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Intention, Context, and Safe Sex: Australian Adolescents' Responses to AIDS   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study examined the applicability to condom use of Ajzen and Madden's (1986) theory of planned behavior by examining the predictors of intention to use a condom and actual condom use in a specific sexual situation. In a sample of 144 sexually active heterosexual males and females, limited support was found for the model. Intentions to use a condom immediately before a particular sexual encounter, and those assessed some time prior to this encounter were found to have direct and positive effects on condom use. In addition, perceptions of the disadvantages of condoms (a measure of attitudes to condoms in general) had direct negative effects on condom use and, together with perceptions of the advantage of condoms, also had indirect effects on condom use via prior intention. A number of the postulated predictors of safe sexual practice related neither to intentions nor behavior. The contextual variables of sexual arousal, condom availability, and degree of communication with a sexual partner all influenced condom use. Discussion centered on first, differences in the predictive ability of the model when compared to other studies of planned behavior, and second, the factors limiting the relationship between intention and behavior when the behavior in question is not under complete, volitional control.  相似文献   
Abstract— We asked active psychological researchers to answer a survey regarding the following data-analytic issues: (a) the effect of reliability on Type I and Type II errors, (b) the interpretation of interaction, (c) contrast analysis, and (d) the role of power and effect size in successful replications. Our 551 participants (a 60% response rate) answered 59% of the questions correctly; 46% accuracy would be expected according to participants' response preferences alone. Accuracy was higher for respondents with higher academic ranks and for questions with "no" as the right answer. It is suggested that although experienced researchers are able to answer difficult but basic data-analytic questions at better than chance levels, there is also a high degree of misunderstanding of some fundamental issues of data analysis.  相似文献   
The appeal cycle was observed and delineated through research on mother-child interaction during the second year of life. As a repeated, circumscribed unit of developmental interaction, it is conceived to be an agent of developmental process and psychic structure formation. The appeal cycle has four phases: the adaptational phase, the distress phase, the appeal phase, and the interactional phase. The progression from the adaptational into the distress and appeal phases evidences the child's separation anxiety and failure of self-regulation in response to the experimentally induced attenuation of the mother-child relationship. A successful interactional phase reestablishes the relationship, regulates and restores the child's emotional equilibrium, and enables a return to self-regulation and adaptation. Because the interaction reinforces the functions and structures being developed through identification with the mother, the interactional phase is conceived to be an instrumental event in the mediation of psychic structure formation. The appeal cycle is discussed in comparison with similar phenomena in earlier phases of development and with other studies addressing development during the first two years of life. Directions for future research are noted.  相似文献   
At their first visits to a clinic, 102 outpatients rated the severity of their presenting complaint, of 12 possible body problems including 6 nonspecific symptoms, of a set of adjustment difficulties, and answered the Welsh A and the Beck Depression inventories. Then, an internist 'blind' to the foregoing answers performed a routine history and physical exam, afterward rating the patient for degree of organic and of psychosomatic involvement. Significant correlations were found between clinician judgments of psychosomatic involvement and patients' self-reported complaints on all assessment measures (smallest r = 0.25, P less than 0.01). Substantial intercorrelations were found among the assessment measures, especially between Welsh A (Anxiety) and Beck Depression scores (r = 0.73).  相似文献   
The effect of a nonverbal behavior frequently displayed during social interaction, self-touching, was analyzed with respect to body location, other nonverbal behaviors, and expressers' role. In Study 1, hypotheses about role (job applicant, medical patient, friend, stranger) and levels of anxiety and familiarity were substantiated. In Study 2, subjects rated females who displayed several types of self-touching (to nose, arm, hand) singly, or in combination with head nodding or leg recrossing, representing the four roles in Study 1. Hypotheses based on types of self-touching and role were supported by linear contrasts; for example, hand rubbing by job applicant and patient, who were expected to experience some anxiety, was judged as more acceptable than for friend or stranger. Discrete self-touching (nose) was evaluated as more expressive and warm than unpatterned self-touching (hand, arm) for friend and stranger. Control scenes (no movement) were rated as more calm and dominant, but less expressive, warm, and interested.  相似文献   
