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大学班集体人际关系的心理学研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
黄希庭  时勘  王霞珊 《心理学报》1984,17(4):109-119
本研究综合运用调查访问、社会测量法和观察法对大学文科和理工科一、二、四年级的21个班的人际关系作了考察。结果表明,1)大学班集体非正式的内部结构有一定的特点,2)班集体中的两极人物有明显的个性特质,3)大学生择友的基本要求是品德和心理相似性,4)大学生对班集体领导人的心理品质有一定的基本要求,5)大学生的自我观念与他们的人际关系有着密切的联系。  相似文献   
场依存性与独立性认知方式对视动错觉的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨认知方式对视动性错觉的影响,对100名男性军校学员进行了棒框测验,15名高分者和15名低分者分别作为场依存组和场独立组。每名被试随机给予一系列视动阶跃刺激(5,10,15,20,30,40,60,80,100,120度/秒),每个刺激持续20秒。记录被试视动错觉出现的潜伏期和错觉模糊量。研究结果表明:1.场依存组被试的错觉潜伏期短于场独立组,它与刺激速度呈幂函数关系,而场独立组潜伏期随刺激速度的增加呈直线下降;2.在5—120度/秒的范围内,两组被试错觉量回归成两条直线,两直线回归系数无显著性差异,而截距差别十分显著。因此,场依存性/独立性认知方式是视动错觉个体差异性的一种重要影响因素,它对军事飞行员的心理学选拔和训练有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
The essay examines the argument advanced by E.D. Hirsch, Jr., for instituting ‘cultural literacy’ as a fundamental priority of schools. A number of confusions and equivocations in Hirsch's reasoning are identified, and the propensity of his project to indoctrinate is exposed. Among the features of Hirsch's argument shown to be troubling are his shifting construal of ‘language’, his inconsistency about the requirements of cultural literacy, and his uncritical relation to traditional images of the American past and present. The upshot is to raise the question why Hirsch's project has elicited wide support and praise.  相似文献   
How can we explain that an assertion on something perceived can be understood in the same manner by somebody who cannot perceive that scene? This problem bases the interest in computational linguistics in how listener modeling could possibly be harmonized with reference semantics. Mental images substituting real perception appear as a way out. The architecture of the listener model has to be adapted to the creation and use of such pictorial data structures. Furthermore, the relation between the latter and a verbal (i. e., propositional) representation must be understood. The resulting architecture of a listener model with reference semantics can be employed to solve communicational problems from three general classes in a better way, as is demonstrated by an example implementation.  相似文献   
In the present paper, we describe a method for recording the coordinates of a fish in an aquarium in a three-dimensional space, using a single video camera and a mirror. We use photogrammetic equations for this, considering the image obtained in the mirror as a virtual image obtained by a second camera. A transformation of the coordinate system is required to express the obtained coordinates in anx,y,z system defined by the edges of the aquarium. The accuracy of the proposed method was estimated, and errors in extreme conditions were found to be 0.8% to 1.2 %, compared with the dimensions of the aquarium used in the test.  相似文献   
Two experiments tested whether a dogmatic alcohol prevention message may, by arousing psychological reactance (the motivation to reassert a threatened freedom) result in more subsequent alcohol consumption, compared to a neutral message. In Study 1, 535 college students received either a high-threat (dogmatic) or low-threat (neutral) message recommending either abstinence or controlled drinking. Results indicated that high-threat messages were rated more negatively and resulted in more drinking intentions compared to low threat. The negative effect of high threat on message ratings was most pronounced for habitually heavy drinkers and an abstinence-espousing message. In Study 2, under the guise of a “memory study,” 74 college students received either a high- or low-threat message recommending abstinence from alcohol. Then, under the guise of a “perception study,” all subjects participated in a taste-rating task in which their beer consumption was unobtrusively measured. Results indicated that the effect of high threat was most negative for male heavy drinkers, who drank significantly more beer compared to low-threat controls. These results suggest that the persuasive ability of alcohol prevention efforts depend to a considerable extent on the reactance-arousing properties of the materials and that dogmatic alcohol prevention materials may have counterproductive effects for some college students.  相似文献   
人际关系适应特征的情境评价方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究运用情境评价法对人际关系适应特征进行了实验研究 ,结果表明 :1以 Schutz提出的人际关系六因素为评价标准 ,采用情境评价法比问卷形式能更有效地揭示人际适应特征 ;2在情境评价中 ,以合作为主的情境设置比以竞争为主的情境设置更利于反映出人际适应特征 ;3情境评价采用定向、组织、交流和问题解决等阶段的过程设计符合情境评价的实际进程 ,有助于分阶段展开被试的行为特征 ,提高情境评价的可控性和准确性。  相似文献   
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