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Structuring of early reaching movements: a longitudinal study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reaches, performed by 5 infants, recorded at 19 weeks of age and every third week thereafter until 31 weeks of age, were studied quantitatively. Earlier findings about action units were confirmed. At all ages studied, movements were structured into phases of acceleration and deceleration. Reaching trajectories were found to be relatively straight within these units and to change direction between them. It was also found that at all ages, there was generally one dominating transport unit in each reach. The structuring of reaching movements changed in four important ways during the period studied. First, the sequential structuring became more systematic with age, with the dominating transport unit beginning the movement. Second, the duration of the transport unit became longer and covered a larger proportion of the approach. Third, the number of action units decreased with age, approaching the two-phase structure of adult reaching. Finally, reaching trajectories became straighter with age.  相似文献   
The results of a recent perceptual study (W. Ziegler & D. von Cramon, 1985, Anticipatory coarticulation in a patient with apraxia of speech. Brain and Language 26, 117-130) provided evidence for disturbed coarticulation in verbal apraxia. Further support for this finding is now provided by acoustic analyses. Formant frequencies and LP reflection coefficients were chosen to assess anticipatory vowel-to-vowel coarticulation and vowel anticipation in stop consonants, respectively. These parameters revealed a lack of coarticulatory cohesion in the speech of a patient suffering from verbal apraxia, explainable by a consistent delay in the initiation of anticipatory vowel gestures. The findings are discussed with respect to prosodic features and to theoretical and clinical concepts of verbal apraxia.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In zwei Experimenten wurde mit Hilfe unterschiedlicher sozialer Attitüden und Werthaltungen jeweils die Hypothese geprüft, daß sich Einstellungen nach einstellungskonträrer Agitation in Richtung dieser Agitation oder aber nicht und in Gegenrichtung zur Agitation ändern, je nachdem ob sie weniger oder mehr in allgemeineren Werthaltungen verankert sind. Im Rahmen einer um die Konzeption der Verankerung erweiterten Theorie der kognitiven Dissonanz können damit besser als bisher sogenannte Bumerang-Effekte bei Änderungen von Attitüden erklärt werden.
Summary In two experiments we tested the following hypothesis concerning social attitudes and value orientations: Attitudes will be changed after counter-attitudinal agitation in the direction of this agitation or in opposite direction depending on their degree of being anchored in general value orientations. With the theory of cognitive dissonance, supplemented by the conception of anchoring, we are now able to explain better than before the so-called boomerang-effects which appear with attitude changes.
This article is a position paper concerning the major issues in the study of children's acquistion of nonverbal behavior. In linguistic theory non-verbal behavior may be considered irrelevant, it may be condsidered the precursor of verbal language, or it may be viewed as an integral part of human communication which is verbal and nonverbal. The author opts for the latter theory. Concerning the relationship between what is innate and what is learned, the paper discusses that nonverbal expression is innate, but culture determines its forms and its uses. The paper then presents a brief history of Developmental Kinesics, explaining its technical difficulties and its methodological complexities. It proceeds by documenting the function of maternal nonverbal behavior towards the neonate. Finally, the paper treats the levels of analysis. A distinction is drawn between communicative and non-communicative nonverbal behavior. Its affective, emotional function relates to ego state; its regulatory function governs face-to-face interaction; and its referential, informative function pertains to the message proper. The child also acquires the non-interactional aspects of body movements which distinguish different peoples. Expression and perception must be studied separately; and finally, nonverbal behavior has to be correlated with verbal behavior and particular attention has to be focused on the double bind.  相似文献   
Age discrimination at work is a widespread destructive phenomenon that often takes subtle forms. Based on negative stereotypes about older employees, we argue that older employees often experience that they are perceived as less ideal followers than younger employees. We propose that older and younger employees do not differ in what they assume their supervisors expect of an ideal follower (implicit followership theories, IFTs). Thus, we hypothesize that older employees perceive that they compare less favorably to their supervisors' IFTs than younger employees (i.e., worse IFT-fit). This should entail lower quality of the relationship between leader and follower (leader-member-exchange, LMX), which, in turn, should have detrimental effects on employees' health (i.e., burnout) and job attitudes (i.e., job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and identification). We tested our model in a field study with 379 employees. Results differed for ideal and counter-ideal follower attributes. Concerning counter-ideal follower attributes (e.g., being incompetent), age had the proposed negative effect on psychological health and job attitudes that mediated through IFT-fit and LMX. Concerning ideal follower attributes (e.g., thinking ahead), older employees expected their supervisors not only to think less of them than of their younger colleagues, but also expected them to have less demanding IFTs—contrary to our expectations. Employee age was negatively related to psychological health and job attitudes, mediated through lower perceived IFTs, worse perceived appraisal of the actual employee and their joint effects on LMX.  相似文献   
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