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Despite increased recognition of the importance of providing routine choice opportunities for persons with severe handicaps, this population continues to experience a typical lack of such opportunities. We evaluated a program for increasing the amount of choices made during routine mealtimes by persons with profound mental retardation and minimal communication skills. The choice provision program, involving systematic presentation of alternative food and drink items in a step-wise fashion during the course of the meal, was implemented with three persons in a residential facility. Results indicated that after implementation of the choice program, all three participants made consistently more choices concerning the foods and beverages they consumed relative to baseline. The choice provision program was conducted without extending the amount of time typically allotted to mealtime within the residential setting. Results are discussed in regard to additional research needed to continue developing means of assisting persons with profound mental retardation to exert control over meaningful events in their lives.  相似文献   
Two studies were conducted to analyze behaviors of staff and patients on a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). In the first study, behavioral observation procedures were employed to assess patient state, physical position, affect, verbal behaviors, visual attention and activity engagement, and staff verbal behavior. On the average, one-third of the patients were judged to be conscious and alert but markedly nonengaged with their environment. In the second study, a member of the hospital staff provided alert patients with individual activities to determine whether a simple environmental manipulation could positively affect behavior of children in intensive care. Employing a reversal design, the activity intervention was found to increase attention and engagement and positive affect, and to decrease inappropriate behavior. Both studies demonstrate that behavioral assessment procedures can provide an empirical basis for designing PICU routines affecting children's psychosocial status, and, thus, complement current procedures designed to provide quality medical care.  相似文献   
The use of a self-recording and supervision program to increase interactions between direct care staff and profoundly retarded persons in a state residential facility was investigated. Following baseline, staff were provided with instructions regarding what to self-record, criteria for how many interactions to record, and a prepared card on which to make the recordings. Throughout the study, the staff supervisor monitored intermittently staff-client interactions. Observations indicated that when the staff recorded their interactions with clients in a loosely structured dayroom setting, the rate of interactions increased noticeably for each staff person. Behavioral ecology measures indicated that other staff responsibilities, such as maintaining the cleanliness of residents and the physical area, were not affected detrimentally when social interactions increased and actually showed small improvements. Additionally, small decreases in resident self-stimulatory and disruptive/aggressive behaviors occurred when the rate of social interactions from staff persons increased. Follow-up measures indicated that the rate of staff self-recording was variable, but when staff did self-record, the increased rate of staff-client interactions maintained.  相似文献   
Data from several published experiments on concurrent variable-interval schedules were analyzed with respect to the effects of changeover delay on the time spent responding on a schedule before changing to an alternate schedule: i.e., the interchangeover time. Interchangeover time increases as the duration of the changeover delay increases, and the present analysis shows that a power function describes the relation. The power relation applied in spite of numerous differences in the experiments: different variable-interval schedules for the concurrent pairs; equal or unequal reinforcement rates for the schedules of the concurrent pairs; different durations of the changeover delay; response-dependent or response-independent reinforcers; pigeons or rats as subjects; different reinforcers. A power function also described the data in experiments where the changeover incurred a timeout, where a fixed ratio was required to changeover, and also when asymmetrical changeover delays were used.  相似文献   
This study was designed to assess the extent to which social role and “just world” considerations would affect perceptions and attributions of responsibility to a rape victim. The rape victim was either a topless-bottomless dancer, a social worker, or a Catholic nun, and she was either acquainted or unacquainted with her assailant. In the acquainted condition, the dancer was attributed the greatest and the nun the least amount of responsibility, indicating that social role factors can govern the range of attributional judgments which might be made in any given instance. However, unacquainted victims were ascribed more responsibility for the rape than were acquainted victims, a difference which was significant when the victim was the nun. The latter findings are discussed in terms of Lerner's just world hypothesis. Significant sex differences were found in subjects' perceptions of and responses to the rape incident and, contrary to earlier findings, no relationship was found between victim attractiveness and punitiveness toward the wrongdoer.  相似文献   
Positive Behavior Supports for Adults with Disabilities in Employment, Community, and Residential Settings by Keith Storey and Michal Post (2019) presents valuable information for support providers and clinicians working with adults in inclusive settings who display challenging behavior. Numerous examples of challenging behavior encountered in such settings are provided along with a multitude of interventions for addressing the behavior in ways that comport with the values of positive behavior support (PBS). This review highlights contributions of the Storey and Post book and considers the content in regard to the controversial relationship between PBS and applied behavior analysis (ABA). The authors specify ABA as the foundation of PBS, but questions linger about the exact PBS–ABA relationship that will likely affect the book's ultimate contribution. Concern over the relationship is illustrated in regard to qualifications of behavioral professionals whom the authors often refer to as being necessary to help support providers develop and implement PBS interventions.  相似文献   
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