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If a recognition test is followed by a cued recall test then the probability of recognition given recall generally follows the Tulving-Wiseman function. Despite this regularity two types of exceptions have been discovered. Both poor integration and cue overlap causes an observed value of recognition given recall that is higher than predicted. The present study explores the first type of exception by proposing and testing an analytical tool, which emanates from confidence ratings given to recall responses, for relating poor integration directly to variations in the degree of deviation from the function. It is demonstrated that very poor integration produces a deviation above the function, whereas a very good integration produces a deviation below the function. The effect of integration (and cue overlap) is explained by means of a conceptualization cue dependency. Support is also given to the notion that an enhanced variability of goodness of encoding contributes to an enhanced dependence between recall and recognition.  相似文献   
The effect of exteroceptive contextual cues, presented during the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US) intervals, upon the later development of conditioned saccharin aversions was studied in two experiments. It was found that the presence of the contextual cues during the CS + US and CS intervals resulted in a greater degree of saccharin aversion; the presence of these cues during the US interval was relatively less important. These findings are discussed in terms of conditioning models and retrieval models derived from animal learning and human information-processing data.  相似文献   
Two experiments addressed the influence of secondary task performance at encoding on recall of different features of subject-performed tasks (SPTs) involving objects (e.g., turn the wallet). In Experiment 1, memory for verbs and colors of objects was assessed, with object names serving as cues. In Experiment 2, object and color memory were assessed, with verbs serving as cues. Results from both experiments indicated a greater deterioration of memory performance under divided attention for verbal features than for colors. In addition, intention to remember did not affect performance for any feature in either experiment. The overall pattern of outcome is discussed relative to the view that encoding of verbal features of SPTs is more attention-demanding than encoding of physical task features, such as color.  相似文献   

从责任伦理的视角,提出临床决策支持系统(clinical decision support system,CDSS)在确保准确性、尊重自主性、保护隐私安全等责任中存在的合作意识缺失、职业责任薄弱、社会责任缺位等伦理责任问题,针对上述问题,通过以人为本、共存共生的责任伦理原则指出CDSS各方承担责任的主要路径,包括增强合作意识提高CDSS准确性、明确医生与开发者职业责任确保CDSS应用的自主性、加强企业社会责任保障隐私保护等,期望为责任相关者更好地承担伦理责任提供思路,为CDSS未来发展提供新的视角。

杜旌  冉曼曼  曹平 《心理学报》2014,46(1):113-124
中庸是一种价值取向, 它倡导在全局认知基础上采用执中和适度的方式, 达到个体与环境的和谐。以49个企业团队的413名员工为研究对象, 采用多层次线性模型考察中庸价值取向在不同情境下对员工变革行为的影响。结果显示当员工具有高变革认知时, 中庸价值取向对员工变革行为有显著促进作用; 当团队中存在高同事消极约束时, 中庸价值取向对员工变革行为有显著消极作用; 模范带头作用没有显著情景作用。研究揭示了中庸价值取向影响员工变革行为是依据情景而变化, 从而达到个体与环境的和谐。  相似文献   
社会主义荣辱观是社会主义道德价值观的核心组成部分。本文对社会主义道德价值观进行了详细阐释,回顾了中国现代道德价值观的形成过程,分析了当代社会主义道德价值观面临的挑战,通过对社会主义道德价值观在我国发展历史的回顾和对西方的价值观的客观分析,从理论上论证了社会主义道德价值观的一元指导是我国社会的必然选择。  相似文献   
共情指个体感知或想象他人的情感, 并部分体验到他人感受的心理过程。共情包括情感共情和认知共情两个独立成分。情感共情的神经网络包括前脑岛(AI)、前扣带回(ACC)以及镜像神经系统(MNS), 认知共情的核心脑区是腹内侧前额叶(vmPFC)。共情的神经网络在个体发展中逐渐成熟并受到认知评价的调节。另外, 催产素和催产素受体基因多态性与共情密切联系。未来应该深入研究躯体感觉皮质在疼痛共情中的作用, 共情和亲身情感体验的神经网络的区别, 开展催产素改善共情缺陷个体的干预研究, 采用脑成像基因技术研究基因多态性与共情神经网络的关系以及提高共情研究范式的生态效度。  相似文献   
消极偏差还是积极缺乏:抑郁的积极心理学解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抑郁的认知理论被认为是当代最具影响的抑郁理论之一,其中贝克抑郁理论与无望抑郁理论是两大主要的认知理论。认知理论主张消极认知偏差是导致抑郁的易感因素。然而,"抑郁现实主义"及"积极错觉"等研究却证实抑郁个体并不存在消极认知偏差。以往研究的矛盾实际上反映了当代心理学过分关注消极的病理化倾向。新兴的积极心理学则试图从全新视角解释抑郁,导致抑郁的原因不是个体身上积极因素的缺位,而是积极力量未被充分发挥。  相似文献   
The phenomenon of recognition failure of recallable words shows a remarkable regularity across a wide variety of experimental conditions. A quadratric function, referred to as the Tulving-Wiseman function, summarizes this regularity. A few cases of deviation from this function have been identified and classified into two categories of exceptions to this function. An experiment was designed to deal with one of these categories, namely the exception that occurs because of poor integration between cue and target information of studied word pairs. An index based on confidence ratings of recall responses was developed to assess variability in integration. Poor integration was demonstrated especially for one presentation of low associative word pairs, and significant deviations from the function was obtained for this condition. Hintzman's (1991, 1992) hypothesis about mathematical constraints of the Tulving-Wiseman function was discussed and refuted. Finally, an interpretation of negative deviations from the Tulving-Wiseman function was proposed.  相似文献   
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