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When multiple stimulus-to-response (S-R) mappings are randomly intermixed and repeated in a block of trials, immediate repetitions of an aspect of a stimulus and/or a response can facilitate stimulus detection, classification, and/or response selection--known as sequential priming. In addition to these short-term effects, response times (RT) for almost any task diminish with extended practice, improvements can occur over many days, and RT learning curves typically assume exponential or power functions. We investigated whether short-term sequential priming and long-term practice modulate RT through a common mechanism, using a variant of the additive factors method. We tracked how various priming effects, presumably affecting different processing stages (e.g, stimulus selection, stimulus identification/classification, and S-R mapping), varied over training sessions as RT diminished. All the priming effects either were not reduced or reduced approximately linearly at rates much slower than those predicted by the shapes of the coresponding RT learning curves. The overall results suggest that short term sequential priming and long-term practice modulate RT through relatively separate mechanisms, even though they appear to affect a common set of behaviorally defined processing stages.  相似文献   
Previous research has suggested that implicit self-esteem might be universally positive. In the present study implicit self-esteem, as measured by the implicit association test (IAT), was found to be positive in both Japanese and Canadian participants. However, contrary to prior research, Japanese participants were found to have significantly lower implicit self-esteem than Canadians. Japanese participants also had lower scores on an exploratory measure of collective implicit self-esteem. In general, the results of the present study point to the complexities in the study of implicit self-esteem across cultures. Inconsistencies between the present and previous research might reflect divergent methodologies used in the IAT. The applicability of the IAT in a cross-cultural setting is discussed.  相似文献   
In this study, 114 Japanese observers (56 men and 58 women) rated the distinctiveness of 48 neutral faces and 48 smiling faces. Analysis showed smiling faces were rated as significantly more distinctive than neutral ones. Greater perceived distinctiveness provides an explanation for previous results that smiling faces are better remembered than faces with neutral expressions.  相似文献   
Remembering planned actions at the correct time in the future is an integral component of prospective cognition. Recent studies on future remembering have led to suggestions that prospective cognition might be based on past experience. To test this hypothesis, we focused on retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF), which usually indicates that remembering past events suppresses memory for related but different past events. The current study assessed RIF in two kinds of event-based prospective memory (PM) tasks using either focal or non-focal cues for ongoing tasks. Participants studied six members from each of eight taxonomic categories and then practiced recalling three of the six members from four of the eight categories using category-stem cues. This retrieval practice suppressed the detection of non-practiced members of the practiced categories during the PM task with non-focal cues (Experiment 1) but not with focal cues (Experiment 2). The results suggest that recall of certain items inhibits the function of the others as PM cues, but only if the PM task does not largely share its processing with the ongoing task.  相似文献   
Maintenance of stable central eye fixation is crucial for a variety of behavioral, electrophysiological, and neuroimaging experiments. Naive observers in these experiments are not typically accustomed to fixating, either requiring the use of cumbersome and costly eyetracking or producing confounds in results. We devised a flicker display that produced an easily detectable visual phenomenon whenever the eyes moved. A few minutes of training using this display dramatically improved the accuracy of eye fixation while observers performed a demanding spatial attention cuing task. The same amount of training using control displays did not produce significant fixation improvements, and some observers consistently made eye movements to the peripheral attention cue, contaminating the cuing effect. Our results indicate that (1) eye fixation can be rapidly improved in naive observers by providing real-time feedback about eye movements, and (2) our simple flicker technique provides an easy and effective method for providing this feedback. S. Suzuki, satoru@northwestern.edu  相似文献   
Effects of averageness and symmetry on the judgment of facial attractiveness were investigated using a generalized Procrustes method and multiple regression analyses. Participants (n = 114) rated attractiveness of 96 photographs of faces with neutral expressions. Through a generalized Procrustes method, the faces and their mirror-reversed versions were represented as points on a hyperplane. Both averageness and symmetry of each individual were defined as distances on the plane. A multiple regression analysis was performed to examine the effect of symmetry and averageness for each gender. For male faces, both symmetry and averageness affected attractiveness ratings positively , and there was no difference between the effects of averageness and symmetry. On the other hand, for female faces only averageness affected attractiveness, whereas symmetry did not. However, these effects were not large.  相似文献   
Observers viewed animation sequences consisting of random dots, some of which moved coherently in a given direction (signal dots) and the rest of which moved randomly (noise dots). Using forced-choice procedures, detectability of weak signals within noise was measured for translation, rotation, and expansion/contraction. Sensitivity to all motion types was approximately equal, with practiced observers reliably detecting coherent motion at signal levels as low as 4%. Observers were able to identify the motion structure presented on a given trial at signal levels corresponding to the detection threshold, implying that the neural signals supporting detection are labeled for motion type. Results are discussed in the context of hierarchical analysis of optic flow in which all motion types are registered as patterns of activity among neurons comprising a single mechanism.  相似文献   
Temporal expectation is a process by which people use temporally structured sensory information to explicitly or implicitly predict the onset and/or the duration of future events. Because timing plays a critical role in crossmodal interactions, we investigated how temporal expectation influenced auditory–visual interaction, using an auditory–visual crossmodal congruity effect as a measure of crossmodal interaction. For auditory identification, an incongruent visual stimulus produced stronger interference when the crossmodal stimulus was presented with an expected rather than an unexpected timing. In contrast, for visual identification, an incongruent auditory stimulus produced weaker interference when the crossmodal stimulus was presented with an expected rather than an unexpected timing. The fact that temporal expectation made visual distractors more potent and visual targets less susceptible to auditory interference suggests that temporal expectation increases the perceptual weight of visual signals.  相似文献   
In a series of experiments, we examine some effects of articulatory suppression in task switching. The results from Experiments 1a and 2a showed that switch costs in the articulatory suppression condition were larger than those in the control and tapping conditions when the switching cues were not provided. On the other hand, articulatory suppression did not have any effect on switch costs in Experiments 1b and 2b, where the switching cues were provided. In Experiment 3, using a computer-assisted experimentation, this pattern of data was replicated in a two-factor design with articulatory suppression and switching cues factors. The results indicate that a specific component in working memory, the phonological loop, might contribute to the performance in task switching, at least in situations where the external task cues were not available. The data reported here suggest that the phonological loop plays an important role in one of the executive control processes, and challenge the traditional idea that the slave systems are simply governed by the central executive in the working memory.  相似文献   
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