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GPS 是 General Problem Solver(通用问题解决者)的缩写,是一个计算机程序的名称。GPS 是用来探讨人工智能的一个重要手段,同时,它的各种变式也对人在解决问题时的思惟进行了模拟。GPS(以及在它之前的 Logic Thcory Machine,简称 LT 程序)的建立,标志着对思惟心理学的研究从传统的实验心理学方法跨入了信息加工的领域,用信息加工的观点和方法来探讨人的思惟行为。它为思惟心理学的研究,开拓了更广阔的前景。本文主要讨论 GPS 对人解决问题时的思惟行为的模拟,讨论人的思惟的心理学问题。  相似文献   
当列宁在《哲学笔记》中尖锐而又十分明确地表达他对唯物辩证法的明快简练的观点时,这些观点决不只是(甚至可以说不是)作为他重新批判性地研究黑格尔著作的结论加以表述的,而是(甚至首先是)他在哲学领域中多年斗争的结果。这种斗争是他为反对马赫主义者、“主观社会学”的拥护者、“合法马克思主义者”以及把马克思主义思想僵化的教条主义等倾向而不得不进行的。这些倾向在第二国际的理论家中间(特别是在普列汉诺夫及其学生那里)表现得十分明显。  相似文献   
智力研究的名声,已经被骗子的欺骗行径所败坏,为种族主义所沾污,就象炼丹术士的罐子一样黑。最近的争论集中在:智力是不是天生的?种族之间有没有区别?智力测验能否真正测量智力,或者只是表征一个人接受特定的文化的程度?目前有两个英国  相似文献   
The participation of women in behavior analysis as authors of articles published in the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (JEAB) and the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (JABA), as members of the Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA), and as contributors to the 1982 ABA convention was examined. Since the inception of JEAB and JABA, men have appeared as authors far more frequently than women, although women have published relatively more frequently in the latter journal than in the former. Across years, there has been an upward trend in the proportion of JEAB authors who are female; this is not the case for all JABA authors, although it does hold for senior authors. In 1980-1981 and 1981-1982, females represented approximately half of ABA's student and affiliate members but less than a third of its full members. Approximately a third of the contributors to posters and symposia and a seventh of those delivering invited addresses at the 1982 ABA convention were women.  相似文献   
生理学中已经积累了不少事实材料,可以说明人脑活动的年龄发育和退化的特征。但是,对某些时期,例如,对出生到7岁以及50岁之后的时期,进行了系统地研究,而对其它年龄期,只是作了些个别的研究工作。对高级神经活动生理学主要问题的研究也不平衡;对儿童第一信号系统水平上的条件反射活动形成的规律,研究得很充分,在这方面进行研究的有等人;对第二信号系统的发育和机能活动机制的研究却比较少,对确定儿童类型特点以及在理论和实践上都很重要的许多其它问题,研究得也不充分。因此,本文中材料的安排也相应地不平衡。  相似文献   
苏联教育科学院普通和教育心理学研究所是我国最早的心理学研究机构之一。1982年是这个研究所成立七十周年。关于它的历史,它在发展俄国和苏联心理科学中的作用,这个所的著名科学家在这门科学中所做的贡献,已有许多著作阐述。本文专门谈这个研究所的科学活动的一般总结和展望(文中所用材料是由这个所的主要研究人员提供的)。  相似文献   
在这篇文章中,我们讨论比较心理学史的一些情况,并阐述比较心理学及社会生物学之间一个特殊的接触点,它可作为把这两门以及有关学科整合起来的焦点。我们探索的思路是  相似文献   
The Defense Mechanisms Inventory (DMI), which has been standardized for White populations and has been used frequently in a variety of personality and interpersonal interaction studies, was administered to 229 minority noncollege youths. Reliability and sex difference data are presented, and the pattern of defenses is compared to published patterns among the White population. Normative tables are presented as references for future DMI studies with minorities, with comparisons for archival data on 504 college students. Data analyses demonstrate the reliability of the DMI for minorities, with tendencies toward the internalizing polarity of the composite (object relations) measure. Evidence is also presented that the DMI is more salient for the minority population on the composite cluster, rather than for the specific defenses.  相似文献   
This study tested structural relationships within a model proposed to explain the manner in which self-esteem changes are associated with exercise experiences. As initially assessed by self-efficacies (EFFs) specific to physical tasks within a training program, we postulated that competence can generalize to feelings of global self-esteem (SE) through an intervening construct of perceived physical competence (PC). Three measures of EFF and two each of PC and SE were administered to 145 people in their mid- to late adulthood. Confirmatory factor analysis examined orthogonal and oblique versions of three measurement models and identified three distinct but correlated factors, each assessed by its hypothesized indicators. Alternative structural equation models were specified and tested using both normal and nonnormal estimation procedures. The proposed model provided the most parsimonious fit and explained 29% of the variance in SE. Confirmation of its structural relationships provides preliminary validity for model use in examining the manner in which exercise experiences influence levels of self-perception.  相似文献   
绪论大家知道,世界上存在或者说存在过5000多种语言,但其中数百种已不再有任何个人或者语言社团使用。这些语言中的某些语言,诸如拉丁语,古希腊语和斯拉冯语等,维持着奄奄一息的生命,犹如供人瞻仰的古迹,今天尚能发挥的作用极为微弱,仅限于专业研究;其余大多数语言只对一小群语言学家、历史学家和把目光转向过去的其他专家有用。许多语言已了无生  相似文献   
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