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Much previous research has demonstrated that visual search is typically disrupted by the presence of a unique “singleton” distractor in the search display. Here we show that attentional capture by an irrelevant color singleton during shape search critically depends on availability of working memory to the search task: When working memory is loaded in a concurrent yet unrelated verbal short-term memory task, capture increases. These findings converge with previous demonstrations that increasing working memory load results in greater distractor interference in Stroop-like tasks (de Fockert, Rees, Frith, & Lavie, 2001; Lavie, Hirst, de Fockert, & Viding, 2004), which support the hypothesis that working memory provides goal-directed control of visual selective attention allowing to minimize interference by goal-irrelevant distractors.  相似文献   
The present study investigated response-response (R-R) compatibility in a bimanual keypressing task. Numeric and spatial stimuli were used to cue responses for each hand. Two groups of participants differed in terms of the stimulus-response mappings for the numeric stimuli. For one group, the numeric stimuli were mapped so that the same number for each hand indicated responses that were anatomically compatible (e.g., index finger of both hands). For the other group, the same number for each hand indicated responses that were left-right compatible (e.g., leftmost finger of both hands). The spatial stimuli were mapped in a spatially compatible manner to the responses for both groups. For numeric stimuli, reaction times (RTs) were faster when the same number indicated the response for each hand, regardless of the mapping. For the spatial stimuli, RTs were determined not only by the pairing of stimuli or responses, but also by how the responses were indicated by numeric stimuli. The results indicate that R-R compatibility effects are mediated by abstract codes that reflect individuals’ conceptualizations of their actions.  相似文献   
In visual perception, part segmentation of an object is considered to be guided by image-based properties, such as occurrences of deep concavities in the outer contour. However, object-based properties can also provide information regarding segmentation. In this study, outer contours and interpretations of object configurations were manipulated to examine differences between image-based and object-based segmentation in a visual search task. We found that locating a two-dimensional object configuration with deep concavities in the outer contour depends on the type of outer contour of the surrounding distractors. In addition, locating a three-dimensional object configuration was harder when it was surrounded by object-based-disconnected distractors, as compared with object-based-connected distractors, regardless of image-based connections in these distractors. We conclude that segmentation based on the outer contours of a target facilitates its localization. However, when three-dimensional information is available, segmentation strongly depends on object-based properties, rather than on image-based properties.  相似文献   
In one condition, positive and negative number pairs were compared in separate blocks of trials. In another condition, the positive and the negative number pairs were intermixed. In the intermixed condition, comparisons involving negative numbers were faster with the left hand than with the right, and comparisons were faster with the right hand than with the left hand with the positive numbers; that is, a spatial numerical association of response codes (SNARC) effect was obtained, in which the mental number line was extended leftward with the negative numbers. On the other hand, in the blocked condition, a reverse SNARC effect was obtained with the negative numbers; that is, negative number pairs have the same underlying spatial representation as the positive numbers in this context. Nongraded semantic congruity effects, obtained in both the blocked and the intermixed conditions, are consistent with the idea that magnitude information is extracted prior to the generation of discrete semantic codes.  相似文献   
Because some features affect the efficiency of visual search even when they are irrelevant to the task, they are thought tocapture attention in a stimulus-driven manner. If such attention shifts are stimulus driven, they should be unaffected by reduced resources. We added a concurrent auditory task to a traditional attention capture paradigm and found that capture by an irrelevant, abruptly appearing stimulus (i.e., an onset) was eliminated. In contrast, prioritization of an irrelevant color singleton—a stimulus that at most receives only mild prioritization in this paradigm—was increased under dual-task conditions. These results challenge the hypothesis that attention capture by irrelevant features is stimulus driven. Instead, prioritization depends on and is modulated by the availability of resources.  相似文献   
Articulatory suppression (repeatedly pronouncing a syllable or word while carrying out another task) is thought to interfere selectively with the phonological store in working memory (Larsen & Baddeley, 2003). Although suppression interferes with temporal enumeration (enumerating successive light flashes), to date there has been little evidence of such interference in spatial enumeration (enumerating units laid out in space at one time)—a finding with serious ramifications for theories of enumeration. Participants carried out a spatial enumeration task, enumerating 1–8 dots while listening to a metronome (baseline condition) or while carrying out a secondary task to the rhythm of the metronome (dual-task condition). There were four secondary tasks: simple articulation (saying a letter), complex articulation (alternating between two letters), simple tapping (tapping a finger), and complex tapping (alternating between two fingers). Interference varied with number of items, but the pattern differed from that observed with temporal enumeration (Logie & Baddeley, 1987).  相似文献   
The category inclusion rule specifies that categories inherit the properties of their superordinates. For example, given thatall metals are pentavalent, it can be concluded thatall iron is pentavalent. Sloman (1998) showed that people do not fully endorse conclusions that follow from the category inclusion rule. He claims that people rely on the similarity between the premise and the conclusion categories (metals andiron), rather than applying the category inclusion rule. By allowing reasoners to rate their certainty for category relations (e.g.,iron is metal), as well as for conclusions, the present study shows that similarity has only an indirect effect on the certainty of conclusions: Reasoners are more certain that similar categories have a category inclusion relation, and this in turn affects the certainty of conclusions based on this relation.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationships among mindfulness, marital satisfaction, and perceived spousal similarity. All 95 subjects responded to a questionnaire measuring each of these variables, and an additional series of demographic variables. A significant positive relationship was found between mindfulness and marital satisfaction, with no statistically significant relationship found between perceived spousal similarity and marital satisfaction. There was a stronger correlation between mindfulness and marital satisfaction than the correlation between marital satisfaction and any of the other variables, including similarity. These results carry meaningful implications for the role of mindfulness techniques within the context of building and maintaining happy marital relationships and general well-being.  相似文献   
The Role of Temperament in the Etiology of Child Psychopathology   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A substantial proportion of children and adolescents come to suffer from psychological disorders. This article focuses on the temperament factors that are involved in the pathogenesis of child psychopathology. It is argued that besides the reactive temperament factor of emotionality/neuroticism, the regulative process of effortful control also plays an important role in the etiology and maintenance of internalizing and externalizing problems in youths. More specifically, vulnerability to child psychopathology is determined by a temperament that is characterized by high levels of emotionality/neuroticism and low levels of effortful control. Models are hypothesized in which reactive and regulative temperament factors either have interactive or additive effects on the development of psychological disorders in children, and conceptualized in terms of a developmental psychopathology perspective. Directions for future research and clinical implications of this temperamental view on psychopathology are discussed.  相似文献   
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