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Previous recognition memory studies indicate that when both recollection and familiarity are expected to contribute to recognition performance (e.g., discriminating studied items from nonstudied items) the dual-process and the unequal-variance signal detection models provide comparable accounts of performance. When familiarity is not expected to be useful (e.g., when items from two equally familiar sources are discriminated between), the dual-process model provides a significantly better account of performance. In the present study, source recognition was tested under conditions in which familiarity could have been used to perform a list-discrimination task; participants were required to discriminate between strong studied items, weak studied items, and new items. The dual-process model provided a better account of performance than did the unequal-variance model. Moreover, the results indicated that the unequal-variance assumption in a single-process signal detection model was not a valid substitution for recollection and that recollection was used to make recognition judgments even when assessments of familiarity were useful.  相似文献   
Performance on tests in which there is control over reporting (e.g., cued recall with the option to withhold responses) can be characterized by four parameters: free- and forced-report retrieval (correct responses retrieved from memory when the option to withhold responses is exercised and when it is not, respectively), monitoring (discrimination between correct and incorrect potential responses), and report bias (willingness to report responses). Typically, researchers do not examine all these components in cued-test performance; blanks are sometimes counted the same as errors, meaning that the (free-report) performance index is contaminated with report bias and monitoring ability. In this research, a two-stage testing procedure is described that allows measures of free- and forced-report retrieval, monitoring, and bias to be derived from the original encoding specificity experiments (Thomson & Tulving, 1970). The results show that their cue-reinstatement manipulation affected free-report retrieval, but once report bias and monitoring effects were removed by forcing output, retrieval was unaffected.  相似文献   
A salient property of many categories is that they are not just sets of independent features but consist of clusters of correlated features. Although there is much evidence that people are sensitive to between-categories correlations, the evidence about within-category correlations is mixed. Two experiments tested whether the disparities might be due to different learning and test tasks. Subjects learned about categories either by classifying items or by inferring missing features of items. Their knowledge of the correlations was measured with classification, prediction, typicality, and production tests. The inference learners, but not the classification learners, showed sensitivity to the correlations, although different tests were differentially sensitive. These results reconcile some earlier disparities and provide a more complete understanding of people's sensitivities to within-category correlations.  相似文献   
Memory for repeated items improves as the interval between repetitions in a list increases (the spacing effect). This study investigated the spacing effect in recognition memory and in a frequency judgment task for unfamiliar target faces that were repeated in the same or in a different pose during incidental learning. Changing the pose between prime and probe trials reduced perceptual repetition priming in a structural discrimination task and also reduced the spacing effect in a subsequent unexpected recognition memory task. Three further experiments confirmed that the spacing effect inrecognition memory (Experiments 2 and 4) or frequency judgment (Experiment 3) was reduced when the pose was changed between repeated presentations at study. Similarly, with nonwords as targets (Experiment 5), changing the font between repeated occurrences of targets at study removed the spacing effect in a subsequent unexpected recognition memory test. These results are interpreted to support the view that short-term perceptual repetition priming underlies the spacing effect in explicit cued-memory tasks for unfamiliar nonsense material.  相似文献   
Recent research on the cognitive dysfunctions experienced by human anmesic patients indicates that very long term (multidecade) changes may occur in memory.Flat retrograde amnesia (RA), consisting of a uniform memory deficit for information from all preamnesia time periods, indicates a simple, monolithic retrieval problem, whereasgraded RA, with greater memory deficits for information from recent as opposed to remote time periods, suggests the presence of a gradual long-term encoding, or consolidation, process. An evaluation of 247 outcomes from 61 articles provides strong evidence of graded RA across different cerebral injuries, materials, and test procedures, as well as in measures of both absolute and relative (patient vs. control) performance. Future conceptualizations of human memory should address the possibility that memories increase in resistance to forgetting, or reduction in trace fragility, across many decades.  相似文献   
To examine the role of perceptual object representations in the control of eye movements and attention, a pair of experiments adapted the object-cuing paradigm of Egly, Driver, and Rafal (1994) to require eye movements. Displays were pairs of adjacent rectangles, each containing two characters. Observers were asked to make a speeded judgment of a target character’s orientation, and a cue was provided prior to target/distractor onset to indicate the target’s likely location. Gaze-contingent presentation of target and distractors was used to demand overt scanning of displays. Eye movements during task performance evinced two forms of object-based effects. First, saccades following fixation on an invalidly cued item were more likely to be made within the cued rectangle than between rectangles. Second, saccades within the cued rectangle were preceded by shorter dwell times than saccades between rectangles. Extrafoveal processing of stimuli within the cued rectangle, however, was not facilitated, suggesting that covert attention was not allocated more densely within the cued than within the uncued object.  相似文献   
Two functionally distinct forms of recognition memory have been identified in human and nonhuman species—the ability to recollect qualitative information about previous events, and the ability to differentiate between familiar and novel stimuli. Separate dual-process theories have been developed in the animal and human literatures to account for these findings. However, it is not clear whether these theories describe the same two underlying memory processes. On the basis of animal studies of medial temporal lobe function, familiarity is expected to exhibit disproportionately fast forgetting compared with recollection over short retention intervals. We tested this prediction in healthy human subjects by examining recognition forgetting rates across a range of 8–32 intervening items and found significant forgetting in the accuracy of familiarity-based discriminations and no evidence of forgetting in the accuracy of recollection-based discriminations. In agreement with the results from nonhuman species, the present results indicate that item familiarity decreases more rapidly than recollection over short retention intervals.  相似文献   
The ALCOVE model of category learning, despite its considerable success in accounting for human performance across a wide range of empirical tasks, is limited by its reliance on spatial stimulus representations. Some stimulus domains are better suited to featural representation, characterizing stimuli in terms of the presence or absence of discrete features, rather than as points in a multidimensional space. We report on empirical data measuring human categorization performance across a featural stimulus domain and show that ALCOVE is unable to capture fundamental qualitative aspects of this performance. In response, a featural version of the ALCOVE model is developed, replacing the spatial stimulus representations that are usually generated by multidimensional scaling with featural representations generated by additive clustering. We demonstrate that this featural version of ALCOVE is able to capture human performance where the spatial model failed, explaining the difference in terms of the contrasting representational assumptions made by the two approaches. Finally, we discuss ways in which the ALCOVE categorization model might be extended further to use “hybrid” representational structures combining spatial and featural components.  相似文献   
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