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In maladaptive respects, perfectionism reflects an individual’s concern over making mistakes and doubting the quality of his or her own actions excessively, which would affect one’s emotion. However, little is known about the neural mechanisms associated with the perfectionism and negative affect. In this study, voxel-based morphometry was performed to identify the brain regions underlying individual differences in perfectionism, which was measured by the Chinese Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (CFMPS), in a large sample of nonclinical young adults. Our results showed that the two subdimensions of the perfectionism, concern over mistakes (CM) and doubts about actions (DA), were both positively correlated with the self-reported anxiety and depression as well as the gray matter volume (GMV) in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a pivotal brain region in cognitive control, affective state, and regulation. Moreover, CM, DA, and organization scores were respectively correlated with distributed brain regions involved in multiple cognitive and emotion processes. Our results furthermore revealed that the score of DA acted a mediational mechanism underlying the relationship between the GMV of ACC and self-rating negative affect (anxiety and depression). Taken together, these results might suggest the neuroanatomical basis of perfectionism and the association among the perfectionism, negative emotion, and brain architecture. This study emphasized that perfectionism could play a crucial role in the arousal of negative affect.  相似文献   
Individual differences in the personality trait Agreeableness underlie humans’ ability to interpret social cues and coordinate effectively with others. However, previous investigations of the neural basis of Agreeableness have yielded largely inconsistent results. Recent evidence has demonstrated that Agreeableness can be divided into two, correlated subdimensions. Compassion reflects tendencies toward empathy, sympathy, and concern for others, while Politeness reflects tendencies toward compliance and refraining from aggression and exploitation. The present study seeks to clarify the neural substrates of Agreeableness by examining whether structural differences in the brain show distinct associations with Compassion and Politeness. Results of a meta-analysis of fMRI studies examining empathy were used to generate hypotheses about the brain regions and networks that underlie trait Compassion. Results of a large-scale structural neuroimaging investigation (N = 275) were largely consistent with the meta-analysis: Compassion was positively correlated with gray matter volume in the bilateral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and anterior insula (AI). Further, these differences appear to be associated with Compassion specifically, as opposed to Politeness, suggesting that these two traits have at least partially distinct neuroanatomical substrates.  相似文献   
人类胚胎干细胞研究伦理问题的调查和讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
