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本实验是分析学前儿童认知过程中三种不同的条件(实物、照片、语言指示)对儿童计数、操作和比较活动的影响,探讨认知的各直接成分和各间接成分的关系在儿童认知发展中的作用;并了解3—6岁儿童在三种认知活动中的特点。  相似文献   
Ⅱ这篇论文是我以前的一篇题名为《可错论和必然性》的姐妹篇。在那篇论文里主要讨论的是皮尔士在他的数学哲学中所提出的一个问题:我们是否有可能一方面主张我们的数学信念是可错的,另一方面又主张数学真理具有必然性。我的结论是一旦我们正确地阐述了什么是可错论,那么可错论和必然性在事实上是完全相容的:只要我们认识到可错论是关于我们容易犯错误的理论,而不是关于我们所相信的东西的模态地位(可能假)的理论,那么这一点就很清楚了。由这一结论所引起的一系列的思想导致了现在的这篇论文:如果可  相似文献   
Rorschach tests were administered to 36 subjects grouped according to ethnicity and political ideology. Pairwise discriminant analyses of scores significantly differentiated both Jewish and non-Jewish radicals from nonradicals in a manner consistent with previous survey findings.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to explore ways projective arid nonprojective verbal measures of achievement motivation elicit comparable and dissimilar responses in a "Third World" sample of entrepreneurs as a test of McClelland's theory of economic growth. Results were generally consistent with the theory of achievement motivation, and suggested that high scores on n Ach were associated with high rates of industrial and agricultural output; low scores were associated with static or declining business. TAT measurement was the best predictor in that it correlated 0.68 and 0.48 with agricultural and industrial production. Results further lend support to past findings: namely, that Various achievement measures appear to be measuring dissimilar constructs.  相似文献   
The effect of incongruent color words on speed of classifying ink colors was measured in visual scanning tasks and in card sorting tasks. In both cases, little or no interference effects were noted when the classification allowed focusing on a single ink color or a set of highly similar colors (adjacent hues). Substantial interference occurred when the task required grouping of three dissimilar colors (nonadjacent hues). These findings suggest that the relative efficiency of name and visual codes in making perceptual classifications is largely dependent upon the memory requirements imposed by the task.  相似文献   
一、比较方法的意义与界限假定一个人严肃地对待哲学,那么任何试图比较卡尔.雅斯贝尔斯与马丁.海德格尔的作法都难免显得十分可疑。也许,甚至将比较方法列入哲学工具之标准目录也显得可疑,但是,那些使用这种方法的人们却常为这种方法所提供的巨大的解释收益而辩护。当然,对于我  相似文献   
中华人民共和国的各界人士对现代苏联社会生活各个领域中正在发生着的那些变化显然是有所了解的。苏共中央1985年4月全会的著名决议、苏共27大和苏共中央其他一些全会的文件提出了苏联发展的战略方针,苏共中央总书记M.C.戈尔巴乔夫在他的许多讲话中进一步阐发了这一战略方针。其中对苏联社会当前发展阶段的实质做了如下的理  相似文献   
先知穆罕默德归真后,在伊斯兰教旗帜下联合起来的阿拉伯人进入了一个新的发展时期。第一任哈里发艾布·伯克的功绩在于重新统一了阿拉伯半岛,并开拓了疆土。但艾布·伯克执政两年就归真了,继承这一伟大事业并使伊斯兰教发展成为一个国际性宗教的,是第二任哈里发欧麦尔。他为哈里发国家的巩固和发展做出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   
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