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Character strengths are positively valued traits that are expected to contribute to the good life (Peterson and Seligman 2004). Numerous studies have confirmed their robust relationships with subjective or hedonic well-being. Seligman (2011) provided a new framework of well-being suggesting five dimensions that encompass both hedonic and eudemonic aspects of well-being: positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning and accomplishment (forming the acronym PERMA). However, the role of character strengths has not been studied so far in this framework. Also, most studies on the relationships between character strengths and well-being only have only relied on self-reports. This set of two studies examines the relationships of character strengths and the orientations to well-being in two cross-sectional studies (Study 1: N = 5521), while also taking informant-reports into account and utilizing different questionnaires to control for a possible method bias (Study 2: N = 172). Participants completed validated assessments of character strengths and the PERMA dimensions (self-reports in Study 1, self- and informant-reports in Study 2). Results showed that in self-reports, all strengths were positively related to all PERMA dimensions, but there were differences in the size of the relationships. Accomplishment, for example, showed the strongest associations with strengths such as perspective, persistence, and zest, whereas for positive relationships, strengths such as teamwork, love, and kindness were the best predictors. These findings were largely confirmed by informant-reports in Study 2. The findings provide further support for the notion that character contributes to well-being and they could guide the development of strengths-based interventions tailored to individual needs.

非常荣幸受邀来到美丽的哈萨克斯坦,代表中国道教界参加这次宗教盛会.  相似文献   
在劳动关系失衡的大背景下,中国工会作为法定的职工权益代表者和维护者,面临着国家制度约束和职工权益自救的双重挑战.对职工权益的救济作为纠正失衡劳动关系的一种方式,中国工会可以利用制度救济的资源优势,在国家劳动关系制度规范内,尊重、引导、干预职工的权益自救行为,并以共建、共享、共担为导向,实现劳资关系和谐共赢.本文以劳资博弈的基本范式为切入点,并以工会协调盐田国际罢工事件作为观察的实证案例,在对职工权益自救的基本特征、基本条件深入分析的基础上,就如何构建以双重受托责任为基础的工会维权策略框架进行探讨.  相似文献   
This study compares the ability of children aged from 6 to 11 to freely produce emotional labels based on detailed scenarios (labelling task), and their ability to depict basic emotions in their human figure drawing (subsequent drawing task). This comparison assesses the relevance of the use of a human figure drawing task in order to test children's comprehension of basic emotions. Such a comparison has never been undertaken up to now, the two tasks being seen as belonging to relatively separate fields of investigation. Results indicate corresponding developmental patterns for both tasks and a clear‐cut gap between simple emotions (happiness and sadness) and complex emotions (anger, fear, and disgust) in the ability to label and to depict basic emotions. These results suggest that a drawing task can be used to assess children's understanding of basic emotions. Results are discussed according to the development of perceptual skills and the development of emotion conceptualization.  相似文献   
<正>尊敬的香港特区行政长官曾荫权先生、中联办主任彭清华先生、国家宗教局王作安局长、香港道教联合会汤伟奇主席、各地与会大德同仁、同道们:大家好!今逢庚寅之初,虎年之首,阳春三月,大地呈现着一片勃勃生机,举国上下正在欢欣鼓舞学习落实全国"两会"精神,恰值太上道祖圣诞之吉日。在这喜庆的日子里,香港道教界在特区行政长官的重视关怀下,举办第十届"道教节",真是很有意义!借此机会,我首先代表中国的道教界,向今天在万忙之中出席开幕典礼的香港特区行政长官曾荫权先生、中联办彭清华主任和国家宗教局王作安局长,  相似文献   
For many suicidal people, the desire to die is moderated by a competing desire to live. This study aimed to demonstrate the ability of a wish‐to‐live versus wish‐to‐die index score to measure ambivalence and trichotomize suicidal inpatients into distinct stratified risk groups. Analyses revealed that index scores calculated for patients at treatment start significantly discriminated among the groups at index and uniquely predicted suicidal ideation, hopelessness, and depression scores across treatment. On average, patients with wish‐to‐live and wish‐to‐die orientations resolved suicidal ideation by discharge. Changes in suicidal ideation among ambivalently oriented patients were more variable. Clinical and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   
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