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This study examined the relationship of parental education, race, and gender to sex-role stereotyping in five-year-old kindergartners. A significant effect for race and parental education level was noted. White children gave more stereotyped responses than did black children, and children whose parents were in the middle- and high-educational levels gave more stereotyped responses than did children whose parents were in the low-educational level. A significant interaction was also found between educational level of parents and race. White children tended to give more stereotyped responses as the educational level of their parents increased; this trend was not evident for black children. No significant differences in stereotyping were noted between the sexes.To whom requests for reprints or information concerning the Bardwell-Sietsema Sex Stereotype Scale should be addressed at Department of Elementary Education, East Texas State University, Commerce, Texas 75428.  相似文献   
Many conceptual, methodological, and clinical issues remain unresolved in the assessment of anxiety disorders. Despite the prevalence, incidence, chronicity, and severity of anxiety disorders, research efforts and funding have fallen behind with regard both to other disorders and to addressing critical issues in the field. The primary objective of this paper is to provide a scientific critique regarding a number of often ignored yet salient considerations in anxiety-disorders assessment. Critical analyses of and recommendations regarding the multidimensional nature of anxiety, comorbidity, uniformity myths, synchrony, normative comparisons, psychometric properties of measures, and treatment integrity are offered. Finally, promising areas of clinical research are presented to enhance further the current understanding of the complexities inherent in assessing anxiety disorders.Preparation of this paper was supported in part by NIMH Grant MH36299.  相似文献   
African Americans are at significantly greater risk of hypertension and worse cardiovascular outcomes than other racialized groups, yet hypertension intervention effects remain limited. Thus, it is necessary to understand the potential mechanisms whereby interventions may be more effectively targeted to improve health. Supported by prior research evidence and guided by the Biobehavioral Family Model, this study examined associations between family relationship quality, psychological wellbeing, and self-management behaviors for African Americans with hypertension. Data were pooled from three Midlife Development in the U.S. projects, resulting in a sample of 317 African Americans (63.4% female, Mage = 53.32) with self-reported high blood pressure in the past 12 months. We tested four cross-sectional multiple mediator models, with depressed mood and environmental mastery mediating associations between family strain and exercise, smoking, problematic alcohol use, and stress-eating. Environmental mastery mediated the association between greater family strain and decreased odds of achieving recommended exercise levels; greater odds of reporting problematic alcohol use; and greater stress-eating. Though family strain was associated with depressed mood in each model, this variable did not serve as an indirect pathway to self-management behaviors. Family strain, and the potential pathway identified via environmental mastery, may be a meaningful predictor of disease self-management for African Americans with hypertension. Longitudinal studies are needed to examine directionality and to support intervention trials for improving self-management and hypertension outcomes.  相似文献   
In this paper, I address human-induced environmental ills we face using an ubuntu-inspired ethical lens. I follow ubuntu scholars to stress the significance for moral agents to embody virtues. Virtue development is essential to carry out obligations and address human impacts on the environment. Thaddeus Metz, in particular, has drawn attention to how embodying ubuntu virtues of humility and friendliness can prompt moral agents to be other-regarding. The view I developed in this paper differs from his ubuntu-inspired account in at least two significant ways. First, humans cannot be in harmonious relationships with some species such as Black Mambas, Hyenas and sea urchins even if they can interact. Second, we must acknowledge the consequentialist dimension of ubuntu ethics and prioritise the different aspects of ubuntu ‘mixed’ ethics, ranking them to offer possibilities for a more realistic recommendation to change our moral life. This paper demonstrates that the three dimensions of ubuntu ‘mixed’ ethics are fundamental because we need to think about moral consequences, right action and our virtue in accounting for our actions.  相似文献   
Color, material, and finish (CMF) are essential to the competitiveness of industrial products. However, in the existing research on CMF from the consumer behavior perspective, there is an insufficient focus on finish, compared with that on color and material. Research on finish is limited to technical methods, and there is a lack of discussion about its impact on consumer purchasing behavior. This study examines the effect of cars' exterior design finish on purchase intention in Japan. The research question is, “does changing the quality of the finish by removing cut lines have a positive effect on purchase intention?” Two sets of images were used: normal images of car exteriors and images of car exteriors improved by removing cut lines. An online survey was conducted to explore the impact of a car's finish on consumers' purchase intentions in the Japanese market. The randomized controlled trial results showed that finish had a significant positive effect on purchase intention. This study analyzes the interaction of finish with consumer characteristics. A multiple regression model with interactions revealed that, among consumers who emphasize design, a higher finish quality prompted a greater positive influence on purchase intention. In design research, styling tends to attract significant attention. However, practitioners should not neglect efforts to improve finishing when manufacturing products. Companies that consider it impossible to convey to consumers the quality of products with delicate finishing need to change their mindset. These suggestions apply not only to the automotive industry but also to other durable consumer goods industries.  相似文献   
