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Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that has been associated with atypical brain functioning. Functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI) studies examining neural networks in autism have seen an exponential rise over the last decade. Such investigations have led to the characterization of autism as a distributed neural systems disorder. Studies have found widespread cortical underconnectivity, local overconnectivity, and mixed results suggesting disrupted brain connectivity as a potential neural signature of autism. In this review, we summarize the findings of previous fcMRI studies in autism with a detailed examination of their methodology, in order to better understand its potential and to delineate the pitfalls. We also address how a multimodal neuroimaging approach (incorporating different measures of brain connectivity) may help characterize the complex neurobiology of autism at a global level. Finally, we also address the potential of neuroimaging-based markers in assisting neuropsychological assessment of autism. The quest for a neural marker for autism is still ongoing, yet new findings suggest that aberrant brain connectivity may be a promising candidate.  相似文献   
In this article, we examine the impact of how helpful an individual is toward third parties on people's willingness to help that individual. Our results show lower willingness to help those that are unhelpful toward others. Further, varying levels of severity of the situation in which help is needed moderates this relationship. Specifically, in less severe situations (i.e., where withholding help does not lead to dire consequences), willingness to help was greater when recipients were seen as being helpful toward others. This effect was also found in moderate severity situations, although to a lesser extent. More severe situations, however, caused people to want to help regardless of how helpful the recipients themselves were. Empathetic feelings toward the recipients mediated these findings.  相似文献   
Abstract— Given that attention precedes an eye movement to a target it becomes possible to use fixation sequences to probe the spatiotemporal dynamics of search Applying this method to a realistic search task, we found eye movements directed to the geometric centers of progressively smaller groups of objects rather than accurate fixations to individual objects in a display Such a binary search strategy is consistent with zoom-lens models panting an initially broad distribution of search, followed by a narrowing of this search region until only the target is selected We also interpret this oculo-motor averaging behavior as evidence for an initially parallel search analysis that becomes increasingly serial as the search process converges on the target.  相似文献   
Augmented reality (AR) has proven to be a potential source of disruption in the marketing discipline. Abundant research has attested to AR's potential by exploring the impact of AR attributes on behavioral intentions and users' attitudes. However, AR's potential to spark customer interactions, co-create value, and foster brand advocacy remains poorly understood. This study explores whether and how AR can turn users into brand advocates. Applying structural equation modeling to a sample of 502 AR users, the study finds that AR empowers users during their shopping experience, creating strong brand attachment and engagement and ultimately leading to brand advocacy. This brand-focused study, which goes beyond the technical aspects of AR, is unique and has the potential to inform the strategic decision-making of managers aiming to enhance the customer experience by means of AR implementation.  相似文献   
Nondisclosure of suicidal thoughts limits suicide risk management. Consistent with disclosure models for other stigmatized statuses, understanding suicidal disclosure requires accounting for features of the discloser (individual factors) and the discloser–recipient relationship (relational factors). In a sample of 30 adults with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depressive disorder (Level 2) who nominated 436 social network members (Level 1), we examined disclosure patterns and identified individual and relational correlates of disclosure intent. Most individuals disclosed in the past (77%; n = 23) and all intended on disclosing (100%; n = 30). Disclosure was highly selective, with 14% (n = 62) of network members identified as prior confidants and 23% (n = 99) identified as intended confidants. Multilevel modeling indicated that relational factors were more central to disclosure than individual factors. Network members who were prior confidants and who provided social support were attractive targets for intended disclosure. Our findings suggest that “targeted” gatekeeper training may be a promising strategy and reveal relational characteristics to identify “high‐probability confidants.”  相似文献   
We perform conceptual acts throughout our daily lives; we are always judging others, guessing their intentions, agreeing or opposing their views and so on. These conceptual acts have phenomenological as well as formal richness. This paper attempts to correct the imbalance between the phenomenal and formal approaches to conceptualization by claiming that we need to shift from the usual dichotomies of cognitive science and epistemology such as the formal/empirical and the rationalist/empiricist divides—to a view of conceptualization grounded in the Indian philosophical notion of “valid cognition”. Methodologically, our paper is an attempt at cross-cultural philosophy and cognitive science; ontologically, it is an attempt at marrying the phenomenal and the formal.  相似文献   
Individuals have many life experiences (e.g., work and vacations) that consist of a series of interconnected episodes (i.e., temporal sequences). Assessments of such experiences are integral to daily life in that they facilitate future planning and behaviors for individuals. Therefore, these experiences often culminate in evaluations of their global affect. Past work has shown that retrospective, affective evaluations of these sequences generally exhibit an “end effect,” whereby a sequence's end intensity—but not its start intensity—is disproportionately weighted. Yet, researchers have largely investigated experiences that occur alone. In contrast, many real‐world experiences vary in their extent of social connection to others (e.g., working in an office with others versus alone in a cubicle). The present work fills this gap by showing the moderating role of social connection on how episodes are weighted in global affective ratings. Five studies involving two autobiographical experiences spanning several days each (workweek and spring break) and two brief simulated experiences show that high social connection leads to greater (lesser) weighting of the first (last) episode. To our knowledge, we are the first to demonstrate that these effects persist across different forms of social connection (i.e., interpersonal interaction versus semantic priming tasks) and are supported regardless of whether social connection occurs at encoding or retrieval of an experience. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents a case report detailing the use of an enhanced form of enhanced cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and other techniques that were employed when faced with impediments in adhering to manualized CBT-E. Ms. S, 22 years old unmarried female pursuing MBBS final year, belonging to upper middle socioeconomic status and urban domicile was provided with 28 weekly sessions of psychotherapy to simultaneously address the patient’s symptoms and try to effect change across multiple domains. A single case design was adopted. Therapy was conducted over 9 months. A total of 28 sessions were taken, with the frequency of two sessions/week initially, and then moving onto one session/week. Pre and Post assessments using Binge Eating Scale, BDI-II, height and weight measurements and frequency of binging episodes using visual analogue scale were done. On measures of pre and post assessment there was 87 % improvement in Binging Episodes, 82 % improvement on Binge Eating Scale and client had 3 kg weight gain with reduction in depression as assessed on BDI-II. The gains were maintained at 1 month follow up. The use and deviations from CBT E, therapy process, role of family and challenges to intervention will be discussed in this case report.  相似文献   
This article explores the role of consumer guilt in a retail context. The results of a field study indicate that a consumer's lack of purchase can lead to a guilt response when social connectedness with a salesperson exists and the consumer perceives he or she has control over the purchase decision. A subsequent laboratory study established that when consumers experience guilt, they intend to pursue reparative actions during future purchase interactions with the salesperson to reciprocate the initial connection they established. This reparation is directed specifically toward the salesperson and not the firm.  相似文献   
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