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企业的社会责任可以从责任相对人一企业利益相关者的权利的角度来界定.企业社会责任不仅仅要求企业超越简单的"股东利益最大化"的狭隘立场,而且也要超越狭隘的"社会利益最大化"的立场,以超越单纯经济计算的理性态度来维护和促进人类的某些基本价值的实现.  相似文献   
The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) participates in evaluating actions and outcomes. Little is known on how action-reward values are processed in ACC and if the context in which actions are performed influences this processing. In the present article, we report ACC unit activity of monkeys performing two tasks. The first task tested whether the encoding of reward values is context dependent—that is, dependent on the size of the other rewards that are available in the current block of trials. The second task tested whether unexpected events signaling a change in reward are represented. We show that the context created by a block design (i.e., the context of possible alternative rewards) influences the encoding of reward values, even if no decision or choice is required. ACC activity encodes the relative and not absolute expected reward values. Moreover, cingulate activity signals and evaluates when reward expectations are violated by unexpected stimuli, indicating reward gains or losses.  相似文献   
According to the perceptual symbols theory (Barsalou, 1999), sensorimotor simulations underlie the representation of concepts. We investigated whether recognition memory for pictures of concepts was facilitated by earlier representation of visual properties of those concepts. During study, concept names (e.g., apple) were presented in a property verification task with a visual property (e.g., shiny) or with a nonvisual property (e.g., tart). Delayed picture recognition memory was better if the concept name had been presented with a visual property than if it had been presented with a nonvisual property. These results indicate that modality-specific simulations are used for concept representation.  相似文献   
The Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) text analysis program often is used as a measure of emotion expression, yet the construct validity of its use for this purpose has not been examined. Three experimental studies assessed whether the LIWC counts of emotion processes words are sensitive to verbal expression of sadness and amusement. Experiment 1 determined that sad and amusing written autobiographical memories differed in LIWC emotion counts in expected ways. Experiment 2 revealed that reactions to emotionally provocative film clips designed to manipulate the momentary experience of sadness and amusement differed in LIWC counts. Experiment 3 replicated the findings of Experiment 2 and found generally weak relations between LIWC emotion counts and individual differences in emotional reactivity, dispositional expressivity, and personality. The LIWC therefore appears to be a valid method for measuring verbal expression of emotion.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of image size on saccade amplitudes. First, in a meta-analysis, relevant results from previous scene perception studies are summarised, suggesting the possibility of a linear relationship between mean saccade amplitude and image size. Forty-eight observers viewed 96 colour scene images scaled to four different sizes, while their eye movements were recorded. Mean and median saccade amplitudes were found to be directly proportional to image size, while the mode of the distribution lay in the range of very short saccades. However, saccade amplitudes expressed as percentages of image size were not constant over the different image sizes; on smaller stimulus images, the relative saccades were found to be larger, and vice versa. In sum, and as far as mean and median saccade amplitudes are concerned, the size of stimulus images is the dominant factor. Other factors, such as image properties, viewing task, or measurement equipment, are only of subordinate importance. Thus, the role of stimulus size has to be reconsidered, in theoretical as well as methodological terms.  相似文献   
事件性前瞻记忆的加工机制:来自ERP的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用事件相关电位技术,对前瞻记忆的加工机制——主要是执行前的加工机制进行研究。控制条件为单纯的背景任务,实验条件为背景任务含前瞻记忆任务,对两种条件下非靶线索的行为数据进行比较,结果表明实验条件下被试的反应时显著长于控制条件,可能说明两种条件的认知过程存在差异,这种差异在ERPs上主要体现为刺激呈现200ms以后,两种条件的波形和脑地形图存在显著差异。结果支持预备注意加工和记忆加工理论,也部分支持多重加工理论  相似文献   
图表作为一种以图形和表格记录、展示和传递信息的表征方式已得到广泛应用。图表加工是指人们对图表所呈现信息的认知加工。文章首先说明并简要评述图表加工的规则模型、认知过程模型和计算模型,然后介绍2004年提出的层次框架模型,最后进行小结并指出未来的研究方向  相似文献   
视觉搜索过程中的眼跳及其机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文对视觉搜索过程中的眼跳及其时间进程、神经机制及相关的理论与模型等方面研究进行了回顾。发现内外源性眼跳得到了研究者的普遍关注,对眼运动记忆、返回抑制及眼跳时间进程的研究尚存在分歧。关于眼跳的神经机制,额叶眼动区与上丘分别被认为是眼跳的关键区与指令发出者。尽管不同的眼跳理论与模型对眼跳现象给出了各自的解释,但都不尽完善,尚需对这些理论进行整合或者提出新的解释模型。文章还对未来的研究进行了展望  相似文献   
作为一种系统而有力的思想论说,中国政治文化中的实践观在儒学近世化过程中逐渐凸显并得到强化.它透过文化上与佛老、法家现实主义和汉唐儒学的竞争明确了自身的入世价值取向与正当道德基础.作为这种价值取向的担当者,儒家士大夫在近世政治中的主体意识上升,更加强调将学术与实践结合的使命感,积极投身于改革主义主导的政治参与和社会改造.他们表现出非常自觉的实践意识,其观念以天理与实践、道德实践与政治实践为核心议题,在实理实学的前提下蕴含着超越意识与批判精神.理学与事功学代表的两种实践观模式则体现出儒学内部关于德性论、知行论与体用论的认识两歧性.以近世模式为背景,现代实践论经历了巨大而深刻的转型,意识形态与实践的关系愈趋复杂,实践的主体、范围、方式和精神气质表现出历史的延续与转变.其中,实践迷思对于当下心智的影响值得深入检讨.  相似文献   
为怀念任继愈先生创建“中国无神论学会”和创办《科学与无神论》杂志的重大成就,我们重发任继愈先生于1979年发表于《哲学研究》第四期的《为发展马克思主义的宗教学而奋斗》一文。该文曾被指责在批判四人帮问题上不是在比喻、借用的意义上使用“宗教”这个词,而是把个人崇拜“真的看成是一种新的宗教”。指责该文“提出用‘批判宗教神学’、‘大力宣传无神论’来‘扫除宗教’的口号也同样是荒唐”。随着此文的被指责,无神论宣传也就陷入困境,从那时算起。三十年过去了。三十年来,有神论、无神论双方的或经验或教训都是可以总结、也应该总结的。而要总结,这篇文章就是一个开始。关于这篇文章,我们在这里要说的仅仅是两句话:第一,该文明确指出:林彪、四人帮“不是宗教徒和神学家,也没有公开宣传宗教神学”。第二,该文主张批判宗教神学,大力宣传无神论是真的,但并没有主张“扫除宗教”。  相似文献   
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