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近来有关同伴排斥行为基础的研究,强调把攻击性作为决定儿童在同伴团体中地位低下的一个因素.被排斥儿童有许多子群,除攻击性被研究过外,其它子群还没有得到研究.本文将讨论一个在中学进行的研究.它把被排斥的学生分成两组:一组为高攻击性组,另一组为易被驱使组.在研究中,我们使用了由Asher、Hymel和Renshaw(1984)发展起来的测量孤独和社会不满(Social dissatisfaction)的方法.  相似文献   
To test the feasibility and utility of involving peers as sources of feedback, 6 subjects, instructors in a vocational program for adults with mental retardation, participated in a staff training and management program. Subjects' teaching interactions were assessed during baseline, in-service training (on effective teaching), return-to-baseline, peer management, and follow-up phases. Peer management was introduced in multiple baseline fashion across pairs of subjects. Members of each pair were trained to monitor peer teaching, to record and graph data, to provide feedback, and to set goals with the peer. Each pair then performed these procedures on the job for several weeks, during which time 4 of the 6 subjects increased their use of effective teaching methods (over baseline). However, inconsistencies in the magnitude and durability of these increases require that the study be viewed as inconclusive, although it has heuristic value as a promising model for involving co-workers in staff management programs.  相似文献   
The Companeros model of HIV infection prevention in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, is presented as conceived by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA). 518 women who were IV drug users, sexual partners of drug addicts, or prostitutes were requested to participate, and 232 consented. Initial and follow-up AIDS assessments were utilized along with an assessment of sociodemographic variables, including knowledge, sexual behavior, use and abuse of drugs, and previous health history. Educative sessions about AIDs and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) included group discussions and interaction, video watching, personal experiences, and sociodramas. 61% of prostitutes were 29, 12.6% were 13-19 years old, 31.1% were aged 30-39, and 8.9% were 40. 11% had no formal education, 58% had 6 years of primary and part of 3 years of secondary education, only 18.6% completed secondary education; and 13% had higher education. 19% lived in a hotel or shelter. Family disintegration reached 44%; these women did not live with their children. Only 5.2% thought they had excellent health, 51% said they had good health, 31% stated they had average health, and 12% admitted having had health problems. 14.6% had genital ulcers, 1.3% had herpes, 15% had gonorrhea, and 10% had syphilis. Since IV drug use among these women was almost nonexistent sexual relations constituted the principal risk factor. Responses to a questionnaire showed that the most frequent sexual behavior was vaginal penetration followed by fellatio; anal penetration was less common. 34.9% of the women practiced fellatio without protection, 16.3% had anal intercourse without protection. The proportion of AIDS cases in Mexico in women of reproductive age was growing at an exponential rate, possible because of misinformation about AIDS, a history of STDs, and a low rate of condom use.  相似文献   
第9届维特根斯坦国际专题讨论会的主题是心灵哲学(philosophy of mind,或译心智哲学)和心理学哲学。详细地讨论过的问题包括:心身问题、心灵哲学的传统问题和心理学哲学。 1.心身问题什么是心身问题?“心灵”(mind)一词有多种非常不同的用法,这一事实导致了现代讨论中的某种混乱。对这个词,我们至少可以区分出五种不同的用法,因此心身问题至少有五种意义。 (1)我们可以象笛卡儿使用“mens”一词那样使用“心灵”一词,让它指称具有心理属性的东西,亦即指称那种能思想,能感知,能相信和能欲求的东西。在这种情况下,我们通常是用“心灵”这个词意指“人”这个词所意指的东西,因而该词表示的就是你和我这样一些实  相似文献   
该书由黄顺基教授主编,中国人民大学出版社出版发行。这是一部有份量的学科史著作。全书分4篇12章,共47万余字。第一篇是自然辩证法的前史;第二篇是自然辩证法的创立;第三篇是自然辩证法的发展;第四篇是自然辩  相似文献   
一、从1966到1976年,是解释学尤其是“哲学解释学”内部急剧发展的十年,是它同当代各种思想流派对话、进行活跃的“解释的论战”的十年。我们可以用P.利科尔在《论解释》一书(1965)中的一句话,即“语言的问题和原文(或译为本文——译者)解释的问题已经变为当代思想的十字路口”,来说明这整个十年的情况。除了传统的解释学、神学的解释学和H.-G.加达默尔的哲学解释学以外,其他思想运动也一一涌现了出来——例如结构主义、符号学、拉康的以语言为中心的弗洛伊德精神分析学、福柯以及对尼采的研究。后面这些研究的发展使国际上认为法国在语言理论和原文解释理论方面是大步前进的研究中心。当然,有  相似文献   
四、要记述1966年至1976年之间解释学发展的热门时期,困难的确不小。限于篇幅,我们只能谈一下:(1)一些主要的关于解释学的讨论会;(2)几种关心解释学问题的杂志;(3)圣经解释学在这一时期的发展;(4)一般性的和有关文化方面的解释学在这一时期的发展;(5)解释学向其他知识领域的渗透和它与这些领域的交流情况。 (1)讨论会在这一时期举行了许多关于解释学或与解释学有关的会议,举行这些会议的地方或部门有:德鲁大学,约翰斯·霍普金斯大学,罗  相似文献   
Recent reaction time analysis of motor programming has utilized a precue stimulus that provides advance information about some or all of the attributes for the upcoming motor response. This kind of precue typically confounds the number of remaining stimuli with the motoric processes under investigation (Zelaznik, 1978). In Experiments 1 and 2 the precuing of hand, digit, and duration of a key press response was manipulated. A new precuing procedure was utilized that does not confound the number of stimuli with the motoric processes under investigation. The findings of Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrate that none of the advance information was helpful in reducing reaction time and as such, suggest that these features of movement are not selected in any particular order. Experiment 3 compared this new method of precuing to the other, traditional method. The results of this experiment suggested that there is parallel processing of the perceptual and motor mental operations in this reaction-time task, since there was an underadditive interaction between the number of stimulus response alternatives and the non-precued movement dimensions. This paper highlights problems inherent in the utilization of precursing methods to understand motor programming processes. It appears that a better understanding about the variables involved in movement control is necessary before examining the order of selection of those variables.  相似文献   
Ethical issues emerging from forensic assessments are addressed from clinical and research perspectives. The relevance of agency, forensic identification, and attitudes toward defendants are explored within the framework of ethical practice. Finally, the ethical role of mental health professionals in the courtroom, the scope and basis of their testimony, and the rendering of conclusory opinions are discussed within a psycholegal context.  相似文献   
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