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Recent studies focus on the functional significance of a novel form of synaptic plasticity, low-frequency stimulation (LFS)-induced synaptic potentiation in the hippocampal CA1 area. In the present study, we elucidated dynamic changes in synaptic function in the CA1 field during extinction processes associated with context-dependent fear memory in freely moving rats, with a focus on LFS-induced synaptic plasticity. Synaptic transmission in the CA1 field was transiently depressed during each extinction trial, but synaptic efficacy was gradually enhanced by repeated extinction trials, accompanied by decreases in freezing. On the day following the extinction training, synaptic transmission did not show further changes during extinction retrieval, suggesting that the hippocampal synaptic transmission that underlies extinction processes changes in a phase-dependent manner. The synaptic potentiation produced by extinction training was mimicked by synaptic changes induced by LFS (0.5 Hz) in the group that previously received footshock conditioning. Furthermore, the expression of freezing during re-exposure to footshock box was significantly reduced in the LFS application group in a manner similar to the extinction group. These results suggest that LFS-induced synaptic plasticity may be associated with the extinction processes that underlie context-dependent fear memory. This hypothesis was supported by the fact that synaptic potentiation induced by extinction training did not occur in a juvenile stress model that exhibited extinction deficits. Given the similarity between these electrophysiological and behavioral data, LFS-induced synaptic plasticity may be related to extinction learning, with some aspects of neuronal oscillations, during the acquisition and/or consolidation of extinction memory.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the limits of semantic processing without awareness, during continuous flash suppression (CFS). We used compound remote associate word problems, in which three seemingly unrelated words (e.g., pine, crab, sauce) form a common compound with a single solution word (e.g., apple). During the first 3 s of each trial, the three problem words or three irrelevant words (control condition) were suppressed from awareness, using CFS. The words then became visible, and participants attempted to solve the word problem. Once the participants solved the problem, they indicated whether they had solved it by insight or analytically. Overall, the compound remote associate word problems were solved significantly faster after the problem words, as compared with irrelevant words, were presented during the suppression period. However this facilitation occurred only when people solved with analysis, not with insight. These results demonstrate that semantic processing, but not necessarily semantic integration, may occur without awareness.  相似文献   
People can use temporally structured sensory information to anticipate future events. Temporal information can be presented implicitly through probability manipulation without participants’ awareness of the manipulation, or explicitly conveyed through instructions. We examined how implicit and explicit temporal information established temporal expectations that influenced choice response times and response conflict (measured as flanker effects). We implicitly manipulated temporal structure by block-wise varying the likely timing of a target. In the short-interval block, a target was presented frequently (80 % of trials) after a short (400 ms) cue-to-target interval and infrequently (20 % of trials) after a long (1200 ms) interval; the probability assignment was reversed in the long-interval block. Building on this baseline condition (Experiment 1), we augmented the temporal information by filling the cue-to-target intervals with tones (Experiment 2), explicitly informed participants of the prevalent time interval (Experiment 3) and provided trial-by-trial reminders of the prevalent time interval (Experiment 4). The temporal probability manipulation alone (of which participants were unaware) influenced choice response times but only when the temporal information was augmented with tones, whereas providing the explicit knowledge of the temporal manipulation, with or without trial-by-trial reminders, robustly influenced choice response times. Response conflict was unaffected by these conditions. These results suggest that temporal expectation can be established by the implicit learning of a temporal structure given that sufficiently strong temporal information is presented as well as by the explicit knowledge of the temporal structure. This established temporal expectation influences choice response times without necessarily affecting the strength of response conflict.  相似文献   
Visual pattern processing becomes increasingly complex along the ventral pathway, from the low-level coding of local orientation in the primary visual cortex to the high-level coding of face identity in temporal visual areas. Previous research using pattern aftereffects as a psychophysical tool to measure activation of adaptive feature coding has suggested that awareness is relatively unimportant for the coding of orientation, but awareness is crucial for the coding of face identity. We investigated where along the ventral visual pathway awareness becomes crucial for pattern coding. Monoptic masking, which interferes with neural spiking activity in low-level processing while preserving awareness of the adaptor, eliminated open-curvature aftereffects but preserved closed-curvature aftereffects. In contrast, dichoptic masking, which spares spiking activity in low-level processing while wiping out awareness, preserved open-curvature aftereffects but eliminated closed-curvature aftereffects. This double dissociation suggests that adaptive coding of open and closed curvatures straddles the divide between weakly and strongly awareness-dependent pattern coding.  相似文献   
