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Prospect theory suggests that because smoking cessation is a prevention behavior with a fairly certain outcome, gain-framed messages will be more persuasive than loss-framed messages when attempting to encourage smoking cessation. To test this hypothesis, the authors randomly assigned participants (N=258) in a clinical trial to either a gain- or loss-framed condition, in which they received factually equivalent video and printed messages encouraging smoking cessation that emphasized either the benefits of quitting (gains) or the costs of continuing to smoke (losses), respectively. All participants received open label sustained-release bupropion (300 mg/day) for 7 weeks. In the intent-to-treat analysis, the difference between the experimental groups by either point prevalence or continuous abstinence was not statistically significant. Among 170 treatment completers, however, a significantly higher proportion of participants were continuously abstinent in the gain-framed condition as compared with the loss-framed condition. These data suggest that gain-framed messages may be more persuasive than loss-framed messages in promoting early success in smoking cessation for participants who are engaged in treatment.  相似文献   
为了解中老年人群患病和用药情况及其影响因素,在大连市某社区随机抽取171名50岁以上的居民进行问卷调查。结果发现,患病人群中80.6%患的是慢性病,以高血压、其他心血管疾病、糖尿病为主,应当加强中老年人的自我保健意识,真正做到以"预防为主",减少中老年人的发病率,根据处方用药,减少自我用药,并避免不良反应的发生。  相似文献   
从巴西医疗保障体系的建立、资金筹集和使用等方面介绍巴西医疗保障体系,重点关注巴西全民统一医疗制度.鉴于巴西与我国在卫生系统绩效和医疗保障制度改革中所面临的相似挑战,试图通过对巴西医疗保障体系比较详细地介绍及与我国进行简单的对比,总结成功经验、吸取教训为我国建立全民覆盖的医疗保障体系提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   
This study examined the effect of listening to a newly learned musical piece on subsequent motor retention of the piece. Thirty-six non-musicians were trained to play an unfamiliar melody on a piano keyboard. Next, they were randomly assigned to participate in three follow-up listening sessions over 1 week. Subjects who, during their listening sessions, listened to the same initial piece showed significant improvements in motor memory and retention of the piece despite the absence of physical practice. These improvements included increased pitch accuracy, time accuracy, and dynamic intensity of key pressing. Similar improvements, though to a lesser degree, were observed in subjects who, during their listening sessions, were distracted by another task. Control subjects, who after learning the piece had listened to nonmusical sounds, showed impaired motoric retention of the piece at 1 week from the initial acquisition day. These results imply that motor sequences can be established in motor memory without direct access to motor-related information. In addition, the study revealed that the listening-induced improvements did not generalize to the learning of a new musical piece composed of the same notes as the initial piece learned, limiting the effects to musical motor sequences that are already part of the individual’s motor repertoire.  相似文献   
In response to the rapidly increasing application and abuse of psychological tests in China, the Psychometrics Division of the Chinese Psychological Society published the 2008 revisions of the Chinese Code of Ethical Use of Psychological Tests. We investigated the implementation status of the code 2½ years after its promulgation. Sample included 284 psychological professionals and psychology graduate students. The average accuracy rate for the appropriate use of psychological tests was 67.1% (range = 25.5–97.5%), with 10 items having accuracy rates below 45%. Participants remained uncertain about the clients' rights to information about the purpose, psychometric properties, and scores of the tests. The most frequent violations involved “using psychological tests without psychometric information for entertainment purposes” and “using SCL-90 to measure mental health of normal people.”  相似文献   
评价中心是一种高保真度的情境模拟,它被设计用来在多种与工作相关的活动中测量多项维度.30年来的大量研究发现,评价中心具备良好的内容效度和效标关联效度,但构想效度却始终不理想,评价中心评分反映的总是由活动而非预先设想的维度带来的效应.这一评价中心“构想效度谜题”吸引了大量研究关注,并逐步形成了维度中心取向、活动中心取向及交互作用取向三种主要观点,分别主张控制各种误差因素以改善维度测量、放弃维度而转向活动或任务以及关注维度与活动的共同作用.未来研究应在传统的维度中心取向之外给予活动中心取向足够重视,并重点发展交互作用取向.  相似文献   
本研究对行政职业能力测验中的阅读理解分测验考查何种能力要素进行了深入探讨.研究一首先通过文献法初步概括出行政职业能力测验阅读理解的能力考查体系,进而使用出声思维的方法对该考查体系进行验证和补充,最后通过专家调查论证方法对其进行最终确定.结果表明,行政职业能力测验阅读理解考查了6种能力,分别是提取信息能力、理解意义能力、理解细节能力、分析结构能力、概括能力及推断能力,其中提取信息能力和理解意义能力是基础.在此基础上,研究二使用该能力框架选取合适的行政职业能力测验阅读理解题目,组成一套阅读理解测验,并借助认知诊断方法,通过专家标定测验的Q矩阵,利用实测数据对研究一构建的能力考查体系的完备性进行了验证.  相似文献   
A finite chain of valid arguments can never lead from truth to falsehood. Call this the concatenation principle, or CP. Some propose to reject CP in response to the sorites paradox. I offer a justification of a restricted version of CP based on intuitively-appealing principles, all of which are already assumed in mathematics. The restricted version excludes soritical cases, but covers intuitively correct applications of CP in mathematics and elsewhere. The upshot is that the cost of rejecting the unrestricted CP is much lower than is often assumed.  相似文献   
The present study aims to understand the mental health status of an understudied group of migrant children – children of migrant workers in China. A total of 1,466 children from Beijing participated in the study that compared migrant children (n = 1,019) to their local peers (n = 447) in public and private school settings. Results showed that overall, migrant children reported more internalizing and externalizing mental health problems and lower life satisfaction than local peers. However, public school attendance served as a protective factor for migrant children's mental health. The mental health status of migrant children attending public schools, including externalizing problems as well as friend and school satisfaction, was not different from local children. In addition, our data indicates that the protective effect of public school attendance for migrant children may be even more salient among girls than boys, and for younger children than older children.  相似文献   
李涛  李永红  宋慧  高冉  冯菲 《心理科学进展》2022,30(9):2067-2077
安全行为是个体用于预防或者减轻恐惧后果的行为, 它被认为是焦虑障碍维持的重要机制之一, 也会对焦虑的暴露治疗产生干扰。安全行为与焦虑水平、焦虑相关的认知偏差存在联系, 错误归因假说、注意资源偏离假说和行为信息假说对这种联系做出了解释。此外, 安全行为的使用会削弱焦虑暴露治疗的效果、提高暴露的接受性。未来研究应对安全行为做出更清晰的界定和准确的测量, 进一步改进研究设计, 借鉴第三代行为治疗的理论解释安全行为与焦虑的关系; 同时还需要考察安全行为的双重作用, 开发聚焦于安全行为的治疗方案并评估其效果。  相似文献   
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