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歼击机座舱的视界是人-机系统中组成人机界面的一个重要方面。对歼击机座舱外视界各国研究得比较多,而对座舱内部视界则研究得比较少。笔者用自行设计和研制的速识器和视标箱,在模拟我国现役歼击机座舱有关参数的条件下,实测100名空勤人员对分布在主仪表板上32个视标的反应时。把主仪表板分成八个区域(上、下各四个区),对测得的数据进行统计学处理,得出如下结论:上中两个区为最佳视区,右下区为一般视区,其余区域为较佳视区。把主仪表板分成四个区域(上、下各两个区),其视觉效果上比下好,左比右好,符合工程心理学的一般规律。  相似文献   
金贵昌  郑竺英 《心理学报》1987,20(1):102-106
本实验利用条纹发生器产生正弦调制的条纹作视觉刺激,用NICOLETCA—1000平均仪,从枕骨隆起上方沿中线5cm处记录瞬态视觉诱发电位。实验用四种不同反差,十种空间频率,四名被试。结果表明瞬态视觉诱发电位(C_1—C_2)的峰值随反差的增加而变化,其在空间频率上有一定的分布,最敏感处落在3—5C/deg。在阈上刺激时,被试个体有差异,但分布趋势相似,最敏感处也为3—5C/deg,这和心理物理实验获得的调制传递函数(MTF)结果很吻合。从实验结果可以看到(C_1—C_2)值对反差变化是敏感的,它反映了人视觉系统对不同空间频率上的反差敏感性,可以把它与MTF相类比。  相似文献   
关联负变化(CNV)与反应时的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验采用选择性叠加方法,研究了关联负变化(Contingent NegativVariation以下简称CNV)与反应时的关系。证明:最长、最短反应时差异显著时,相对应的CNV面积差异也显著。CNV的这种差异主要表现在CNV面积的后半部分。对形成这种现象的原因作了讨论。  相似文献   
崔代革 《心理学报》1987,20(2):40-47
本实验是关于飞机平视显示器高度字符的工程心理学研究。使用TRS-80微型计算机为主要实验仪器,通过对六种不同高度字符的动态显示和信号响应能力的测定,优选出最佳高度字符,为我国未来的平显军用规范提供适当的数据。  相似文献   
目的、意向和意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一个意向性目标搜寻的计算机模型,它有两个部分,静态部分包括一个目标表征和到达这个目标的程序。动态部分是一个感觉输入、中间信息加工,行为输出的重复的反馈循环。人类意向必然伴有意识,但机器人则可能无意识而有意向。 利用目标搜寻系统机器人模型,我们对目标搜寻系统的目的连续统下了定义;这个连续统从简单的直接反应系统一直到意向性系统。对这个目的连续统有两种传统的解释:一是柏拉图、亚里士多德和普罗提诺的终极原因理论,二是希腊原子论者和现代进化生物学家的还原主义学说。本文评价了这些学说。 本文考察了几种类型的意识机能,提出了以自动机为依据的意识理论,比较了人类和计算机。从计算机结构的角度来看,人类意识是一类特殊的计算机控制系统。  相似文献   
北京市道路交通标志的心理学评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
詹美莎 《心理学报》1987,20(2):57-65
实验分三部分进行。第一部分使用汽车司机调查表测定80种标志的可理解度,对标志意义的85%正确理解率定为标志可接受性标准。第二部分对第一部分中未达到标准的标志进一步进行长时记忆测验,以85%的再认正确率作为标志可接受的标准。第三部分对第一部分中未达到标准的标志进行短时记忆再认正确率和再认反应时测验,并对第二、第三部分的结果进行相关分析。结果表明:(1)65种标志理解度达到可接受标准,(2)交通标志的理解度主要取决于标志本身图形符号的直观性和单义性,以及司机的过去经验和学习效果。司机对标志的态度也对理解度有一定影响,(3)在理解度未达到标准的15种标志中,有14种的学习和记忆效果较好,长时记忆和短时记忆再认正确率都达到可接受标准。(4)“解除禁止超车”标志各项测验成绩均未达到标准,不宜作为正式标志使用,(5)以长时记忆和短时记忆再认正确率以及正确再认反应时作为指标来评价交通标志的优劣程度同样有效。  相似文献   
燕国材 《心理学报》1987,20(3):79-83
戴震是中国清代著名的学者和思想家。本文着重探讨他的心理思想的基本观点,即:(一)形神观;(二)心物观;(三)人性论。在人性论方面,又主要探讨了四个观点,即:气禀论、人贵论、性善论、性习论。  相似文献   
The proposal that peripheral visual changes (cues) tend to summon attention automatically was tested by studying the effect of peripheral cueing on simple detection latency. Delay between cue onset and target onset, the contingent relationship between cue location and target location, and instructions to subjects were manipulated. Results showed that a peripheral display change could capture attention even when the target was far more likely to appear at an uncued location. When subjects were explicitly informed that targets were likely to appear away from the cued location they were able to suppress this effect, but were unable completely to reverse it by rapidly orienting attention towards the uncued side. Hence the process appears to be automatic in the sense that it occurs unless there are explicit instructions to the contrary. With explicit instructions the processing operation can be suppressed, but not completely reversed. This work was supported by the U.K. Admiralty Research Establishment (Research Agreement No. 53482).  相似文献   
Clinical staff’s attributions about diabetes management were measured using newly developed scales. Eighty-five physicians and nurses provided data to investigate the psychometric properties of the scales and to examine the patterns of attributions made. Alpha coefficients for the 7 six-item scales were satisfactory, ranging from .51 to .73. A comparison between attributions for positive and negative outcomes of diabetes management produced examples of self-serving bias. Comparisons were made with data from 286 insulin-dependent diabetes patients. Staff tended to rate patients as having less personal control over positive outcomes (t=2.94;df=338;p<.01) and tended to emphasize chance to a greater extent than did the patients (t=−4.32;df=338;p<.001). There was a tendency for staff to rate negative outcomes as being more foreseeable by the patients than the patients did themselves (t=−3.11;df=346;p<.01). Both patients and staff demonstrated bias towards dispositional attributions. The implications of between and within group differences in attribution patterns are discussed. The research presented here was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health, U.S.A. (No. AM28196) and from the British Diabetic Association to Dr. C. Bradley.  相似文献   
This study set out to investigate the relationship between the Type A behavior pattern, the need for approval, and the need to prove oneself. One hundred and two subjects completed four questionnaires: two measuring A-type behavior, one social desirability, and one—especially devised for this study—the belief in the need to prove oneself consistently. Results showed that Type A’s have significantly lower needs for approval than Type B’s, yet appear to show considerably greater interest in comparing their achievements with others. It seems that Type A’s do not have any special need to prove their worth to others, but that they must constantly prove themselves to themselves. Limitations of this preliminary study are discussed.  相似文献   
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