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孙五俊  姜媛  方平 《心理科学》2021,(1):230-236
摘 要 积极和消极情绪的同时体验,即混合情绪,是生活中常见的情绪状态。健康应对的共激活模型、情绪动态模型和积极比模型一致认为混合情绪与心理健康之间呈现非线性的关系,适当的混合情绪有利于个体在困境中全面加工和整合信息,寻求意义,获得控制感,进而实现健康应对和心理症状改善,获得幸福感。未来研究应关注对非线性关系的精确描述;低压力或非压力情境下混合情绪的意义;进一步研究混合情绪促进心理健康的内部机制和影响因素。  相似文献   
冥想是一种维持自我注意的身心调节技术,是缓解因压力所致的抑郁、焦虑等消极情绪的有效方法。端粒是维持染色体稳定和完整的DNA片段,大量有关冥想对端粒及端粒酶活性影响的研究阐明,通常情况下压力人群经过冥想训练能提高端粒长度并增加端粒酶活性,这种改变与压力缓解密切相关。这一积极效果主要得益于皮质醇和炎症等生物因素及心理和环境等非生物因素。未来可以通过对比不同冥想练习的效果、增加追踪研究、多学科联合及扩大样本等找到最有利于提高端粒长度和端粒酶活性的冥想方式。  相似文献   
书写是小学阶段书面语发展的重要目标之一,受到多种认知技能的影响。采用追踪研究考察了127名小学五年级儿童的语素意识和快速命名对其五、六年级时的汉字听写和抄写的影响。控制了非言语智力、语音意识后,结果发现:(1)儿童汉字听写和抄写能力随时间发展均有显著增长;(2)五年级语素意识显著预测了五、六年级两个时间点的听写,五年级快速命名仅显著预测了五年级听写;(3)五年级语素意识和快速命名预测了五年级抄写。研究表明语素意识和快速命名对汉字听写和抄写存在不同的影响作用。  相似文献   

In this research, we hypothesized that employees’ belief in a just world (BJW) would be positively related to their voice behavior, i.e., the expression of ideas or opinions with the intention of engendering organizational improvement or change, and that this relation would be mediated by perceived voice efficacy and perceived voice risk. To test these hypotheses, we collected self-reported data from employees in two different countries: China (N?=?313) and Germany (N?=?190). The results revealed a positive association between BJW and employee voice behavior in both samples. The two-mediator model was confirmed in the Chinese sample, while only perceived voice efficacy played a mediating role in the German sample. Possible reasons for these differences may be related to differences in cultural dimensions and education levels between the samples. The findings emphasize the importance of bolstering employees’ belief in justice and the organizational climate, which influence perceived voice efficacy and risk, as means to increase organizational voice behavior.  相似文献   
Yuan  Yongfeng 《Studia Logica》2020,108(3):425-449
Studia Logica - This article reveals one general scheme for creating counter examples to Bayesian confirmation theory. The reason of the problems is that: in daily life the degree of confirmation...  相似文献   
倪渊  李翠 《心理科学进展》2020,28(5):711-730
多层次积极追随力是创业企业成长的重要保证。已有研究强调不同显性领导对积极追随力的影响, 结论存在较多争议。对此, 以内隐领导理论为基础, 构建了“内隐创业型领导-积极追随力”的多层次互动模型。根据此模型, 内隐创业型领导通过关系认同和领导代表性对个体与团队积极追随力产生促进作用; 团队积极追随力通过积极心理资本塑造内隐创业型领导; 团队差序氛围、员工传统性和领导特质调节焦点是互动关系重要的边界条件。  相似文献   
A pplications of standard item response theory models assume local independence of items and persons. This paper presents polytomous multilevel testlet models for dual dependence due to item and person clustering in testlet‐based assessments with clustered samples. Simulation and survey data were analysed with a multilevel partial credit testlet model. This model was compared with three alternative models – a testlet partial credit model (PCM), multilevel PCM, and PCM – in terms of model parameter estimation. The results indicated that the deviance information criterion was the fit index that always correctly identified the true multilevel testlet model based on the quantified evidence in model selection, while the Akaike and Bayesian information criteria could not identify the true model. In general, the estimation model and the magnitude of item and person clustering impacted the estimation accuracy of ability parameters, while only the estimation model and the magnitude of item clustering affected the item parameter estimation accuracy. Furthermore, ignoring item clustering effects produced higher total errors in item parameter estimates but did not have much impact on the accuracy of ability parameter estimates, while ignoring person clustering effects yielded higher total errors in ability parameter estimates but did not have much effect on the accuracy of item parameter estimates. When both clustering effects were ignored in the PCM, item and ability parameter estimation accuracy was reduced.  相似文献   
基于家庭系统理论与个体-环境交互理论,研究考察了父母情绪表达在父母婚姻质量与儿童内化问题关系中的中介作用,以及儿童迷走神经活动的调节作用。研究选取155名6~7岁小学儿童为被试,运用便携式生理多道记录仪采集儿童静息与任务状态下的心电(ECG)与呼吸率,换算出基线RSA与RSA反应作为迷走神经活动的指标,采用母亲报告的《婚姻质量问卷》、《家庭情绪表达问卷》和《儿童行为量表》测评父母婚姻质量、父母情绪表达及儿童内化问题。结果发现:(1)父母婚姻质量负向预测小学儿童内化问题;(2)父母消极、积极情绪表达在父母婚姻质量与小学儿童内化问题关系中起中介作用;(3)小学儿童迷走神经张力(基线RSA)调节父母消极情绪表达与儿童内化问题关系。研究结果表明父母婚姻质量不仅直接影响儿童内化问题,同时会通过父母情绪表达间接地影响儿童内化问题。另外,较高迷走神经张力能够缓冲父母消极情绪表达对儿童内化问题的影响。  相似文献   
我国中学生职业兴趣的特点与测验编制   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着当前就业压力的增加,社会竞争也愈演愈烈,职业生涯规划的问题逐渐受到人们的重视。本文基于当代高中毕业生选报大学专业时对自身兴趣特点深入了解的需要,在国内外职业兴趣研究的基础上,探讨了我国高中生职业兴趣的特点,并编制出一套适合当前中国高中生兴趣特点的职业兴趣测验。该测验将职业兴趣分为七种类型:艺术型、事务型、经营型、研究型、自然型、社会型和技术型。测验的信、效度测量指标均达到比较满意的水平。经过初步推广使用,获得了广大使用者的好评。  相似文献   
人们普遍认同正常组织可以变为肿瘤,将肿瘤逆转为正常组织将是最好的治疗手段,恶性肿瘤能否逆转曾经受到质疑和挑战,逆转恶性肿瘤从假说到科学经历了漫长而曲折的过程,运用马克思主义认识论的原理分析恶性肿瘤逆转的可行性、思路和方法,将为最终攻克恶性肿瘤开辟一条新的途径.  相似文献   
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