此次对各级医生进行关于人类胚胎干细胞研究伦理认知的调查研究,其目的是为制订相关的伦理准则提供认知依据,调查是在我国东西部二个城市的8家三级医院进行,采用随机抽样、自愿无记名填写信息表方法调查.调查结果表明,50%以上医生认为早期胚胎不是道德意义的人,70%以上医生对胚胎干细胞的研究表示支持.海峡两岸的医生由于有相同的文化根源,在对待胚胎干细胞研究的伦理观点及态度上极其接近.  相似文献   
旅游决策影响因素研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
邱扶东  吴明证 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1214-1217
本研究采用自编的《旅游决策影响因素问卷》,对旅游决策的影响因素,进行了调查研究。结果发现.旅游决策的影响因素.可以分成六个类别.即旅游服务因素、社会支持因素、群体支持因素、个人心理因素、个人社会经济因素,以及其他因素。此外.旅游决策还受决策者的人口统计学特征的制约。  相似文献   
有关条件推理认知机制的概率理论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邱江  张庆林 《心理科学》2004,27(1):165-167
条件推理主要有两种研究范式:演绎形式(MP、DA、AC、MT)和变通形式(四卡问题)。已往研究主要探讨了内容因素、情境因素以及元认知因素等对条件推理的影响,形成了若干理论模型和观点。近来、Oaksford等人研究了概率因素对条件推理的影响.提出了条件概率模型。本文对这种新的研究取向作了详细的介绍和评价,并对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
根据中国无神论学会几位从事宗教理论政策研究的理事建议,2010年1月22日本刊编辑部邀请部分长期从事宗教事务管理工作和统战工作的老领导、老同志举行了一次小型座谈会。座谈是由《中国宗教》杂志2008年第11期的文章《从"精神鸦片"到"社会资本"》直接引发的这篇文章涉及到中国共产党对宗教的方针政策究竟是什么,它的理论依据和在中国实践的根据是什么,中华人民共和国建国60年来,前30年与后30年是否有原则性的变化等问题,这些老同志作了正本清源的发言,并介绍了他们在实际工作中的经历与总结。有实践依据,有理论高度,对我们是一种震撼和启迪。会议由学会秘书长、中国社会科学院科学与无神论研究中心主任习五一主持。座谈会上的发言,根据录音略加整理,按发言次序发表如后,供感兴趣的同好者参考。其实,评论执政党的宗教方针政策及其理论和实践,在公开的媒体和学术报刊上早就有了存在各种不同认识和观点,以致引起辩论,应该是正常的,有益的。但自《马克思主义宗教观必须与时俱进》在2001年12月16日首发以来,相关舆论出现了一边倒的迹象,至这篇《从"精神鸦片"到"社会资本"》将这种倾向推到了一个新的坡度,引起人们的特别关注是当然的。不仅如此,《中国宗教》的主管单位是国家宗教事务局。《从"精神鸦片"到"社会资本"》一文的发表,使人容易把作者的言论误作官方的意向,具有了舆论的甚至政策的导向性假象。因此,辨清其中的是非不仅有学术意义,也有现实意义。我们将以此次座谈为契机,就有关问题持续地进行讨论,欢迎大家参与。  相似文献   
邱桂凤  邱江  梁娜  张庆林 《心理科学》2008,31(1):138-141
以汉字作为实验材料,采用侧抑制任务范式,考察了不同性质冲突任务下的汉字识别情况.结果发现:反应冲突条件下的反应时显著长于无冲突条件,侧抑制效应非常明显;刺激冲突任务中,只有字音干扰条件表现出了侧抑制效应,字形和字义干扰条件下的反应时与无冲突条件均无显著差异.实验结果说明,侧抑制效应可能受认知加工阶段的影响;汉字字音与形、义特征的加工过程可能并不相同,语音的激活可能要早于语义和字形的激活.  相似文献   
北京八中开展无神论教育课题后,中学生们提出了很多困惑与思考的问题,非常值得研究与讨论。它不仅反应了同学们日常从社会上、家庭中接收到各种有神论思想的信息而产生疑问,同时也反映出无神论教育的缺位导致他们世界观认识的不稳定性。尽管思想政治教育课在哲学、理想、道德、法律和心理上有所涉猎,但是如何建立正确的世界观,还是需要科学无神论的教育。我们将根据同学们提出的疑惑问题,与无神论专家们共同展开讨论,在思想撞击中产生新的认识火花。本期刊登有关“如何认识超自然现象问题”,今后几期还将讨论有关如何看待宗教信仰问题、如何看待迷信问题、科学家信教和名人迷信问题。希望广大读者和专家加入我们的讨论。  相似文献   
Consumers may suppress their feelings toward the attractive looks of products when they wish to minimize the influence of feelings on their judgments and choices. However, this research suggests that feeling suppression may result in a paradoxical reliance on feelings in product judgments and choices, especially when the product performance judgment is difficult to make. Findings from a series of experiments suggest that this paradoxical effect stems from the requisite resource input for feeling suppression and the consequent resource competition with functionality processing which then impairs product performance judgment.  相似文献   
关于条件推理的ERP研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以抽象的条件命题作为实验材料,测定13名大学生在完成MP、AC、DA、MT推理(推测判断任务)和基线任务(记忆判断任务)时的事件相关电位(ERP),初步探讨不同推理类型的脑内时程动态变化。这是使用ERP技术来研究条件推理脑机制的初步尝试。结果发现,五种任务所诱发的ERP早成分均不存在显著差异,在头皮前部的左外侧额区和左颞区,MP与DA推理与基线任务相比,均诱发一个更明显的晚期正成分(450-1100ms),在右外侧额区则诱发一个更明显的晚期负成分(450~1100ms);与之相反,MT与AC推理与基线任务相比,在左侧诱发一个更明显的晚期负成分(450~1100ms),在右侧诱发一个更明显的晚期正成分(450~1100ms),这一结果可能是由于左右脑在推理中的认知功能以及四种推理类型之间存在的差异所致,同时也表明推测过程主要激活了左右侧的前额部、颞叶等区域,基本支持Goel等人的双加工理论  相似文献   
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