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Stereotyping involves two processes in which first, social stereotypes are activated (stereotype activation), and then, stereotypes are applied to given targets (stereotype application). Previous behavioral studies have suggested that these two processes are independent of each other and may have different mechanisms. As few psychophysiological studies have given an integrated account of these stages in stereotyping so far, this study utilized a trait categorization task in which event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to explore the brain mechanisms associated with the processes of stereotype activation and its application. The behavioral (reaction time) and electrophysiological data showed that stereotype activation and application were elicited respectively in an affective valence identification subtask and in a semantic content judgment subtask. The electrophysiological results indicated that the categorization processes involved in stereotype activation to quickly identify stereotypic and nonstereotypic information were quite different from those involved in the application. During the process of stereotype activation, a P2 and N2 effect was observed, indicating that stereotype activation might be facilitated by an early attentional bias. Also, a late positive potential (LPP) was elicited, suggesting that social expectancy violation might be involved. During the process of the stereotype application, electrophysiological data showed a P2 and P3 effect, indicating that stereotype application might be related to the rapid social knowledge identification in semantic representation and thus may be associated with an updating of existing stereotypic contents or a motivation to resolve the inconsistent information. This research strongly suggested that different mechanisms are involved in the stereotype activation and application processes.  相似文献   
Microblogging services such as Twitter have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, little is known about how personality is manifested and perceived in microblogs. In this study, we measured the Big Five personality traits of 142 participants and collected their tweets over a 1-month period. Extraversion, agreeableness, openness, and neuroticism were associated with specific linguistic markers, suggesting that personality manifests in microblogs. Meanwhile, eight observers rated the participants’ personality on the basis of their tweets. Results showed that observers relied on specific linguistic cues when making judgments, and could only judge agreeableness and neuroticism accurately. This study provides new empirical evidence of personality expression in naturalistic settings, and points to the potential of utilizing social media for personality research.  相似文献   
Many studies have revealed the top-down modulation (spatial attention, attentional load, etc.) on unconscious processing. However, there is little research about how category-selective attention could modulate the unconscious processing. In the present study, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the results showed that category-selective attention modulated unconscious face/tool processing in the middle occipital gyrus (MOG). Interestingly, MOG effects were of opposed direction for face and tool processes. During unconscious face processing, activation in MOG decreased under the face-selective attention compared with tool-selective attention. This result was in line with the predictive coding theory. During unconscious tool processing, however, activation in MOG increased under the tool-selective attention compared with face-selective attention. The different effects might be ascribed to an interaction between top-down category-selective processes and bottom-up processes in the partial awareness level as proposed by Kouider, De Gardelle, Sackur, and Dupoux (2010). Specifically, we suppose an “excessive activation” hypothesis.  相似文献   
Bellissima证明KAltn的正规扩张都是典范的,并且给出了一族连续统多的无有穷模型性的逻辑,本文构造出了KAltn的另一族连续统多的正规扩张,并且证明它们与Bellissima给出的颇为不同,它们要小得多,并且都具有有穷模型性。  相似文献   
In responding to rating scale items, respondents may hold different perspectives on the given categories. The random-effect rating scale model (RERSM), developed to account for variations in the category thresholds across respondents, is unidimensional and unilevel. It becomes statistically inefficient when multiple unidimensional tests have to be analyzed and inapplicable when data have a multilevel structure (e.g., respondents nested within organizations, students nested within schools). To resolve these problems, this study develops a multidimensional and multilevel version of the RERSM. The parameters can be estimated with existing computer software. Thus, there is no need to develop estimation procedures or corresponding computer programs. Simulation studies were conducted to evaluate the parameter recovery of the multidimensional RERSM, the multilevel RERSM, and the multidimensional and multilevel RERSM using WinBUGS. The results showed that the parameter recovery was generally satisfactory. An empirical example of the application of the multidimensional and multilevel RERSM to 2006 Program for International Student Assessment inventories about attitudes toward learning sciences is provided.  相似文献   
最近,一些专家学者注意到,当前有种种迹象表明,基督教渗入我国社会、经济、文化、教育等领域,已经产生相当的影响。在海外某些组织出资支持的研究与出版物中,以扭曲历史事实而为基督教说好话、寻找理论根据居多。其显著特点之一是将科学与宗教拉上特殊关系,从学术上为基督教的扩张制造舆论,进而影响青年学子。搅乱视听。较为典型的观点是“宗教是科学之母”;“没有基督教就没有近代科学”;还有试图在神学与科学之间架起桥梁的,如“智能设计论”;更理论性一点的观点是认为“西方对神(真理)信仰与追求的土壤使得古希腊哲学中逻各斯(Logos)精神得以自由展现,从而形成了西方所特有的反思精神,成为中世纪西方科学发展的动力”等等,不一而足。现在我国正在高举科学发展观的旗帜,“科教兴国”成为基本国策之一,崇尚科学成为社会共识.广大民众对科学充满了信任。因此,现代西方某些基督教势力颠倒科学与宗教的正确关系,混淆是非,特别需要澄清。到底科学与宗教之间是什么关系,宗教在科学史上起到了什么作用,确实需要在事实上和理论上加以讨论。为此,中国无神论学会继2006年年会后再次召开了“科学与宗教”关系问题的小型研讨会。  相似文献   
近年来模仿机制研究在深化皮亚杰理论的基础上,深入探讨了模仿与心理理解之间的发生、发展关系及其相互作用机制,并结合脑神经科学研究的最新进展,探讨模仿背后的脑神经机制。在梳理当前心理学、脑神经科学中TT理论、ST理论以及镜像神经理论研究的基础上,给出了进一步深化研究的展望。  相似文献   
GaN luminescence, induced by ultraviolet light under/after inductively coupled plasma exposure, has been measured in situ and ex situ. After the plasma exposure, both near-band edge (NBE) and yellow luminescence (YL) intensities decrease. The decay times of NBE and YL in the in situ measurement are shorter than those of the ex situ measurement on account of the temperature rise induced by the plasma. On the other hand, with increasing plasma power, the decay times decrease. It is considered that this decrease is strongly related to non-radiative defects introduced by the Ar plasma. The results suggest that in situ photoluminescence monitoring can be used to reveal plasma-induced damage at GaN surfaces.  相似文献   
以脑成像数据为支撑,基于图论的复杂脑网络分析实现了在大尺度上对于大脑的整体定量分析,克服了传统抑郁症病理改变研究仅关注少数几个脑区的缺点。本文主要总结了:(1)基于图论的脑网络分析的概念;(2)基于图论的抑郁症研究现状;(3)以往传统研究的不足,抑郁症脑网络研究的当前总结和未来展望。总体来说:抑郁症病人脑网络的小世界属性依旧存在,但在节点指标上存在明显的异常,且随疾病发展呈线性变化,整个网络趋向于随机化。区域性的异常主要存在于默认网络和前额叶?边缘系统环路。未来研究中,任务状态下的脑网络构建和"最小生长树"技术的应用可能会为抑郁症病人的脑网络异常提供更多的信息。  相似文献   
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