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The present study examined the effects of including stimuli previously trained as members of functional classes or equivalence classes on subsequent equivalence class formation, and isolated the effects of preliminary training from those of the acquired function stimuli. Fifty-six adults were assigned to 1 of 5 conditions. The control group (CONT) received no preliminary training prior to the terminal phase. Participants in the other 4 groups learned two 3-member functional classes and two 3-member equivalence classes during the preliminary phase. The terminal equivalence phase trained two 5-member classes (A → B → C → D → E) comprising abstract forms; the C stimuli in the terminal phase were (a) from the preliminary functional classes for 1 group (ACQ-F), (b) from the preliminary equivalence classes for the second experimental group (ACQ-E), (c) pictures of everyday objects for the picture control group (PIC), and (d) novel, unfamiliar stimuli for the preliminary training control group (PRE-CONT). Class formation yields were 100% in the PIC condition and 11% in the CONT condition; however, low yields in the PRE-CONT, ACQ-F, and ACQ-E conditions were unexpected, suggesting that procedural variables in preliminary training account for more of the subsequent effects on class formation than the stimulus control properties of the acquired function stimuli.  相似文献   
Since 2004, faculty members at Caldwell University have developed three successful graduate programs in Applied Behavior Analysis (i.e., PhD, MA, non-degree programs), increased program faculty from two to six members, developed and operated an on-campus autism center, and begun a stand-alone Applied Behavior Analysis Department. This paper outlines a number of strategies used to advance these initiatives, including those associated with an extensive public relations campaign. We also outline challenges that have limited our programs’ growth. These strategies, along with a consideration of potential challenges, might prove useful in guiding academicians who are interested in starting their own programs in behavior analysis.  相似文献   
Hart MA  Reeve TG 《Acta psychologica》2007,125(3):291-300
Both simple and choice reaction-time tasks have been used to examine the processes involved in response preparation. With a response priming task, complete information prior to the presentation of the imperative stimulus is given as to which response among several will be required. It is assumed that with the priming procedure, the advanced information allows for the complete preparation of the response to be made prior to the presentation of the imperative stimulus [Klapp, S. T. (1996). Reaction time analysis of central motor control. In H. N. Zelaznik (Ed.), Advances in motor learning and control (pp. 13-36). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics]. This study used two experiments to test the underlying assumption that the processes occurring within the reaction time interval are equivalent for simple and primed tasks, and to determine if the validity of the prime influences performance. In both experiments, participants completed three reaction-time tasks: simple, primed (100%), and choice. The second experiment added a fourth task in which the prime was valid only 80% of the time. In both experiments, the reaction times were significantly slower for the choice task than for either the simple or 100%-primed tasks. Most important, the simple and primed (100%) reaction times were not significantly different. For the second experiment, the reaction times were not significantly different for the choice and 80%-valid prime tasks. The results of these experiments demonstrate that equivalent response preparation processes occur for simple and primed tasks, but that the validity of the prime does influence the response preparation processes for the primed task. Thus, equivalency is not achieved when invalid primes are used.  相似文献   
The assessment of cognitive abilities, whether it is for purposes of basic research or applied decision making, is potentially susceptible to both facilitating and debilitating influences. However, relatively little research has examined the degree to which these factors might moderate the criterion-related validity of cognitive ability tests. To address this gap, we use Classical Test Theory formulas to articulate how test anxiety and test familiarity can influence observed scores, observed score variance, and most importantly, the criterion-related validity of observed scores. The resulting equations reveal that understanding the influence of test anxiety and test familiarity on criterion-related validity coefficients requires the consideration of a number of additional parameters. To elucidate the implications of the model, we present a Monte Carlo simulation. Results show that anxiety and familiarity can have a significant negative effect on the observed criterion-related validity, but also show that this effect is highly variable. In particular, the effect depends heavily upon the relation between these factors and the criterion variable. Additionally, we note that the equations we develop highlight important gaps in the literature; there are few clear empirical estimates of several of the parameters in our formulas. We call for future research to better examine these additional relations.  相似文献   