This article is introduced by historical references to Freud's Wednesday Evening Society and to relevant sources in the literature on group supervision. The aims of group supervision are defined: helping supervisees to understand the individuals who comprise their groups, helping the supervisee become a group-oriented therapist, alerting supervisees to the critical task of monitoring and regulating the amount of emotional excitation within their groups, helping supervisees deal with the range of feelings induced in them by their groups, and helping them become familiar with the principles and become proficient in the techniques of modern analysis. Major aspects of the group-supervisory process are delineated and illustrated through the use of relevant vignettes. Resistance in supervisory groups is discussed with examples of the resolution of some resistances. The author's method and style of leading supervisory groups is presented, as are observations on the boundaries of supervisory groups.  相似文献   
Vicarious and direct desensitization were compared for individual and group treatment of test anxiety. Fifty seventh-graders were assigned by stratified random sampling to the following treatment conditions: direct-individual; vicarious-individual; direct-group; group-observing-group; group-observing-model. Twenty-one eighth-graders served as no-treatment controls. Upon completion of the experimental phase, all subjects were administered a measure of test anxiety and a reading test. As predicted, experimental subjects improved significantly, relative to controls, on both outcome measures; as further expected, the experimental variations did not produce significantly different outcomes among treatment conditions. Neither sex of subject nor assignment to alternative therapists qualified the findings.  相似文献   
Aphasics, brain-damaged patients with no language deficit, neurologically intact elderly subjects, and university undergraduates matched pictures to sentences having compelling tacit implications (e.g., the sentence The fox grabs the hen strongly invites one to assume that the fox will eat the hen). All groups made, for the same sentences, qualitatively similar referential errors consisting in choosing a tacit implication picture. Two auxiliary experiments using the same target sentences in other interpretive situations permitted ruling out the possibility that these errors were due to the putative intrinsic semantic properties of the sentences, showing that the sentences which were most liable to elicit integrative error varied from task to task. These results are interpreted within the conceptual framework which posits that reliable directions for interpretation are couched by the speaker in the very structure of his utterances (the utterance's referential structure) providing the hearer with means to restructure the relevant personal knowledge integrated into the interpretive process in accordance with the speaker's communicative intent. The determination of the referential structure (RSD) of utterances thus seems critical to their correct or, more precisely, conventional interpretation, and, along with the tacit integration of relevant sources of personal knowledge, constitutes the principal cognitive device enabling us to understand each other. But this device appears to be easily corruptible. It is suggested that many errors made by aphasics in language interpretation are due to a failure to follow all referential instructions, but that qualitatively similar failures also occur in normal subjects, though to a lesser degree. Language interpretation is a fallible process and aphasic errors provide remarkable clues for the understanding of its subtle referential mechanisms.  相似文献   
Heterosexual transmission of HIV accounts for 80% of AIDS cases worldwide and is the main mode of transmission in sub-Saharan Africa and some Asian countries. The extent of heterosexual HIV transmission will likely increase in Western countries. The safe sex practices and attitudes of 58 male and 54 female heterosexuals in Melbourne, Australia, aged 20-40 years, of mean age 27.4 years, were assessed through interview and questionnaire. Study participants were recruited at discotheques and bars catering to single adults. Respondents' attitudes toward safe sex were generally positive, although those attitudes were not always reflected in actual sexual practice. High levels of sexual activity were reported, including high risk behaviors such as unprotected anal sex with casual and regular partners by both men and women. Situational and partner characteristics frustrated the practice of safe sex despite intentions to use condoms. Few men and half of the women explicitly discussed condom use with their sex partners. These findings are similar to those which one would expect from a sample of adolescents.  相似文献   
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