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Journal Reviews     
[Authors are asked to send offprints of articles in learned journals on subjects relevant to this section. Offprints of articles in other publications will not normally be reported here, likewise offprints of articles in books since they may constitute part of a volume that can be made the subject matter of a review.]
B ash , K. W. (Bern). 'Regressus ad superos'
B ash , K. W. (Bern). 'Die Dynamik der Aggression (the dynamics of aggression)'
B ash , K. W. (Bern). 'Der unwahrscheinliche Jung'
B ührmann , M. V. (Gansbaai, S. Africa). 'Research into the methods of traditional healers (diviners) amongst the Xhosa-speaking people'
B ührmann , M. V. (Gansbaai, S. Africa). 'Western Psychiatry and the Xhosa Patient.'
B ührmann , M. V. (Gansbaai, S. Africa). 'Dream therapy through the ages'.
D reifuss , G. et al. (Haifa). Article in Shdemot
F ordham , M. (London). 'Die analytische (komplexe) Psychologie in England, article in vol. III of Die Psychologie des 20. Jahrhunderts
F rey -W ehrlin , C. T. (Zürich). 'Die Analytische (komplexe) Psychologie Jung's'
K otschnig , E lined P rys : 'Womanhood in myth and life.'
P aulsen , L. (London). 'Intuition: the unaccountable element'
S cott , W. C lifford , M. (Montreal). 'Remembering sleep and dreams'
'E idon '  相似文献   
The phantom model approach for estimating, testing, and comparing specific effects within structural equation models (SEMs) is presented. The rationale underlying this novel method consists in representing the specific effect to be assessed as a total effect within a separate latent variable model, the phantom model that is added to the main model. The following favorable features characterize the method: (a) It enables the estimation, testing, and comparison of arbitrary specific effects for recursive and nonrecursive models with latent and manifest variables; (b) it enables the bootstrapping of confidence intervals; and (c) it can be applied with all standard SEM programs permitting latent variables, the specification of equality constraints, and the bootstrapping of total effects. These features along with the fact that no manipulation of matrices and formulas is required make the approach particularly suitable for applied researchers. The method is illustrated by means of 3 examples with real data sets.  相似文献   
Journal Reviews     
D avidson , R. H. & D ay , R. 'Symbol and realization: a contribution to the study of magic and healing.'
D reifuss , G. (Haifa): 'The significance of the shofar in the rite of the Jewish high holidays'
E ngel , W. (New York): 'Psychotherapeutic prophylaxis in a changing world'
F ordham , M. (London): 'Reflection on child analysis read at the Rome conference "Jung e la cultura europea"'
F ordham , M. (London): Jungian view of the body-mind relationship
F ordham , M. (London): ' Simbolismo nella prima e seconda infanria (Symbolism in infancy)'
H enderson , J. L. & W heelwright , J. B. (San Francisco): American handbook Of psychiatry
H enderson , J. L. (San Francixo): 'The picture method in Jungian psychotherapy'
L ambert , K. (London): 'The problem of authority in the early development of the individual'
L ambert , K. (London): 'Facilitating elements in analysis'
McC ully , R. S. (Charleston, South Carolina): 'Tantric imagery and Rorschach perception'
McC ully , R. S. (Charleston, South Carolina): Separatdruck aus Rorschachiana X
M arshak , M. D. (London): 'Art education in relation to psychic and mental functioning'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Neuro-ethics of "Walking" in the newborn'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Maori art and pseudo-hypoparathyroidism—a medical contribution to prehistoric anthropology'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Basis for a neurological test of frontal lobe system functioning up to adolescence. A form analysis of action expressed in narratives'
P ye , F. (London). 'Feminine images of success'
W heelwright , J. (San Francisco): 'Psychological types'
W allace , E. (New York): 'Conventional boundaries or protective temenos'
W illiams , M. (London): 'Transcience and eternity'  相似文献   
Journal Reviews     
