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What motivates minority group members to support other minorities, rather than compete for resources? We tested whether inclusive victim consciousness —i.e., perceived similarities between the ingroup's and outgroups’ collective victimization—predicts support for other minority groups; and whether personal and family experiences of group‐based victimization moderate these effects. Study 1 was conducted among members of historically oppressed groups in India. As hypothesized, inclusive victim consciousness predicted support for refugees. Personal experiences of group‐based victimization moderated this effect. Conceptually replicating these findings, in Study 2 (among Vietnamese Americans, mostly second‐generation immigrants) inclusive victim consciousness predicted less hostility toward other refugees and immigrants, and greater perceived responsibility to help victims of collective violence. This effect was moderated by family experiences of victimization.  相似文献   
In this research, pre-adolescent children of two city schools were randomly assigned to three conditions of a systematic yoga intervention, a non-yogic intervention and a time lagged comparison group intervention. Three assessments at baseline, three months and six months were done on a sample of 178 school children of class fifth and sixth. The outcome variables were anthropometric, cognitive, personality variables and self reported class room behaviours. Various directional hypotheses based on review of literature were tested. In particular, to understand the short term and long term effects of yoga intervention on children, repeated measures analysis and discriminant function analysis was used, which is discussed in the present paper. Results reveal that the effect of yoga interventions emerge only at long term, where the yoga group is clearly ahead of the non-yogic and time -lagged group on a cluster of factors termed as “positive health”. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Voici un résumé et un compte rendu évaluatif du XXV Congrès International de Psychologie Appliquée (ICAP) qui s'est tenu du 7 au 12 juillet 2002 au Suntec Convention Center à Singapour. Ce sont au total 1659 personnes provenant de 66 pays qui se sont inscrites au Congrès. Le programme scientifique comprenait 54 communications de personnalités invitées, 884 propositions individuelles d'intervention orale ou de poster et 130 symposiums d'une demi-heure répartis dans 12 sessions parallèles. Différents critères peuvent être retenus pour évaluer le succés de cette recontre. Une première pour ce Congrès fut l'exploitation des nouvelles technologies dans la conception et al réalisation du programme scientifique par un comité international. Ce rapport examine les points où des améliorations seraient envisageables et conclut sur des recommendations dont les futurs Congrès pourront tirer profit.
This is a summary and evaluation report on the XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), held from 7 to 12 July 2002 at the Suntec Convention Center, Singapore. A total of 1,659 persons from 66 countries registered for the Congress. The scientific program included 54 invited addresses, 884 individual submissions for oral and poster presentations, and 130 1–2 hour symposia in 12 concurrent sessions. Various criteria are suggested as possible indexes to evaluate the success of the Congress. A first for this Congress was the harnessing of global electronic technology in the development and delivery of the Scientific Program by an international committee. The report details possible areas for improvement, and concludes with recommendations for future ICAP congresses.  相似文献   
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