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慢性乙肝治疗的路线图介绍了对核苷类似物耐药的监测时间和处理方法.本文首先介绍了耐药评价的时间点,大多可以采用治疗后12周和24周的评估.如果出现耐药,针对不同情况可以采用换用或者加用没有交叉耐药的不同核苷类似物处理.  相似文献   
在中西伦理思想史上,主导性的规范伦理学都是德性伦理学,即"人是什么"或人"应当成为什么"的问题处于规范伦理学的中心地位.同时,"是什么"包括了"做什么"的问题.对于行为,义务论强调了道德原则的重要性,功利论强调了后果的重要性,德性论则强调对人的判断的重要性.同时,德性伦理学的重点在于对德性的研究,德性指的是人的内在品性的规定性.  相似文献   
在我国,迷信是自给自足的封建社会长期延续的产物,生活在社会最底层的人民不但深受来自地主阶级政治上和经济上的残酷剥削,在精神上也处于被压迫的境地。这种状况一直到近代也没有发生本质上的改变,而农村是封建迷信最为盛行的所在。在江西,一份关于革命前兴国社会的情况调查说: “兴国的迷信鬼神,可说应有尽有,一年三百六十五天,没有一天不是在迷信鬼神中”。调查者举正月的例子说, “有一种长光神,城乡都有,日夜的香烛不断,一般人藉敬神的地方,做他们的赌博场。城江背的地方,还有一种海神,这是兴国特有的神,一共三十六种神壳,奇形怪状,无奇不有  相似文献   
逸山 《中国道教》2008,(1):54-54
春三月起于立春,经雨水、惊蛰、春分、谷雨、清明,止于立夏前一日.<内经>云:"春三月,此谓发陈,天地俱生,万物以荣,夜卧早起,广步于庭,被发缓形,以使志生;生而勿杀,予而勿夺,赏而勿罚,此春气之应,养生之道也.逆之则伤肝,夏为寒变,奉长者少."即春季为推陈出新,冰雪消融,万物复苏,一派生机.人在春季也应顺应自然,推陈出新,可早起晨练,活动肢体,调养肝脏.  相似文献   
大善 《中国道教》2005,(2):59-60
2004年12月31日,南昌万寿宫、香港蓬瀛仙馆捐赠大米发放仪式在南昌万寿宫玉册阁二楼举行。全国人大常委、全国青联副主席、中国道教协会副会长、南昌万寿宫住持张继禹道长,江西省宗教局张国培副局长,南昌市政协罗文华副主席,南昌市政府办公厅沈杰书记,江西省宗教局一处王希贤处  相似文献   
Stereotyping involves two processes in which first, social stereotypes are activated (stereotype activation), and then, stereotypes are applied to given targets (stereotype application). Previous behavioral studies have suggested that these two processes are independent of each other and may have different mechanisms. As few psychophysiological studies have given an integrated account of these stages in stereotyping so far, this study utilized a trait categorization task in which event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to explore the brain mechanisms associated with the processes of stereotype activation and its application. The behavioral (reaction time) and electrophysiological data showed that stereotype activation and application were elicited respectively in an affective valence identification subtask and in a semantic content judgment subtask. The electrophysiological results indicated that the categorization processes involved in stereotype activation to quickly identify stereotypic and nonstereotypic information were quite different from those involved in the application. During the process of stereotype activation, a P2 and N2 effect was observed, indicating that stereotype activation might be facilitated by an early attentional bias. Also, a late positive potential (LPP) was elicited, suggesting that social expectancy violation might be involved. During the process of the stereotype application, electrophysiological data showed a P2 and P3 effect, indicating that stereotype application might be related to the rapid social knowledge identification in semantic representation and thus may be associated with an updating of existing stereotypic contents or a motivation to resolve the inconsistent information. This research strongly suggested that different mechanisms are involved in the stereotype activation and application processes.  相似文献   
Endophenotypes or intermediate phenotypes are of great interest in neuropsychiatric genetics because of their potential for facilitating gene discovery. We evaluated response inhibition, latency and variability measures derived from the stop task as endophenotypes of ADHD by testing whether they were related to ADHD traits in the general population, heritable and shared genetic risk with ADHD traits. Participants were 16,099 children and adolescents, ages 6 to 18 years who visited a local science center. We measured ADHD traits using the Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD-symptoms and Normal-Behavior (SWAN) rating scale and performance on the stop signal task (SST)—response inhibition (SSRT), response latency (GoRT), and response variability (GoRTSD). Regression analysis was used to assess the relationship of cognitive measures and ADHD traits while controlling for family, age, sex, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and treatment status. Heritability of ADHD and cognitive traits was estimated using SOLAR in 7,483 siblings from 3,507 families that included multiple siblings. Bivariate relationships between pairs of variables were examined. Individuals with greater ADHD trait scores had worse response inhibition, slower response latency, and greater variability. Younger participants and girls had inferior performance although the gender effects were minimal and evident in youngest participants. Inhibition, latency, variability, total ADHD traits, inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity scores were significantly heritable. ADHD traits and inhibition, but not latency or variability were coheritable. In the largest study in the general population, we found support for the validity of response inhibition as an endophenotype of ADHD.  相似文献   
制度与制度之间常常存在挤出效应,在医疗卫生服务制度体系内,价格管制、支付制度和医疗卫生服务评价制度等,造成了对中医药政策和中医药应用的挤出.而中医药在我国医改战略转型、医学模式转变和促进制度创新方面具有十分积极的意义.制度耦合是解决制度冲突、制度挤出的基本思想,把中西医统一到卫生事业发展的目标上来,把发挥中医药优势和特色作为中医药政策的核心,构建中西医并重的机制、优化医疗卫生服务制度结构和完善中医药评价体系,是缓解挤出效应,促进中医药发展的制度选择.  相似文献   
内隐学习研究领域的一个重要问题是内隐学习获得的知识究竟是什么,即内隐学习获得的知识究竟是底层的抽象规则还是表面的特征.研究以汉语声调的远距离水平映射这一远距离规则为材料,通过对表面特征和底层规则之间的分离操作,在控制组块和重复结构等表面特征的条件下,探讨声调远距离规则的习得和迁移,结果发现被试能够内隐地习得和迁移汉语平仄声调的水平映射规则,证实了内隐学习确实能够获得底层的抽象规则,为内隐学习的抽象性问题提供了新的证据.  相似文献   
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