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This study examined the effects of a family systems therapy (Ecologically‐Based Family Therapy [EBFT]) on the co‐occurring trajectory of mothers’ substance use and psychological control, and its association with children's problem behaviors. Participants included 183 mothers with a substance use disorder who had at least one biological child in their care. Mothers were randomly assigned to one of the three intervention conditions: EBFT—home, n = 62; EBFT—office, n = 61; or Women's Health Education, n = 60. Participants were assessed at baseline, 3, 6, 12, and 18 months post‐baseline. A dual‐trajectory class growth analysis identified three groups of mothers in regard to their change trajectories. The majority of the mothers exhibited a synchronous decrease in substance use and psychological control (n = 107). In all, 46 mothers exhibited a synchronous increase in substance use and psychological control. For the remaining 30 mothers, substance use and psychological control remained stable. Mothers in the family therapy condition were more likely to show reduced substance use and psychological control compared to mothers in the control condition. Moreover, children with mothers who showed decreased substance use and psychological control exhibited lower levels of problem behaviors compared to children with mothers showing increased substance use and psychological control. The findings provide evidence for the effectiveness of family systems therapy, EBFT, in treating mothers’ substance use, improving parenting behaviors, and subsequently improving child behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   
In my exploration of postmodern psychoanalysis, I take as my starting point the complex issue of narcissism as developed by Freud. After pointing out some of the theoretical and clinical difficulties and complexities that arise in the analysis of narcissism, I discuss the diversity of the models and interpretations that then become possible; plurality in psychoanalysis is an inevitable consequence of this. The analysis of narcissism thus opens up many questions that lead me to explore some of the answers that both our forebears and present-day psychoanalysts have suggested.  相似文献   
心理理论的发展对个体社会化具有重要意义。研究通过元分析的方法,表明执行功能能够有效预测个体心理理论的发展水平(r=0.37,p0.001),且具有跨文化和跨人群的稳定性;同时,在个体的毕生发展中,执行功能均与心理理论存在显著相关,证明了执行功能的表达说;但在不同的发展阶段(Q1=411.75,p10.001,df1=90;Q2=219.49,p20.001,df2=50),心理理论的发展会受到执行功能不同成分的影响:0~3岁时抑制控制起关键作用;3~12岁时,心理理论受到抑制控制和灵活转换的共同影响;青春期阶段,灵活转换的作用明显;而到了成年期,抑制控制与灵活转换均会对心理理论产生积极影响。  相似文献   
When infants first begin to sit independently, they are highly unstable and unable to maintain upright sitting posture for more than a few seconds. Over the course of 3 months, the sitting ability of infants drastically improves. To investigate the mechanisms controlling the development of sitting posture, a single‐degree‐of‐freedom inverted pendulum model was developed. Passive muscle properties were modeled with a stiffness and damping term, while active neurological control was modeled with a time‐delayed proportional‐integral‐derivative (PID) controller. The findings of the simulations suggest that infants primarily utilize passive muscle stiffness to remain upright when they first begin to sit. This passive control mechanism allows the infant to remain upright so that active feedback control mechanisms can develop. The emergence of active control mechanisms allows infants to integrate sensory information into their movements so that they can exhibit more adaptive sitting.  相似文献   
采用中性抽象名词探测在再认测试和自由回忆条件下的自我选择权效应。实验一采用选择与迫选的方式考察抽象名词在再认条件下的自我选择权效应;实验二进一步验证被试在我选择和他选择条件下对抽象名词的自由回忆的差异。结果表明:无论在再认测试还是自由回忆测试,被试对自我选择的抽象名词的记忆数量都显著高于迫选和他人选择条件下的抽象名词记忆的数量,中性抽象名词表现出了自我选择权效应,拓展了前人使用假词时在自由回忆条件下未表现出自我选择权效应。因此,自我选择权效应在自由回忆条件下可以存在于抽象名词的水平上。  相似文献   
本研究采取方便取样法从山东省济宁市两所公立初中抽取815名学生作为被试,填写父母冲突特征量表、努力控制分量表和课堂参与量表,并以语文、数学和英语三门课程的期末考试成绩作为学业成绩的指标,考察父母冲突对青少年学业成绩的影响机制,特别是青少年努力控制和课堂参与的中介作用。结果显示:(1)父母冲突对青少年的学业成绩存在直接负向预测;(2)父母冲突通过损害青少年的努力控制而间接负向预测其学业成绩;(3)父母冲突通过依次损害青少年的努力控制能力和课堂参与而间接负向预测其学业成绩。本研究不仅启发教育工作者重视青少年学业不良的家庭风险因素,而且启发父母有意识地减少冲突,为孩子自控能力乃至学业发展创造良好的家庭环境。  相似文献   
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