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have few employment opportunities and a lower job quality than individuals of typical development. Social deficits and lack of independence may contribute to underemployment and unemployment of individuals with ASD. The ability to solve problems might ameliorate some of these barriers. We taught four adolescents with ASD a problem-solving strategy (i.e., use of a textual activity schedule) to assist with independent completion of vocational tasks in the face of three types of problems (e.g., missing or broken items) and nonproblem situations. Following introduction of the problem-solving strategy, all four participants independently completed the tasks when a problem was presented and responding generalized to untaught vocational tasks.  相似文献   
Individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often respond poorly to novel stimulus combinations and may have difficulty discriminating across critical and noncritical stimulus dimensions without direct teaching. General‐case procedures and multiple‐exemplar training have been effectively used to address this deficit. In the current study, the experimenters outlined general‐case procedures with video modeling, prompting and reinforcement to teach three adolescents with ASD a generalized repertoire of using a chip‐debit card. A multiple‐probe across participants design demonstrated the effectiveness of these procedures. All participants acquired the skill, responding generalized from simulated teaching materials to four novel automatic payment machines, and maintained 4 weeks following teaching. Implications of using these general‐case procedures as a blueprint for future researchers to reference when teaching individuals with ASD a generalized repertoire of any skill are discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine if diagnostic and demographic variables predict civil competency adjudications, a topic that has received scant research attention. Respondents (i.e., individuals alleged to be incompetent) were evaluated by a licensed psychologist to assist the court in civil competency and possible guardianship determination. Prior research using some of the same participants demonstrated select differences on activities of daily living between these groups (Quickel & Demakis, 2013 ), but the current set of analyses was not conducted. The current study included 107 competency evaluations in Mecklenburg County North Carolina and, at conclusion of the case, the public record of the adjudication was obtained. Based on prior legal theorizing in related criminal areas—focused on discrimination of individuals with mental illness—we predicted that cases involving respondents with psychiatric diagnoses would be likely to be overrepresented in those referred for evaluation as well as those subsequently adjudicated incompetent. A series of analyses indicated no statistical differences between competency groups (psychiatric/substance abuse, neurological, both psychiatric and neurological, and intellectually disabled). In a series of exploratory logistic regression analyses, we found that respondents who were single versus in a relationship and those not living at home versus living at home were significantly more likely to be adjudicated incompetent, even after controlling for difference in activities of daily living. There were no differences in incompetency adjudication by age, education, gender, race, or relationship status. Results are discussed in terms of implications for individuals with mental illness in incompetency hearings, as well as specific issues for psychologists evaluating a broad range of respondents. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Several studies of two-choice reaction times have compared situations in which the alternative responses are fingers from one hand (the same-hand pairing) or one finger from each hand (the different-hand pairing). Two patterns of results have been obtained: (a) equivalent reaction times for the same-hand and different-hand pairings and (b) faster reaction times for the different-hand pairing. Previously, these outcomes have been attributed to the adoption of different response-preparation strategies when response pairs are constant (low response-pair uncertainty) versus when they are varied from trial to trial (high response-pair uncertainty). However, response-pair uncertainty has been confounded with whether only the two relevant fingers were placed on response keys or whether more than two fingers were. Experiment 1 of the present study demonstrated that finger placement, rather than response-pair uncertainty, determines which reaction-time pattern is obtained. Experiments 2 and 3 investigated the nature of the finger-placement effect by placing the fingers that were irrelevant for the task on response keys or on immovable blocks. The experiments indicated that the crucial factor is the number of fingers on active response keys, with the type of preparation being different when only two fingers are on keys rather than when more than two fingers are.  相似文献   
The wide-ranging literature on deviance and stigma rarely allows for disjuncture between action (behavior) and disposition (values): individuals act deviantly because they are deviant, or they re-present deviant actions as consistent with dominant morality through processes of stigma management. Drawing on research carried out with female homeless street sex workers in England, this article suggests there can be such disjuncture. The women participating in the research displayed mainstream values while also acknowledging the deviant nature of their behavior but rarely employed stigma management techniques. The article suggests that when prostitution is viewed as a functional act rather than one invested with value, the need to revalue is diminished.  相似文献   
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