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The Rorschach Inkblot Test has been the source of long-standing controversies as to its nature and its psychometric properties. Consistent with behavioral science research in general, the concept of statistical power has been entirely ignored by Rorschach researchers. The concept of power is introduced and discussed, and a power survey of the Rorschach literature published between 1975 and 1991 in the Journal of Personality Assessment, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Clinical Psychology, Journal of Personality, Psychological Bulletin, American Journal of Psychiatry, and Journal of Personality and Social Psychology was undertaken. Power was calculated for 2,300 statistical tests in 158 journal articles. Power to detect small, medium, and large effect sizes was .13, .56, and .85, respectively. Similar to the findings in other power surveys conducted on behavioral science research, we concluded that Rorschach research is underpowered to detect the differences under investigation. This undoubtedly contributes to the inconsistency of research findings which has been a source of controversy and criticism over the decades. It appears that research conducted according to the Comprehensive System for the Rorschach is more powerful. Recommendations are offered for improving power and strengthening the design sensitivity of Rorschach research, including increasing sample sizes, use of parametric statistics, reduction of error variance, more accurate reporting of findings, and editorial policies reflecting concern about the magnitude of relationships beyond an exclusive focus on levels of statistical significance.  相似文献   
The global threat of AIDS requires massive public educational campaigns that employ social and behavioral sciences such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology because sexual behavior possesses a social dimension. Research is concerned with what stimulates behavioral change, what are the prerequisites of learned behavior, and what enables personal control over the environment and future. Educational programs designing strategies for AIDS prevention require social and behavioral science content and input. Interdisciplinary provides general principles with psychological, social, and cultural aspects of human behavior. Without knowledge about psychological processes (thinking, perception, speech, aspects of personality, and interactive behavior) and social processes (economic conditions, social networks, and resources) which are implicated in health problems and also in AIDS, these educational programs cannot produce credible results. These programs and their subsequent implementation require their application in practice in a systemic and consistent fashion. Evaluations are also needed to make sure that the applied processes for behavioral change conform to methodological criteria that ensure their effectiveness. These types of studies are more complex than pure AIDS research which is aimed at finding a cure.  相似文献   
迄今为止,我们所主要讨论的逻辑演算,即用公理方法处理的狭谓词演算,标志着把数学方法运用于逻辑获得了显著的成功。这种演算的形式上的简易是令人称道的,从纯粹数学的观点看,它可以同公理化的射影几何及抽象群论这一类数学观念的完满体现的学科相媲美。此外,作为应用于研究演绎系  相似文献   
人们可以轻易地测出高度,但智力却没有这样简单.这主要是因为人们具有多重智力,而不是简单的一种智力.总的来讲,我已区分了七种形式的智力.在现代社会得到高度评价的两种智力是语言和逻辑数理(Logical-mathematic)能力.当人们认为某人聪明时,往往是指这两种能力.因为个体有了语言和逻辑数理能力,就能在那些所谓测量智力的测验上获得好分数.  相似文献   
人类的错误为研究人类智能的结构和功能提供了有价值的资料。对于记忆的研究多是建立在遗忘的基础上,对知觉的研究常常基于识别力衰退,对于语言和思维的研究已经揭示了失言。关于人类错误的研究格外重要,因为它表明了人类智力的某些局限,它时常暴露出隐藏在人们行为之下的规律和机制,它常常提示出可以改善人们表现的方式。错觉是一种特殊的错误,它特别令人困惑,因为人们造成的这种错误始终具有迷惑力,甚至当人们已彻底认识到这是一种错误时亦然。例如,我们会感到在图1中右边的线  相似文献   
1.斯大林个人扭曲了的共产主义意识形态“斯大林主义”,是苏联官方理论家从不使用的一个术语。而且,它一般也并没有被人们广泛地当作马克思-列宁主义来运用。有时候,斯大林主义被误解为是马列主义的一种扩大或发展。实际上,斯大林主义倒可以看作是从马列主义中派生出来并且背离了马列主义的,它(直到1953年斯大林去世时  相似文献   
用系统论方法研究民族心理,把民族心理看作一个结构——系统,首先应该搞清楚这个结构——系统是由哪些因素构成的?这些因素是怎样排列的?它们相互关系的性质如何?实际上,这都是有紧密联系的问题  相似文献   
我们认为以活动为中心的初中理科班是对两个种族组行为进行比较、对照的理想研究。理由是这些班的学生可以相对自由地选择自己的座位,可以选择伙伴做实验项目,还可以自由支配使用自己的时间。从这些行为中,我们能够对取消了种族隔离的学校中种族间关系的性质,以及对每个五文化组学习科学动机的程度作出推论。此外,也可能确定课堂行为与教师评分之间的关系。在此类班级中成绩的评定,依据的是作业或学习项目的进步,项目结束后的测验、平时测验、最后测验以及教师对学生努力程度的估计。因此,本研究意在回答下列问题: 1.在种族平等以活动为中心的初中理科班中,黑人和自人男生是怎样上课的?行为上  相似文献   
引言饮用含有咖啡因的饮料已遍及全球。大多数西方国家如美、英、法,习惯饮用咖啡;大多数东方国家如中、印、日,习惯用茶。还有一些国家喜欢饮含少量咖啡因的可可,“瓜拉那”等。据估计每年世界咖啡消费量已超过400万吨(Rokeitson,1978)。茶在中国的消费,也从1965年的43000吨,上升至1976年的139000吨(“中国经济年鉴”,1981)。为什么全世界范围内这样普遍地饮用咖啡和茶呢?原因是这些饮料中的咖啡因能提神解劳,提高感觉敏锐度和反应速度,使思路畅通,延长智力劳动的时间。如Nash(1962)的研究表明,咖啡因有助于成对联想学习,听觉材料的及时回忆,以及完成不完整的句子。但是近年来人们发现,咖啡因对人体有有害的作用。摄入咖啡因后,其中的甲基黄嘌呤  相似文献   
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