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概述医疗活动中提醒对防范医疗差错的意义,结合心理学相关知识探讨各种提醒的方式方法.医疗活动中的提醒包括针对医务人员的提醒和针对患者的提醒,前者包括同行提醒和自我提醒.同行间个别提醒应注意时机和方式,应根据提醒的内容来决定集体提醒的规模,强调集体提醒载体的实用性.自我提醒包括记忆提醒和自我认识的提醒,介绍两种记忆提醒的方法,分析自我认知提醒困难的原因和对策.针对患者的提醒应强调礼貌原则,对其错误认识应及早提醒,并简述提醒管理对提醒的作用,以期对医护人员在医疗活动中的提醒实践起一定的参考作用.  相似文献   
广泛性焦虑障碍心理治疗、药物治疗均可选择.心理治疗主要是CBT.药物治疗主要是抗抑郁药物,SSRI、SNRI是一线选择,NICE推荐舍曲林作为初始治疗药物.对于难治性的患者,可以试用第二代抗精神病药物,如喹硫平.如果药物治疗有效,最佳治疗时间为一年.  相似文献   
This review examines the phenomenon of hate crimes in the United States. Findings derived from the FBI data for the period 1996–2008 revealed that the incidence of anti‐racial hate crimes varied among different racial groups, that antireligious hate crimes were committed toward Jews and Muslims more than toward others, and that antisexual orientation hate crimes focused on male homosexuals more than others. Antireligious hate crimes were more likely to be directed against property, whereas anti‐racial and antisexual orientation hate crimes were more likely to be directed against people. We discuss these findings in the light of some relevant theoretical perspectives from social psychology. Potential solutions to hate crimes could be developed by focusing on the most relevant predictive factors.  相似文献   
This study examined how different components of working memory are involved in the acquisition of egocentric and allocentric survey knowledge by people with a good and poor sense of direction (SOD). We employed a dual‐task method and asked participants to learn routes from videos with verbal, visual, and spatial interference tasks and without any interference. Results showed that people with a good SOD encoded and integrated knowledge about landmarks and routes into egocentric survey knowledge in verbal and spatial working memory, which is then transformed into allocentric survey knowledge with the support of all three components, distances being processed in verbal and spatial working memory and directions in visual and spatial working memory. In contrast, people with a poor SOD relied on verbal working memory and lacked spatial processing, thus failing to acquire accurate survey knowledge. Based on the results, a possible model for explaining individual differences in spatial knowledge acquisition is proposed.  相似文献   
江汶  佐斌 《心理科学》2013,36(1):157-163
大鱼小池效应(Big Fish Little Pond Effect)是解释不同教育情境中学生自我概念水平的一个特定概念,Marsh将其定义为:能力同等的学生,在平均成绩较高的学校或班级里的学业自我概念较低,而在平均成绩较低的学校或班级则学业自我概念会较高。大鱼小池效应包括学生采用概括他人和特定他人的比较标准所分别产生的同化效应和对比效应,社会比较对学业自我概念形成具有特定影响。大鱼小池效应的未来研究可以从研究方法的改进、调节变量的控制和跨文化比较等方面拓展。  相似文献   
人工智能研究中,行动这一概念通常在理论框架中有完全的定义。然而,现实中的行动有时难以完全刻画。智能体需要从过去的经验观察中习得行动的后果。本文提出一种基于时态结构的行动一结果学习理论。在自然数时间结构中,智能体通过观察过去的恒常联系建立因果关系。智能体依据己建立的因果关系指导将来的行动。同时,我们给出关于该理论的一个完全的逻辑演绎系统,并给出基于该逻辑的智能体行动的有效算法。  相似文献   
儿童图式特征的认知发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用三角验证法对长春180名10.1-15.3岁儿童进行研究,以自然范畴的事物、家庭内外事件和熟悉的文本为测验材料,探测了儿童对图式特征的认知特点。结果发现:(1)儿童对自然范畴、事件、文本图式特征的认知存在三级水平:①成分水平,②成分与整体水平,③整体水平。这三级水平与儿童思维特点相一致并受生活经验或事件的制约。(2)儿童对三类图式特征认知是随年龄的升高而不断提升的,其标志是对图式本质的理解、概括与把握不断加深,到13岁以后儿童对三类图式特征的认知发展迅速。  相似文献   
潜变量交互效应分析方法   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
简要回顾了分析显变量交互效应的常用方法。详细讨论了目前分析潜变量交互效应的主要方法,包括用潜变量的因子得分做回归分析、分组线性结构方程模型分析、加入乘积项的结构方程模型分析和两步最小二乘回归分析,并比较和评价了这些方法的优缺点。最后归纳了潜变量交互效应分析方法的研究趋势,并介绍了新近进展(包括LMS方法和GAPI方法)。  相似文献   
The lack of measures that systematically evaluate the characteristics and functioning of Chinese families is hindering the development of appropriate family interventions for schizophrenia in China. We assessed the reliability and validity of revised and adapted Chinese versions (CV) of the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales (FACES-II-CV) and the Family Environment Scales (FES-CV) and administered these instruments to 120 respondents from families with a schizophrenic member and 126 respondents from control families. The psychometric properties of the FACES-II-CV and of the FES-CV Cohesion, Conflict, Intellectual-Cultural Orientation, and Active-Recreational Orientation scales are satisfactory, so they are appropriate for use in China; the remaining six FES-CV scales require further culturally appropriate revision. Compared to control families, families with schizophrenic patients in China have higher conflict, lower cohesion, poor adaptability, and are less likely to be involved in intellectual and recreational activities. These differences remained significant after adjusting for family and respondent characteristics.  相似文献   
Social networking sites (SNSs) are extremely popular for providing users with a convenient platform for acquiring social connections and thereby feeling relatedness. Plenty of literature has shown that mental representations of social support can reduce the perception of physical pain. The current study tested whether thinking about SNS would interfere with users’ perceptions of experimentally induced pain. Ninety‐six undergraduate Facebook users were recruited to participate in a priming‐based experiment. They were randomly assigned to one of the three study conditions (SNS prime, neutral prime, or no prime) via rating the aesthetics of logos. The results showed that participants exposed to SNS primes reported less pain of immersion in hot water than did both control groups (neutral‐ and no‐prime). Felt relatedness mediated the link between SNS primes and diminished pain perceptions. This research provides the first demonstration that thinking about SNS can lower experienced physical pain among Facebook users. Online social networking may serve as an analgesic buffer against pain experience than previously thought. The SNS‐enabled analgesia has far reaching implications for pain relief applications and the enhancement of well‐being in human‐interaction techniques.  相似文献   
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