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近年来,研究者们将“治疗联盟”(Therapeutic Alliance,TA)的概念与在线自助干预(Internet-based Self-help Interventions,ISIs)相结合,以解决ISIs中用户参与度较低的问题。这种在数字环境中形成的TA,被称之为“数字治疗联盟”(Digital Therapeutic Alliance, DTA)。随着人工智能的迅速发展,聊天机器人可模拟人类指导,相对于传统ISIs程序更易于与用户建立关系,可通过友好、尊重、倾听、鼓励、真诚、理解、信任这几个关系线索来促进DTA的发展,为解决用户低参与度的问题提供了一种新思路。未来的研究可从影响因素、ISIs技术迭代、测量规范、实验操纵等方面对DTA作进一步的探索。  相似文献   
情境相关性及其对“特质-工作结果”的调节作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
情境相关性是指当情境能够对个体表达特质提供相关行为的线索时, 该情境即具有相关性, 它和情境强度共同组成特质激活的潜能, 并在工业组织心理学中逐渐受到广泛关注。基于情境相关性有研究提出情境维度说, 建立特质激活与评估模型。受到情境中相关线索激活, 特质表达为工作行为。在与不同水平各个维度的线索相一致时, 工作行为被评估为工作绩效。研究表明, 情境调节变量可以在3个水平提供特质激活线索, 调节“特质&;#8722;工作结果”关系, 如任务水平的工作控制、群体水平的领导行为以及组织水平的领导&;#8722;成员交换(LMX)关系等。情境相关性研究在人才选任、绩效管理、改善生产等方面起到积极作用。  相似文献   
日本的公共哲学研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,公共哲学(public philosophy)这一用语在中国也逐渐为学术界所接受,这一方面是由于我国学术界对于国外思潮的敏锐捕捉,另一方面则是得益于日本公共哲学研究者在中国的大力推介。其实,半个世纪前“公共哲学”这一用语就在美国出现了,1955年李普曼(W alter Lippman)出版了  相似文献   
自罗尔斯<正义论>问世之后,全球正义(global justice)研究在西方学界逐渐兴起.近年来,面对日益加快的全球化进程及其给全球秩序所带来的挑战,我国不少学者也开始关注全球正义问题.何谓全球正义?全球正义研究的主要流派有哪些?全球正义是否有实现的可能?本文拟结合国内外的有关研究,对这些问题做一初步梳理和分析.  相似文献   
近期,笔者观察了一些寺庙举行的宗教活动,发现参与者之绝大多数是50岁以上的妇女,其中既有下岗失业工人,也有退休干部,还有共产党员。可以说,除了退休干部以外,大都属于弱势群体。她们在激烈的竞争  相似文献   
Reggev N  Hassin RR  Maril A 《Cognition》2012,124(2):256-260
Fluency, the subjective experience of ease associated with information processing, has been shown to affect a host of judgments. Previous research has typically focused on specific factors that affect the use of a single, specific fluency source. In the present study we examine how cognitive mindsets, or processing modes, moderate fluency emanating from two simultaneous sources of fluency. As a cognitive mindset manipulation, participants performed Jacoby's process dissociation paradigm. Subsequently, participants engaged in a metamemory task that incorporates (and can separately measure the influence of) two simultaneous sources of fluency: familiarity and accessibility. Our results confirmed that our content-unrelated mindset procedure had affected the use of fluency. Moreover, the use of both fluency sources was attenuated, demonstrating the generality of the effect. The findings highlight the causal dependency of fluency on a complex, cognitively-rich environment.  相似文献   
健康城市的理论与实践的发展以及人类对健康及其决定因素认知的深入使健康城市的内涵和理念不断扩充,吸纳了健康的社会模式及健康决定因素的理念,为健康城市建设注入了新的机制,并成为健康城市建设发展的新导向.我国建设健康城市的实践,从基线评估、规划制定到建设推进,已着力体现国际上健康城市的新理念和导向.  相似文献   
The present study assessed direction discrimination with moving random-dot cinematograms at retinal eccentricities of 0, 8, 22, and 40?deg. In addition, Landolt-C acuity was assessed at these eccentricities to determine whether changes in motion discrimination performance covaried with acuity in the retinal periphery. The results of the experiment indicated that discrimination thresholds increased with retinal eccentricity and directional variance (noise), independent of acuity. Psychophysical modeling indicated that the results for eccentricity and noise could be explained by an increase in channel bandwidth and an increase in internal multiplicative noise.  相似文献   
The effects of a background scene on the perception of the trajectory of an approaching object and its relation to changes in angular speed and angular size were examined in five experiments. Observers judged the direction (upward or downward) of two sequentially presented motion trajectories simulating a sphere traveling toward the observer at a constant 3-D speed from a fixed distance. In Experiments 14, we examined the effects of changes in angular speed and the presence of a scene background, with changes in angular size based either on the trajectories being discriminated or on an intermediate trajectory. In Experiment 5, we examined the effects of changes in angular speed and scene background, with angular size either constant or consistent with an intermediate 3-D trajectory. Overall, we found that (1) observers were able to judge the direction of object motion trajectories from angular speed changes; (2) observers were more accurate with a 3-D scene background, as compared with a uniform background, suggesting that scene information is important for recovering object motion trajectories; and (3) observers were more accurate in judging motion trajectories based on angular speed when the angular size function was consistent with motion in depth than when the angular size was constant.  相似文献   
择偶是一种重要的心理、社会和文化现象,婚恋择偶除了会受当下社会文化习俗等人文因素的影响,也受到个体生理机制的影响。本文聚焦热点,从进化心理学的角度阐述性激素对人类择偶偏好的影响。女性的择偶偏好受生理周期激素变化的影响,男性的择偶则会因为体内睾酮含量的不同而发生变化。性激素不仅影响人的心理和行为,还会影响人类择偶决策的神经机制。未来的相关研究应关注生理周期的测定方法、被试的文化背景和个体间的差异等。  相似文献   
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