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Starting with the new definition of paraphilia as planned for the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) it will be shown that the topic cannot be handled without a structural definition of the former perversion. Using the most advanced definition for male perversions it will be investigated if there are female counterparts covering the same structural deficits and pseudosexual solutions. This is done using an interpretation by Beyer of a fairy tale from the brothers Grimm which can be considered as typical for these solutions. The basic clinical background will be exemplified using several long-term psychoanalytical cases of women during which it became clear that the creation and destruction of children??s lives is an equivalent to the reparative function of the sexual act in the male perversion, temporarily stabilizing an extremely vulnerable narcissistic structure. It will be discussed whether there are other structural equivalents of perverse solutions, for example taking power of the child??s or the own body as in anorexia or Munchhausen by proxy syndrome.  相似文献   
Compensatory Health Beliefs (CHBs) are defined as beliefs that the negative consequences of unhealthy behaviours can be compensated for by engaging in healthy behaviours. CHBs have not yet been investigated within a framework of a behaviour change model, nor have they been investigated in detail regarding smoking. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate on a theoretical basis whether smoking-specific CHBs, as a cognitive construct, add especially to the prediction of intention formation but also to changes in smoking behaviour over and above predictors specified by the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA). The sample comprised 385 adolescent smokers (mean age: 17.80). All HAPA-specific variables and a smoking-specific CHB scale were assessed twice, 4 months apart. Data were analysed using structural equation modelling. Smoking-specific CHBs were significantly negatively related to the intention to stop smoking over and above HAPA-specific predictors. Overall, 39% of variance in the intention to quit smoking was explained. For the prediction of smoking, CHBs were not able to explain variance over and above planning and self-efficacy. Thus, smoking-specific CHBs seem mainly important in predicting intentions but not behaviour. Overall, the findings contribute to the understanding of the role of smoking-specific CHBs within a health-behaviour change model.  相似文献   

First the role is discussed that Erich Fromm played in the foundation of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (IFPS) according to the documents and correspondence kept in the Fromm Archives in Tübingen (Germany). In the second part the perhaps more interesting question is discussed of what personally motivated Fromm to initiate and to establish a federation of psychoanalytic societies outside of the International Psycho-Analytical Association (IPA). Although the reasons and motivations for Fromm's initiative are in the first line historical they nevertheless have some impact on the present. Therefore, in a final section, Fromm's understanding of psychoanalysis is discussed as a challenge for the IPA as well as for the IFPS.  相似文献   
A newly developed Semantic Misattribution Procedure (SMP), a semantic variant of the Affect Misattribution Procedure (AMP), was used in three studies as an indirect measure of sexual interest. Using a known-group approach, homosexual men (Studies 1 and 2), heterosexual men (Studies 1 to 3) and heterosexual women (Study 3) were asked to guess the meaning of briefly presented Chinese ideographs as “sexual” or “not sexual”. The ideographs were preceded by briefly presented primes depicting male and female individuals of varying sexual maturity. As hypothesised, the frequency of “sexual” responses increased after priming with pictures of individuals of the preferred sex and increasing sexual maturation. The SMP showed satisfactory reliability and convergent validity as indicated by correlations with direct and two indirect measures of sexual interest. In two further studies, the hypothesised pattern was replicated whereas a standard AMP with the identical prime stimuli did not produce this result. The potential usefulness of semantic variants of the AMP is discussed.  相似文献   
Is there an intimate biographical relationship between entrepreneurship and antisocial tendencies? Drawing from Zhang and Arvey's retrospective study [Zhang, Z. & Arvey, R.D. (2009). Rule breaking in adolescence and entrepreneurial status: An empirical investigation. Journal of Business Venturing, 24(5), 436–447], which found a link between entrepreneurship status of male adults and their recalled early antisocial rule-breaking behavior in adolescence, the present study utilized prospective longitudinal data from a Swedish cohort study to clarify the connection between antisocial rule-breaking, crime, and entrepreneurship by applying a developmental perspective. Regression results, which controlled for early socioeconomic background and intellectual competencies, indeed identified early antisocial rule-breaking behavior in adolescence as a valid positive predictor of a subsequent entrepreneurial career in adulthood in men (but not in women). In contrast, registered crime (teenage crime, adult crime, and prototypical trajectories of criminal behavior) as well as rule-breaking attitude in adolescence, as a more latent form of early antisocial tendencies, were relatively unimportant in the prediction of entrepreneurship in both genders. The results are discussed with a focus on rule-breaking and agency theories of entrepreneurship, youth theories, and the importance of looking at gender differences in entrepreneurial development.  相似文献   
Primary school children perform parts of their everyday activities while carrying school supplies and being involved in attention-demanding situations. Twenty-eight children (8–10 years old) performed a 1-legged stance and a 10 m walking test under single- and dual-task situations in unloaded (i.e., no backpack) and loaded conditions (i.e., backpack with 20% of body mass). Results showed that load carriage did not significantly influence children's standing and walking performance (all p > .05), while divided attention affected all proxies of walking (all p < .001). Last, no significant load by attention interactions was detected. The single application of attentional but not load demand negatively affects children's walking performance. A combined application of both did not further deteriorate their gait behavior.  相似文献   
This article combines an inter- and an intra-cohort perspective to study economic vulnerability in old age. The theoretical background is given through the combination of a social stratification framework and an institutional perspective emphasizing life course policies. At the macro level, the increase in overall education levels and the implementation of a pension system were the driving forces of the strong decrease in old age poverty over the last three decades. At an individual level, the pathway from low education early in life to economic hardship after retirement is most prominent, corresponding to a social stratification and cumulative disadvantage view.  相似文献   
All psychotherapeutic methods must be scientifically evaluated. Empirical evaluation of evidence is a prerequisite for acceptance as scientific psychotherapy as well as for payment by health insurance. Currently the psychotherapy methods accepted within the German health system (behavioural therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, and analytic psychotherapy) are reviewed by a governmental evaluation committee concerning evidence, necessity and cost-effectiveness. The DPG practice study has basically two aims: 1) to conduct a large naturalistic study to investigate effectiveness, sustainability and economic aspects of psychodynamic and analytic psychotherapy and 2) to offer a framework for psychoanalytic institutes, members, candidates or groups to realize own research ideas by collecting additional data within the study. The present article describes the background, main research questions, structure and design of the DPG practice study with regard to the evaluation questions.  相似文献   
Departing from two case vignettes of psychoanalytic treatments of foreign children of parents who had collaborated with the Germans during the second world war, we are pondering whether there is a specific form of German counter transference defense, making it impossible to allow destructive narcissistic transference offers full of relish through the patients out of the fear that their activation in the analyst might end up in shame and horror as in the previous generations. The nearly complete renunciation to work analytically on the Nazi and Wartime could be described as a secret agreement of the protagonists, finding its justification in keeping out this delightful destruction. The consequences of this abandonment are the disability to establish a solid oedipal position and a regression to the anal world, being characteristic for both postwar German states including much of the analytic work.  相似文献   


Ralf Vogt (Hrsg) (2010) Ekel als Folge traumatischer Erfahrungen. Psychodynamische Grundlagen und Studien, psychotherapeutische Settings, Fallbeispiele Psychosozial-Verlag, Gie?en, 324 S., ISBN-13: 9783837920741, EUR 32,90  相似文献   
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