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长期以来,大多数宗教总是很自然地把道德与宗教信仰和实践联系在一起。例如,在古希腊,道德教育基本上是通过传奇式的宗教文学来进行的,象关于上帝的传说以及希腊英雄的故事等。正是由于这个原因,柏拉图十分审慎地对待道德教育中所采用的诗歌和典故。柏拉图批评当时的大多数诗歌,认为他们不适合于用来教育青少年,因为这些诗歌错误地把上帝描绘成具有迷惑力的、骗人的、好战的和假的东西。相反,柏拉图认为真正的上帝是完美无缺的,是不可更换的,也不可能欺骗人。  相似文献   
至大的真主在《古兰经》中说:“你们是诵经的人,你们怎么可以命人行善,而忘却自身呢?难道你们真不明白吗?”(2∶44)从这段详明的经文,我们应当知道:有些人,他们常以诚信者自诩。他们常以信仰和善功命令别人,而他们自身却放任自流,  相似文献   
有两种互不相容的公正观念:一是通过说明怎样根据各人所挣之物赋予其权利和赋予哪些权利来解释公正概念;一是通过说明根据各人的基本需要及其满足方法而确立的平等权利来解释公正概念。 分析道德哲学家R·诺齐克和J·罗尔斯对上述基于合法所得权利和基本需要这两种主张在理论上作出表述: 罗尔斯认为,在规定任何社会制度下对利益的公正分配时都将依据下述两条原则和一条规  相似文献   
To test the feasibility and utility of involving peers as sources of feedback, 6 subjects, instructors in a vocational program for adults with mental retardation, participated in a staff training and management program. Subjects' teaching interactions were assessed during baseline, in-service training (on effective teaching), return-to-baseline, peer management, and follow-up phases. Peer management was introduced in multiple baseline fashion across pairs of subjects. Members of each pair were trained to monitor peer teaching, to record and graph data, to provide feedback, and to set goals with the peer. Each pair then performed these procedures on the job for several weeks, during which time 4 of the 6 subjects increased their use of effective teaching methods (over baseline). However, inconsistencies in the magnitude and durability of these increases require that the study be viewed as inconclusive, although it has heuristic value as a promising model for involving co-workers in staff management programs.  相似文献   
The Companeros model of HIV infection prevention in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, is presented as conceived by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA). 518 women who were IV drug users, sexual partners of drug addicts, or prostitutes were requested to participate, and 232 consented. Initial and follow-up AIDS assessments were utilized along with an assessment of sociodemographic variables, including knowledge, sexual behavior, use and abuse of drugs, and previous health history. Educative sessions about AIDs and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) included group discussions and interaction, video watching, personal experiences, and sociodramas. 61% of prostitutes were 29, 12.6% were 13-19 years old, 31.1% were aged 30-39, and 8.9% were 40. 11% had no formal education, 58% had 6 years of primary and part of 3 years of secondary education, only 18.6% completed secondary education; and 13% had higher education. 19% lived in a hotel or shelter. Family disintegration reached 44%; these women did not live with their children. Only 5.2% thought they had excellent health, 51% said they had good health, 31% stated they had average health, and 12% admitted having had health problems. 14.6% had genital ulcers, 1.3% had herpes, 15% had gonorrhea, and 10% had syphilis. Since IV drug use among these women was almost nonexistent sexual relations constituted the principal risk factor. Responses to a questionnaire showed that the most frequent sexual behavior was vaginal penetration followed by fellatio; anal penetration was less common. 34.9% of the women practiced fellatio without protection, 16.3% had anal intercourse without protection. The proportion of AIDS cases in Mexico in women of reproductive age was growing at an exponential rate, possible because of misinformation about AIDS, a history of STDs, and a low rate of condom use.  相似文献   
第9届维特根斯坦国际专题讨论会的主题是心灵哲学(philosophy of mind,或译心智哲学)和心理学哲学。详细地讨论过的问题包括:心身问题、心灵哲学的传统问题和心理学哲学。 1.心身问题什么是心身问题?“心灵”(mind)一词有多种非常不同的用法,这一事实导致了现代讨论中的某种混乱。对这个词,我们至少可以区分出五种不同的用法,因此心身问题至少有五种意义。 (1)我们可以象笛卡儿使用“mens”一词那样使用“心灵”一词,让它指称具有心理属性的东西,亦即指称那种能思想,能感知,能相信和能欲求的东西。在这种情况下,我们通常是用“心灵”这个词意指“人”这个词所意指的东西,因而该词表示的就是你和我这样一些实  相似文献   
迄今为止,我们所主要讨论的逻辑演算,即用公理方法处理的狭谓词演算,标志着把数学方法运用于逻辑获得了显著的成功。这种演算的形式上的简易是令人称道的,从纯粹数学的观点看,它可以同公理化的射影几何及抽象群论这一类数学观念的完满体现的学科相媲美。此外,作为应用于研究演绎系  相似文献   
人们可以轻易地测出高度,但智力却没有这样简单.这主要是因为人们具有多重智力,而不是简单的一种智力.总的来讲,我已区分了七种形式的智力.在现代社会得到高度评价的两种智力是语言和逻辑数理(Logical-mathematic)能力.当人们认为某人聪明时,往往是指这两种能力.因为个体有了语言和逻辑数理能力,就能在那些所谓测量智力的测验上获得好分数.  相似文献   
人类的错误为研究人类智能的结构和功能提供了有价值的资料。对于记忆的研究多是建立在遗忘的基础上,对知觉的研究常常基于识别力衰退,对于语言和思维的研究已经揭示了失言。关于人类错误的研究格外重要,因为它表明了人类智力的某些局限,它时常暴露出隐藏在人们行为之下的规律和机制,它常常提示出可以改善人们表现的方式。错觉是一种特殊的错误,它特别令人困惑,因为人们造成的这种错误始终具有迷惑力,甚至当人们已彻底认识到这是一种错误时亦然。例如,我们会感到在图1中右边的线  相似文献   
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