Disability is conceptualized using one of two major frameworks: the medical and the social model of disability. The medical model of disability describes disability as an individual issue in which the appropriate intervention is to remove the disability. The social model of disability describes disability as a social construction in which the appropriate intervention is societal change to increase accessibility. This study drew on models of disability to understand predictors of engagement in COVID-precautionary behavior prior to the vaccine to protect people with disabilities (PWD) from contracting COVID-19. Participants (n = 720) with and without disabilities (n = 77 and n = 633, respectively) completed an online questionnaire measuring disability beliefs, attitudes toward PWD, concerns about PWD contracting COVID-19, and engagement in behavior protecting PWD from contracting COVID-19. Medical model beliefs were negatively associated with behavior. In addition, negative attitudes toward PWD and low concern about PWD contracting COVID-19 fully accounted for the relationship. Social model beliefs were positively associated with behavior. In addition, positive attitudes toward PWD and greater concern about PWD contracting COVID-19 partially explained the relationship. These findings suggest that framing disability as a social construction rather than a medical issue could promote greater public health behavior to protect PWD from contracting COVID.  相似文献   
Summary Three dependent variables were derived from an extended Signal-Detection paradigm: memory performance, confidence level, and response-bias. In the assessment of memory items, S and 2 confederates were exposed periodically to fictitious results which implied inferiority or superiority of S. Memory performance was generally better in group situations than when the subject was alone. Within groups, inferiority motivated S to improve. Significant confidence differences between correct and false judgments and, if S judged falsely, a high susceptibility to cognitions about S's relative performance, led theoretically to a distinction between internal and external cues and to the assumption that S wished to avoid uncertainty. Response-bias was found to be independent of motivation and very close to expected stimulus occurrence. The reward/cost theory of Thibaut and Kelley accounts for the motivation engendered and is linked to some theoretical considerations about processing objectively classifiable stimuli in social context.
Zusammenfassung Aus einem erweiterten Signal-Detection-Paradigma wurden 3 abhängige Variablen abgeleitet: Gedächtnisleistung, Sicherheitsniveau und Response-bias. Bei der Beurteilung von Gedächtnisaufgaben wurden einer Vp und 2 Mitwissern des Vl von Zeit zu Zeit fiktive Ergebnisse gezeigt, die entweder Unterlegenheit oder Überlegenheit der Vp induzierten. Verglichen mit einer Alleinsituation stieg die Gedächtnisleistung allgemein in Gruppensituationen. Innerhalb von Gruppensituationen wurde die Vp durch Unterlegenheit motiviert, sich zu verbessern. Signifikante Unterschiede in der Sicherheit zwischen richtigen und falschen Urteilen und hohe Beeinflußbarkeit durch Kognitionen über den relativen Leistungsstand der Vp bei Fehlerurteilen führte theoretisch zu einer Unterscheidung zwischen innerem und äußerem Aufschluß und zu der Annahme, daß die Vp Unsicherheit vermeiden will. Der gefundene Response-bias war unabhängig von Motivation und sehr nahe bei der Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens der Reize. Die reward/cost Theorie von Thibaut und Kelley kann die erzeugte Motivation erklären und wird mit einigen theoretischen Überlegungen über die Verarbeitung objektiv definierbarer Reize im sozialen Kontext verknüpft.

This research was supported by research grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft allotted to the Sonderforschungsbereich 24 at the University of Mannheim, West Germany. We are grateful to Mary Madden, Pauline Sadler, and Jennifer S. Sentance for their cooperation on the English translation.

This article is partly based on a Diplom-thesis by the second author entitled Effekte von Überlegenheit und Unterlegenheit in Gruppen auf Gedächtnisleistung und Skalengebrauch.  相似文献   
Three dependent variables, derived from an extended Signal-Detection paradigma, were used in each of 3 experiments: memory performance, confidence-level, and response-bias. Each memory item was first judged by S and then fictitiously by 2 confederates providing different degrees of agreement and disagreement. As compared to agreement moderate disagreement yielded both better recognition performance and, if S's judgements were false, less confidence. Strong disagreement failed to repeat these findings. Balanced agreement/disagreement raised the level of both performance and confidence relative to a situation without information from the group. In all the experiments correct decisions yielded higher confidence than errors. Festinger's theory of social comparison processes accounts for all results in performance, but for explaining the confidence shifts assumptions on ‘internal cues’ should also be incorporated. The response-bias was not affected by social treatment differences, thus supporting the view of some Signal-Detection theorists. Proposals towards a general theory of stimulus processing in social context are outlined and some of its consequences are discussed by taking as examples some conformity experiments.  相似文献   
A semiautomatic version of the Wisconsin General Test Apparatus is described along with circuitry. Comparison data are provided for the semiautomatic and manual WGTA obtained under comparable procedures and conditions. Response latencies are given for go/no-go object discrimination problems and subsequent retention tests.  相似文献   
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