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浅析肿瘤疫苗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
肿瘤疫苗作为肿瘤特异性主动免疫治疗的方式,目的是激发启动,调节增强机体固有的免疫功能和抗癌能力以维护机体生理平衡。具有使机体由被动抗癌向主动抗癌转变的特点。  相似文献   
Job satisfaction data on managerial personnel were used to illustrate how organizations can be differentiated and described as reinforcer systems. Twenty-seven specific satisfaction scales were regressed on overall job satisfaction, separately for each of five groups of managers from five organizations. For all groups, overall satisfaction was found to be determined mainly by scales concerning challenge of the job and prospects of one's chosen career. Application of decremental stepwise multiple regression procedures to obtain minimum-variable-set equations resulted in different, though overlapping, sets of variables in the equations for the different organizations. These results suggest a way of describing organizations as reinforcer systems, in terms of the specific determinants of overall satisfaction for the organization.  相似文献   
Modern health worries (MHWs) are widespread in modern societies. MHWs were connected to both negative and positive psychological characteristics in previous studies. The study aimed to investigate the relationships among intuitive‐experiential information processing style, spirituality, MHWs, and psychological well‐being. Members of the Hungarian Skeptic Society (N = 128), individuals committed to astrology (N = 601), and people from a non‐representative community sample (N = 554) completed questionnaires assessing intuitive‐experiential information processing style, spirituality, modern health worries (MHWs), and psychological well‐being. Astrologers showed higher levels of spirituality, intuitive‐experiential thinking, and modern health worries than individuals from the community sample; and skeptics scored even lower than the latter group with respect to all three constructs. Within the community sample, medium level connections between measures of spirituality and the experiential thinking style, and weak to medium level correlations between spirituality and MHWs were found. The connection between MHWs and experiential thinking style was completely mediated by spirituality. Individuals with higher levels of spirituality are particularly vulnerable to overgeneralized messages on health related risks. Official communication of potential risks based on rational scientific reasoning is not appropriate to persuade them as it has no impact on the intuitive‐experiential system.  相似文献   
The electronic structures of the μ phase of Co7Mo6 were investigated by means of first-principles calculation based on the density functional theory. The calculated equilibrium lattice parameters of Co7Mo6 are in good agreement with the experimental results. The results of calculation reveal that the addition of tungsten (W) promotes the stability of the μ phase of Co7Mo6 and W tends to participate in its formation. Through analysing the calculated electronic structure (partial density of states and charge density difference), it can be noted that a strong interaction exists due to d–d hybridization. Also, the majority of the atoms may contribute their valence electrons to the formation of metallic bonds in binary and ternary systems. Furthermore, the calculated results show that the doped W atom prefers to occupy the Co site in Co7Mo6 μ phase.  相似文献   
Detecting impossible changes in infancy: a three-system account   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Can infants detect that an object has magically disappeared, broken apart or changed color while briefly hidden? Recent research suggests that infants detect some but not other 'impossible' changes; and that various contextual manipulations can induce infants to detect changes they would not otherwise detect. We present an account that includes three systems: a physical-reasoning, an object-tracking, and an object-representation system. What impossible changes infants detect depends on what object information is included in the physical-reasoning system; this information becomes subject to a principle of persistence, which states that objects can undergo no spontaneous or uncaused change. What contextual manipulations induce infants to detect impossible changes depends on complex interplays between the physical-reasoning system and the object-tracking and object-representation systems.  相似文献   
后世存在有证据吗?我们能否与亡者进行沟通?他们的存在是否具有一定的形式呢?是“脱离肉体的灵魂”或是“无实体的精神”?这是个古老的问题,它事关信仰永生和强烈的对不朽的渴望。科学能否调查和揭示那些基于有神论信仰者利益的声明吗?回答是肯定的。科学在尽其所能来回应这些声称时要面对不仅仅是宗教学家们所倡导的灵魂不朽和天堂许诺等内容对人们的深刻影响,还要迎接来自媒体和公众的艰巨的挑战,媒体不断追求轰动效应,庞大的公众群体迷恋于此类现象。  相似文献   
脱域与重构:反思现代性的中国问题与哲学视域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新全球化时代,中国的反思现代性出现了本土化的"脱域"与"重构"两大特征。所谓本土的"脱域",就是中国的现代性正处在一种"时空倒错"的格局中,原本在西方依次出场的前现代、现代与后现代,在新全球化语境中于中国共时出场或错序出场;所谓"重构",即与全球一系列后现代特征对接的中国现代化既不是经典现代性,也不是后现代,也不是西欧"新现代"或"反思的现代性"的跨界平移,而是立足中国本土的"新现代性",从而形成了具有本土风格的中国问题,需要我们以中国立场、全球视域来观察中国问题,建立中国新现代性理论。  相似文献   
Recent investigations of early psychological understanding have revealed three key findings. First, young infants attribute goals and dispositions to any entity they perceive as an agent, whether human or non-human. Second, when interpreting an agent's actions in a scene, young infants take into account the agent's representation of the scene, even if this representation is less complete than their own. Third, at least by the second year of life, infants recognize that agents can hold false beliefs about a scene. Together, these findings support a system-based, mentalistic account of early psychological reasoning.  相似文献   
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