Allenby , A. L. (London). ‘Begegnung mit Archetypen’ Bach , Susan R. (Zürich). ‘Spontaneous pictures of leukemic children as an expression of the total personality, mind and body’ Biomeyer , R. (Berlin). ‘Symbole: Einstellungen-Definitionen-Wirkungen’ Jacoby , M. (Zürich). Autorität und Revolte—der Mythus vom Vatermord. Jacoby , M. (Zürich). ‘Der Mythus vom verlorenen Paradies—heute’ Kirsch , T. B. (Palo Alto). ‘The practice of multiple analyses in analytical psychology’. Kraemer , W. (London). ‘Homosexuality—is it an illness?’ Mccully , Robert S. (South Carolina). ‘A Jungian Commentary on Epstein's case (Wet-shoe fetish)’ Mccully , Robert S. (South Carolina). ‘Archetypal psychology as a key for understanding prehistoric art forms’ Marshak , Mel . (London). ‘I never knew I knew that’ Pontius , Anneuese (New York). ‘Dyslexia and specifically distorted, drawings of die face—a new subgroup with prosopagnosia’ Pontius , Anneuese and Ruttiger , K. F. (New York). ‘Frontal lobe system maturational lag in juvenile delinquents as shown in narrative test.’ Strobel , H. (Zürich). ‘Das “Menschenbild” in der Analytischen Psychologic von C. G. Jung’ Wood , Dorothy , A. (New York). ‘Psychological impressions from an Indian dream’  相似文献   
Journal Reviews     
A sher , C harles (New York): 'Dream responses to the Jungian training process.'
B lomeyer , R. (Berlin): 'Identität, Identifizierung, Individuation'
B lomeyer , R. (Berlin): 'Aspekte der Persona'
F ierz , H. K. (Zürich): 'Crucial points at the start of a psychotherapeutic treatment'.
F inley , P atricia (New York): 'Dialogue drawing: an image-evoking communication between analyst and analysand'.
K luger H. Y. (Haifa): 'Archetypal dreams and "everyday" dreams: A statistical investigation into Jung's theory of the collective unconscious'.
K raemer , W illiam P. (London): 'The enemy within-without; psychotherapy and morals; psychotherapy—what it is'.
L äpple , J. & P rell , G. (Stuttgart): 'Krankendemonstration in der ausbildung analytischer Psychotherapeuten'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'The face in sacred art of the Upper Sepik river of New Guinea: analogies to neuro-developmental aspects and to prosopagnosia'.
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Developmental phases in visual recognition of the human face pattern, exemplified by the "smiling response"'.
P ontius , A. A. (New york): 'New frontiers of ecological ethics—or balance between over-and-under-control of outer and inner factors'.
P ontius , A. A. (New York): Zerstückelungsmord als unbewusstes Ritual'
M endelsohn , J. (Jerusalem): Psychotherapie eines Knaben mit schweren Verhaltungs-störungen im Rahmen eines Kinderheimes des Ichud-Hakibbuzim'
P sychological P erspectives
R ivista di P sicologia A nalitica
W ilke , H-J. (Berlin): 'Neurosentheoretische Überlegungen zur Struktur und Dynamik depressiver Erkrankungen'  相似文献   
A shortened method of finding the regression for estimation of the scores on mental factors is presented. If the correlations amongn tests are accounted for byr factors, the regression equation involves the inverse of anr ×r matrix instead of the inverse of ann ×n matrix. Whenr is much less thann, there is considerable saving in computational labor. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the method.  相似文献   
In this review, we discuss the most commonly used models to analyze dyadic longitudinal data. We start the review with a definition of dyadic longitudinal data that allows relationship researchers to identify when these models might be appropriate. Then, we go on to describe the three major models commonly used when one has dyadic longitudinal data: the dyadic growth curve model (DGCM), the actor–partner interdependence model (APIM), and the common fate growth model (CFGM). We discuss when each model might be used and strengths and weaknesses of each model. We end with additional thoughts that focus on extensions to new methods being discussed in the literature, along with some of the challenges of collecting and analyzing dyadic longitudinal data that might be helpful for future dyadic researchers.  相似文献   
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