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后现代心理治疗及其伦理问题思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过论述后现代对现代认识论和思维模式的质疑与超越,分析了后现代语境下心理治疗与现代心理治疗的差异,并关注在后现代这一新的思维模式下,心理治疗领域可能产生的伦理问题。作者指出,后现代心理治疗的不确定性、价值干预和文化介入,使心理治疗的伦理挑战被进一步复杂化,对治疗师也提出了更高要求。  相似文献   
任志洪  江光荣  叶一舵 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1106-1112
通过整群抽样的方法抽取了1404名中学生,对其施测核心自我评价量表,我的班级问卷和抑郁问卷,应用无约束结构方程模型技术和结构方程中介效应检验技术,分别考察了核心自我评价在班级环境与抑郁关系间的调节与中介作用。结果表明:(1)核心自我评价对班级环境中的师生关系、同学关系、竞争三者和抑郁之间的关系起着调节作用,但结构模型的拟合指数不佳;(2)核心自我评价在班级环境与青少年抑郁间起着中介作用,其中核心自我评价在竞争与抑郁间关系起着完全中介作用。  相似文献   
本研究记录了16名被试在完成有整体结构变化和局部特征变化的面孔/房屋图片的一致性判断时的脑内时程变化,以期对面孔识别的特异性本质进行探讨。结果显示,N170波幅和潜伏期的刺激类型主效应显著;面孔/房屋所诱发的N170成分在波幅和潜伏期上均不存在加工方式上的显著差异。晚期成分(300~700ms)上也得到类似的结果。这表明:面孔与房屋(非面孔)的加工在早期和晚期成分上都有差异性,体现出面孔的加工在早期视觉刺激的加工和晚期识别的加工上都具有特异性;晚期识别加工的脑电结果不支持"面孔识别是整体的,结构的,而非面孔客体的识别是局部的,基于特征的"加工观点。  相似文献   
崔占玲  刘烨  张积家 《心理科学》2012,35(4):916-920
运用自然分类和多维标度方法,探讨基诺族中学生的亲属词概念结构特点。结果发现,基诺族亲属词概念结构有两个维度:(1)亲密程度;(2)照顾者/被照顾者。这与汉族中学生的亲属词概念结构既有相同之处,又有明显差异。这与基诺族的血缘婚制度以及马来亚式亲属制度等历史积淀有关,也与基诺族跨越式发展中他文化的渗透和主文化的变迁有关。  相似文献   
The present research explores how culture influences individuals’ psychological proximity to the past and future, which may predict differences in perceived self-continuity across time. In Studies 1 and 2, we hypothesized and found that Chinese participants saw the past and future as more connected and subjectively closer to the present compared to Euro-Canadians. Following this, we expected and found in Studies 3 and 4 that Chinese participants perceived greater self-continuity over time than Euro-Canadians. Additionally, perceived closeness to the past mediated the effect of culture on past–present self-continuity, which subsequently predicted present–future self-continuity. Study 5 further documented a causal effect of perceived distance to the past on self-continuity. These results suggest that cultural differences in temporal attention to the past and future play a pivotal role in people's sense of self-continuity across time. This has important implications for temporal focalism, intertemporal discounting, and social interactions between Chinese and Euro-Canadians.  相似文献   
权力和地位对自利行为的影响不同。权力能够降低认知性观点采择水平,进而使个体更加关注自身利益;地位能够提升认知性观点采择水平,进而使个体推测他人思想与感受,考虑他人利益。然而,权力和地位通过认知性观点采择对自利行为的影响可能受到情境性质的调节。今后的研究应该对这些关系和解释进行验证,探索共情性关心的中介作用,以及权力和地位影响认知性观点采择的调节变量;探究权力和地位拥有者对群体内、外他人的自利行为差异;探讨权力和地位的交互作用对自利行为的影响。  相似文献   
The present study aimed to explore whether emotional dominance can also account for choice deferral. This research manipulated emotional dominance through the difference in attractiveness among current alternatives in Experiment 1 and the readability of fonts for describing current options in Experiment 2, to investigate the role of dominance in choice deferral. The results revealed that increasingly submissive decision environments were related to more choice of deferral options. Mediation analyses indicated that dominance could mediate the effects of experimental manipulations on choice deferral, and that the actual choice of a deferral option was associated with more increase in dominance of retrospective emotion. The results indicate that dominance plays an important role in choice deferral and that choosing to defer can minimize the explicit confrontation of being out of control.  相似文献   
In studies of visual object recognition, strong inversion effects accompany the acquisition of expertise and imply the involvement of configural processing. Chinese literacy results in sensitivity to the orthography of Chinese characters. While there is some evidence that this orthographic sensitivity results in an inversion effect, and thus involves configural processing, that processing might depend on exact orthographic properties. Chinese character recognition is believed to involve a hierarchical process, involving at least two lower levels of representation: strokes and radicals. Radicals are grouped into characters according to certain types of structure, i.e. left–right structure, top–bottom structure, or simple characters with only one radical by itself. These types of radical structures vary in both familiarity, and in hierarchical level (compound versus simple characters). In this study, we investigate whether the hierarchical-level or familiarity of radical-structure has an impact on the magnitude of the inversion effect. Participants were asked to do a matching task on pairs of either upright or inverted characters with all the types of structure. Inversion effects were measured based on both reaction time and response sensitivity. While an inversion effect was observed in all 3 conditions, the magnitude of the inversion effect varied with radical structure, being significantly larger for the most familiar type of structure: characters consisting of 2 radicals organized from left to right. These findings indicate that character recognition involves extraction of configural structure as well as radical processing which play different roles in the processing of compound characters and simple characters.  相似文献   
研究目的:通过针对"相关线索-习惯性用药行为"联结的消退训练,降低渴求感,建立新联结,达到减弱或消退成瘾记忆的目的。探索以"动作消退动作"的方法对成瘾动作记忆进行消退的效果和可行性。方法:采用途径偏向矫正方法对28名男性药物成瘾者开展为期4周的训练。训练前后,分别测试渴求感、生理指标、途径偏向效应和Addiction-stroop task的干扰效应量,比较训练前后的指标变化,了解训练的效果。结果:训练组和对照组在训练前后的途径偏向效应没有显著的组间和交互效应,但训练组在训练前后途径偏向效应发生变化,趋向显著性,t=1.26,p=0.071。渴求感在训练组显著降低:t=1.38,p=0.05。Stroop的反应时间呈训练时间主效应:t=4.18,p=0.04。结论:途径偏向矫正消退训练可以改善成瘾者的途径偏向效应和渴求感状况,预示着通过身体动作建立"相关线索-拒绝用药行为"联结替代原有的"相关线索-自动化用药行为"联结,降低渴求感,减弱或消退成瘾记忆是有可能的。未来的研究需要采用更为精确的影像手段进行测试,验证基于动作认知的成瘾记忆消退训练的有效性。  相似文献   
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