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Infants aged 6 months were found to shift their attention from one stimulus to a second adjacent stimulus more frequently than infants aged 3 months. This age difference was found when the two stimuli differed, but not when the stimuli were identical. The findings indicate a tendency to seek out stimulus change on the part of older infants.  相似文献   
Systematic desensitization therapy involves the presentation of fear-provoking situations through visualization As the visualizations cease to evoke emotional responses, the fear-provoking potential of the real situations decreases. Research has clearly shown that such transfer does indeed occur with a wide variety of fears. Transfer has been demonstrated, for example, with fear of small animals (Lang and Lazovik, 1963), interpersonal performance anxiety (Paul, 1966), classic phobias (Lazarus, 1961), test anxiety (Katahn, Strenger and Cherry, 1966), impotence (Wolpe, 1958) and frigidity (Lazarus, 1963). However, the nature of transfer has received little attention. Wolpe (1963) has claimed that transfer from therapy to the real life situation is almost complete and direct: “There is almost invariably a one-to one relationship between what the patient can imagine without anxiety and what he can experience in reality without anxiety”. This claim has received support from Rachman (1966) who found that fear reduction transferred immediately to the real situation in 82 per cent of his observations. Hoenig and Reed (1966) reported that after a brief delay, transfer effects were observed in the case of words representing fearful stimuli but were inconsistent in the case of the real stimuli. Agras (1967) found transfer to be delayed in all his cases. He further reported that, though all patients improved, a direct relationship between therapeutic progress and symptom reduction was not found. Both Hain et al. (1966) and Meyer and Crisp (1966) have described the failure of therapeutic effects to transfer to real life.These somewhat inconsistent reports may stem in part from the measurement of transfer effects at different times. Another possibility is that more fearful Ss may evidence less transfer than less fearful Ss. Lang and Lazovik (1963) reported that Ss who completed less than 75 per cent of the hierarchy showed little improvement although direct transfer effects were observed for less fearful Ss (those who complete 75 per cent or more hierarchy items). The present study of transfer effects was designed to remove confoundingof level of fear with extent of progress in systematic desensitization.  相似文献   
A recent study reported procedures (the "good behavior game") for reducing disruptive classroom behavior. Replication of the procedures of the "good behavior game" in two classrooms showed it to be an effective technique for reducing disruptive talking and out-of-seat behavior. Further experimental analysis indicated that the effective components of the game were division of the class into teams, consequences for a team winning the game, and criteria set for winning the game. Although disruptive behavior was markedly reduced by the game, the reductions were correlated with only slightly improved accuracy of academic performance in the one classroom where academic performance was measured.  相似文献   
Conflicting predictions were derived from social exchange theory about the role of social attraction and the reciprocity norm on mutual self-disclosure in dyadic relationships. Sixty-six female subjects were exposed to one of three levels of disclosure input: conventional-low disclosure, conventional-high disclosure, or devianthigh disclosure. In support of the reciprocity norm prediction, willingness to disclose personal information was a positive function of the amount of disclosure input from another person, regardless of the degree of liking for the initial discloser.  相似文献   
World record performances in running, walking, swimming, speed skating, and horse racing are closely described by a function of the form y=axb. In addition, all the functions have approximately the same exponent! These data are discussed in relation to S. S. Stevens’s sensory power law as a type of complex case of cross-modality matching, and it is suggested that the power function describes a more general behavioral process which necessarily includes sensory discriminations.  相似文献   
In three experiments young children were asked to reconstruct an array of objects after they had imagined its appearance following either a rotation of the array or a change in their own position (Huttenlocher & Presson, 1973). In reconstructing arrays, subjects first positioned that object which would be most prominent to an observer following the imagined transformation. Surprisingly, this occurred even when subjects made an egocentric error by reconstructing a copy of the original array. Hence young children, although apparently egocentric, can imagine themselves in a new position with a new perspective. The mental operations which underlie imagined spatial transformations are discussed in light of the results.  相似文献   
The effect of acquisition of reading on visual field asymmetries for verbal material was investigated in school-age children. Contrary to the expectation that acquisition of differential scanning tendencies will operate on perceptual asymmetries, it was found that right visual field superiority which was independent of scanning direction appeared at the fifth grade. This, and the presence of slight left field superiority at the age when reading is initially acquired, suggests that hemispheric dominance and its attributes, parallel and sequential pattern recognition processes, is the major factor which determines the field preference for verbal material.  相似文献   
Two baboons were prepared with arterial and venous catheters and their heart rate and blood pressure were monitored continuously thereafter. Following a 2 to 3 week interval during which baseline cardiovascular levels were determined, the animals were exposed to daily 12 hr conditioning sessions (alternating with 12-hr “rest” or “Conditioning Off’ sessions) during which food reward and shockavoidance were programmed as contingent consequences of pre-specified increases in heart rate. Initially, the criterion heart rate was set at 10–15 bpm above the animal’s pre-experimental resting baseline level, with progressive increases programmed to occur at a rate approximating 7 bpm per week over a period of 8–10 weeks. Within this 2–3 month interval, heart rate doubled, reaching levels maintained above 160 bpm for more than 95 per cent of each daily 12-hour “Conditioning On” period. Propranolol selectively eliminated the conditioned heart rate increase but not the blood pressure elevation, indicating the contribution of sympathetic nervous activity to these operantly conditioned cardiovascular changes.  相似文献   
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