader group of women. We compare the content of female politician stereotypes to other relevant comparison groups including politicians, male politicians, and female professionals. Using a classic methodology to determine stereotype content (Katz & Braly, 1933), we find that female politicians do not share the qualities that are ascribed to women (e.g., warm, empathetic). Our results show that female politicians seem to be “losing” on male stereotypical qualities while also not having any advantage on qualities typical of women. The content of female politician stereotypes is nebulous and lacks clarity in comparison to all other groups examined. We discuss implications for the future measurement of politician stereotypes.  相似文献   
Diagnostic approaches in psychotherapy are accompanied by a continuous and unchanged discussion concerning fundamental questions. Because of its many functions diagnostics in psychotherapy has to take psychiatric, psychological, orientation-specific models and methods of assessment into consideration. Following the publication of the fifth edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) the increasing danger of a further increase in the number of psychiatric disorders is evident. In this article the principles of current psychiatric diagnostics and psychodynamic psychotherapy are presented and discussed. Furthermore, the dangers associated with the increased medicalization and over-diagnosis are highlighted. Against this background consideration is given to the risks for patients and societal aspects.  相似文献   
Advances in technology and the promise of personalized health care are driving greater use of genome sequencing (GS) for a variety of clinical scenarios. As health systems consider adopting GS, they need to understand the impact of GS on the organization and cost of care. While research has documented a dramatic decrease in the cost of sequencing and interpreting GS, few studies have examined how GS impacts genetic counseling workloads. This study examined the time needed to provide genetic counseling for GS in the context of preconception carrier screening. Genetic counselors prospectively reported on the time spent in the results disclosure process with 107 study participants who were part of the NextGen study. We found that the median time for results disclosure was 64 min (ranged from 5 to 229 min). Preparation work was the most time-consuming activity. Qualitative data from journal entries, debrief interviews with genetic counselors, and detailed case conference notes provided information on factors influencing time for results disclosure and implications for practice. Results suggest that expanded carrier screening could require significant increases in genetic counseling time, unless we are able to generate new resources to reduce preparation work or develop other strategies such as the creation of new models to deliver this type of service.  相似文献   
Conflicting recommendations exist in the literature regarding the optimal order of stimulus presentation when teaching auditory–visual conditional discriminations. The present study examined the generality of a previously demonstrated advantage of presenting the auditory sample before visual comparisons (sample‐first condition) over the reverse sequence (comparison‐first condition). Participants were four typically developing 5‐ and 6‐year‐old boys. The procedures of Petursdottir and Aguilar (2016) were systematically replicated with the addition of a prompted error correction trial following each incorrect response. Overall, there were more instances of quicker mastery in the sample‐first condition (four of seven evaluations) than in the comparison‐first condition (two of seven evaluations). A comparison‐first advantage was associated with slower acquisition in both conditions than in the remaining evaluations, and an analysis of stimulus and position bias yielded tentative evidence for unwanted sources of stimulus control.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung   Anhand der Erz?hlung Ein altes Blatt und des Films Easy Rider wird die Ambivalenz gegenüber Fremdem aufgezeigt: Liebe (Xenophilie) und Hass (Xenophobie) markieren die beiden Pole. Es geht dann um die Entwicklung eines psychoanalytischen Begriffs des allt?glich-lebensweltlichen Selbstseins, der diese Ambivalenz abbildet. Dazu wird das Konzept der Identit?t herangezogen. über Eriksons Verst?ndnis hinausgehend wird Identit?t nicht nur von ihrer Leistungsseite her gesehen, der Schaffung einer einigerma?en als geordnet und sinnhaft erfahrenen Welt (Positivit?t der Identit?t). Diese Leistung wird zugleich als Abwehr verstanden, wobei das Abgewehrte als der Identit?t ebenfalls zugeh?rig betrachtet wird (Negativit?t der Identit?t). Identit?t ist durch eine konflikthafte Dynamik von Selbsterhaltung und Selbstaufhebung gepr?gt. Im allt?glich-lebensweltlichen Kontext dominiert die Selbsterhaltungstendenz. In der Ambivalenz gegenüber Fremdem spiegelt sich die Dynamik von Selbsterhaltung (Ablehnung) und Selbstaufhebung (Anziehung). Genauer noch ist die Anziehung durch das Fremde als M?glichkeit zu verstehen, das Last- und Zwanghafte der Identit?tspositivit?t zu ver?ndern, d. h. ein Anderer werden zu k?nnen. Auf der Grundlage dieser überlegungen werden zwei Aspekte der Identit?t in der Postmoderne dargestellt: die Entwicklung einer adoleszent anmutenden Identit?tsstruktur und die Bedeutung der enormen Fülle von Fremdem, die die Globalisierung mit sich bringt. Ein Fallbeispiel zeigt, wie sich eine Angstsymptomatik als Ausdruck eines Identit?tswiderstands gegen die durchgreifende ?konomisierung der Arbeitsumgebung verstehen l?sst. Das klinische Material macht deutlich, dass die vorangehenden überlegungen auch für den klinischen Diskurs von Relevanz sind.
Identity and ambivalence towards the stranger
Abstract   On the basis of the tale An Old Leaf and the movie Easy Rider, it will be shown that people have a deep-seated ambivalence towards what they recognize as extraneous to their own way of being. Xenophilia (attraction, love) and xenophobia (repulsion, hatred) are the two poles of the ambivalence. A psychoanalytic concept of being in one’s own everyday life-world in a way which comprehends the ambivalence of xenophilia and xenophobia is formulated. For this purpose the concept of personal identity is used. In contrast to Erikson identity is not restricted to its function of constituting an inner world for the subject, which is at least to a certain degree ordered and meaningful (positivity of identity). Rather, the positivity of identity is functioning defensively as well. What is fended off is not annihilated mentally, but it belongs to the subject’s identity (negativity of identity). Personal identity is thus conceptualized as a dynamic structure with two opposing forces, viz. identity-maintenance (mirrored in xenophobia), and identity-suspension (mirrored in xenophilia). In postmodernity the structure of identity resembles an adolescent one with the centre of identity shifting from the positivity of identity in the direction of its negativity. Due to processes of globalization there is a growing burden of influences on the subject’s identity that come from beyond the everyday life-world. Case material is presented that shows the clinical relevance of the ideas that have been developed. Severe symptoms of anxiety could be understood as an identity-maintaining resistance by opposing the transformation of the patient’s working conditions for the purpose of short-term economic goals only.

überarbeitete Fassung eines Vortrags, gehalten anl?sslich der DPG-Jahrestagung „Psychoanalyse in Zeiten der Globalisierung. Struktur und Identit?t im Wandel“, 22.–25. 5. 2008 in München  相似文献   
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