When you are looking for an object, does hearing its characteristic sound make you find it more quickly? Our recent results supported this possibility by demonstrating that when a cat target, for example, was presented among other objects, a simultaneously presented “meow” sound (containing no spatial information) reduced the manual response time for visual localization of the target. To extend these results, we determined how rapidly an object-specific auditory signal can facilitate target detection in visual search. On each trial, participants fixated a specified target object as quickly as possible. The target’s characteristic sound speeded the saccadic search time within 215–220 msec and also guided the initial saccade toward the target, compared with presentation of a distractor’s sound or with no sound. These results suggest that object-based auditory—visual interactions rapidly increase the target object’s salience in visual search.  相似文献   
In a natural environment, objects that we look for often make characteristic sounds. A hiding cat may meow, or the keys in the cluttered drawer may jingle when moved. Using a visual search paradigm, we demonstrated that characteristic sounds facilitated visual localization of objects, even when the sounds carried no location information. For example, finding a cat was faster when participants heard a meow sound. In contrast, sounds had no effect when participants searched for names rather than pictures of objects. For example, hearing “meow” did not facilitate localization of the word cat. These results suggest that characteristic sounds cross-modally enhance visual (rather than conceptual) processing of the corresponding objects. Our behavioral demonstration of object-based cross-modal enhancement complements the extensive literature on space-based cross-modal interactions. When looking for your keys next time, you might want to play jingling sounds.  相似文献   
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of quality-contingent pay systems on quantity and quality. Three computer science students were paid to create simple computer programs across 25 sessions. A multiple-baseline across subjects design was used to compare the effects of three kinds of pay systems; pay-for-hour, pay-for-quantity, and pay-for-quality systems. The quantity was higher when pay was based on the quantity of the programs produced, and the quality was highest when pay was based on the quality of the programs. The production cost including quality inspection costs was highest when pay was based on the time worked.  相似文献   
This study assessed whether verbal encoding and motoric encoding have different effects on the forgetting function for action sentences of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Subjects were 13 healthy elderly adults and 10 patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Three tasks were used: verbal tasks, subject-performed tasks, observed tasks. On the verbal tasks, subjects only heard the action sentences as read to them. On the subject-performed tasks, subjects heard, then performed each action sentence. On the observed tasks, subjects heard the action sentences read while observing the object mentioned in each action sentence. After presentation of each task, subjects conducted immediate and 30-min. delayed recall tests, and then a recognition test. Analysis indicated recall performance for subject-performed tasks was significantly better than that for verbal tasks and observed tasks at both immediate and delayed recall in each group. On the recognition test, carrying out the action had no effect, but for both groups recognition was enhanced by observing the object. Elderly adults performed significantly better than patients on all tasks of recall and recognition. However, the results indicate that patients with Alzheimer's disease can use multimodal resources from motoric encoding even if time passes.  相似文献   
We conducted three experiments using a list paradigm to examine how articulatory suppression and response-stimulus interval (RSI) manipulation affected task switching. Experiments 1 and 2 tested task-switching performance under a short and long RSI and three concurrent task conditions (control, articulatory suppression, and tapping) without external task cues. The results indicated that alternation had a greater effect under articulatory suppression than under the control and tapping conditions, and that articulatory suppression costs were unrelated to the RSI. In Experiment 3, an external task cue was provided with each stimulus, and the negative effect of articulatory suppression on alternation cost was eliminated. These results indicated that articulatory suppression effects did not differ between conditions of short and long RSI and that the availability of verbal representations of task information was independent of RSI length. This paper discussed the possible roles played by the phonological loop in task-switching paradigms.  相似文献   
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