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This article is Carl's personal account, dictated en route, of his experiences during his trip to South Africa. He documents his extensive commitment to people and to a process leading to peace. He ends his journal with the conviction that violence can be avoided and that no group really wants violence.  相似文献   
Major issues affecting family therapy practice in Israel are discussed. Issues making family therapy in Israel unique include historical topics such as the legacy of the Holocaust, the emergence of the family therapy movement from the cradle of the kibbutz; and more recent events such as constant wars, the specter of terrorist threat, and coping with the everyday pressures of life in Israel—stress, loss, and bereavement. Future trends in family therapy in the Israeli context include the peace process and the adjustment it requires from families living in the West Bank and the Golan Heights. The advent of peace and normalization will force family therapists to grapple with issues until now not given the attention they require by a country always on the brink of war, including family violence, feminist issues and patriarchal family orientations, single-parent families, and cultural diversity.The authors would like to acknowledge the help of Israel Charny, Yael Geron, Tzipi Glick, Ruth Malkinson, Judith Wertheimer, and Susan Zeidel.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to understand how incestuous fathers constructed their gender identities and family relationships and to determine how these perceptions were linked to incest. Analysis of intensive interviews with 20 incest offenders suggested that incest occurred in context of entitlement stemming from masculine gender constructions and family experiences which lead to conflicts regarding control and intimacy and a build up of failure. Case illustrations and implications for clinical practice are addressed.  相似文献   
Computer adaptive testing (CAT) is a relatively recent innovation in large scale testing programs, but has had very limited application in private industry. This paper describes the development of a CAT for use by a large insurance company in selecting computer programmer trainees. Incumbents provided the calibration and evaluation data. The CAT led to increased item security, but did not decrease required testing time. Further, the CAT was found to be similar to a conventional, fixed-item test in reliability and validity. In addition to actual test results, computer simulated test data were used in a more detailed evaluation of the CAT's effectiveness. The concluding discussion notes the advantages and disadvantages observed from the use of adaptive testing.  相似文献   
Although significant numbers of the recently widowed are in the labor force, little attention has been directed to how employment counselors, supervisors, personnel managers, and colleagues can be more supportive to grieving employees and maintain harmony, productivity, and employer-employee satisfaction. This article outlines normal reactions to the death of a spouse, the needs and problems of the newly widowed, and techniques of helping the recently bereaved worker. The author discusses the benefits of those involved in counseling, supervising, or advising employees in terms of investment in employee productivity, good personnel practices, and improving human relations.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to present a system for describing and indexing patterns of communication at the relational level, primarily in dyadic systems. Relational communication refers to the control aspects of message exchanges that define an interactor's relationships with others. The reciprocal definition of each individual's role at a given moment in the interaction is reflected in the relative control each individual has and/or is given by the other individual. The control-defining aspects of communication, rather than other information such communication may convey, is the focus of the coding system to be described. Further, the analysis deals with sequences of messages rather than individual messages, and attempts to index the control dimensions of those messages according to their similarity or difference. While previous interaction analysis techniques have been predominantly monadic in nature, i.e., single-message coding schemes, the present approach is based on a systems level of analysis. 1 1 See Rogers ( 9 ) for a detailed review and critique of existing interaction coding schemes.
This study examines the structure of narratives told by well-functioning adults who were at-risk as children. Participants told stories of their childhood based on pictures they selected from the TAT test (Thematic Apperception Test). Analysis of their narratives resulted in a set of hermeneutic rules which may be useful in interpreting the structure of narratives and in understanding the relationship between internalized images, reality construction, and resiliency. Two types of images were identified: negative images of stress and darkness and more positive images of escape and hope. Implications for helping clients develop images of strength and competence are discussed.The authors wish to thank an anonymous reviewer for his or her very helpful suggestions.  相似文献   
This article explores the benefits of clarifying subsystem boundaries in grandfamilies, families in which grandparents are primary caregivers to their grandchildren. The author reviews what is known about grandfamilies, presents the theory and research behind the importance of clear subsystem boundaries, and argues that grandfamilies are particularly vulnerable to problematic subsystem boundaries. Case examples are used to demonstrate how clarifying subsystem boundaries with grandfamilies in family therapy can open up resources for improved family functioning.  相似文献   
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