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This study focuses on the parenting practice of inherent value demonstration (IVD), involving parents' tendency to express their values in behaviours and appear satisfied and vital while doing so. Data from Chinese college students (n = 89) confirmed the hypothesis that offspring's perception of their parents as engaged in IVD predicts offspring's subjective well‐being (SWB) through sense of self‐congruence. Importantly, these relations emerged also when controlling for fundamental autonomy‐supportive (FAS) parenting practices such as taking children's perspective, minimising control and allowing choice. These findings are consistent with the view that parents concerned with their children's sense of autonomy may do well to engage in IVD in addition to more fundamental autonomy‐supportive practices. Future research may examine the role of IVD in promoting authentic values that serve as an internal compass that guides children to act in ways that feel self‐congruent.  相似文献   
从理论上概述了各时期监测定义的演变以及相关伦理辩论,列举了公共卫生监测所引发的普遍的伦理问题及适用的主要伦理原则,揭示了临床医学和公共卫生中伦理问题的不同。人权是个人利益和集体利益的共同基础,因此,也可能是临床伦理和公共卫生伦理的共同基础。最后,依据《世界卫生组织关于公共卫生监测中伦理问题的指南》及其他文献列出多种公共卫生伦理标准,试图在实际工作中帮助评估公共卫生监测方案在伦理上的可接受性。  相似文献   
从“畏死的恐惧”出发重塑扎根生命的道德基础,即道德行为和“生-生”式的道德关系是人的本真需要,道德权威性的根据是人类生命共同体这一“内在永恒大我”和人的本真存在方式的需要。这拯救了道德相对主义,也使个体作为潜在的人类生命共同体而能以“与永恒相关的生命意义”推开恐惧。进而,道德行为是出于内在自由而达于实在的自由的。道德主体应具备的道德实践能力包括独立能力、通达能力和勇气。生存性境况中的原子式个体不具备道德实践能力,生命境况中的“超个体的个体”才有此能力。由此,人类道德无力症和道德冷漠症的根源是西方主流伦理理论的前提错误,即以原子式个体充任道德主体。它是医疗纠纷和暴力频发的原因。  相似文献   
以大学生为被试,考察简式元认知问卷(BQM)在中国文化背景下的心理计量学特性。采用探索性和验证性因素分析方法对BQM的结构效度进行交叉检验,结果支持了元记忆和元注意的双因子结构;问卷及其因子的内部一致性和重测信度良好;项目分析的结果显示,问卷的条目具有良好的分数分布、区分度和内部一致性;BQM分数与负性情绪、执行功能和睡眠质量的关联性也为效标关联效度提供了支持性证据。上述结果表明BQM中文版具有良好的心理计量学特性,可作为青年群体元认知水平的测量工具。  相似文献   
There is still limited understanding of how goal orientations influence the association between value congruence (VC) and organisational attraction for job seekers. We address this issue by investigating the impact of individuals’ goal orientations on the VC–attraction relationship. Our investigation using different measurement approaches to congruence across two studies also allowed us to examine the implications of different methods to operationalising VC in job search contexts. Two prominent types of goal orientation in job search—learning-approach goal orientation (LAGO) and performance-avoid goal orientation (PAGO)—were hypothesised to moderate the relationship between VC and organisational attraction. In study 1, value congruence based on direct molar perceptions displayed a stronger positive relationship with attraction among low LAGO individuals. Study 2, using separate atomistic judgments of person and organisational values, also demonstrated that LAGO moderates the effects of VC on attraction. However, the form of moderation effects varied across different types of work values (i.e., relationships and security). These findings demonstrate the need to contextualise the study of job seekers’ VC within a goal-striving context, where different ways of operationalising VC can also shed more light on the psychological processes underlying judgments of congruence.  相似文献   
According to the Body‐Specificity Hypothesis (BSH), people implicitly associate positive ideas with the side of space on which they are able to act more fluently with their dominant hand. Though this hypothesis has been rigorously tested across a variety of populations and tasks, the studies thus far have only been conducted in linguistic and cultural communities which favor the right over the left. Here, we tested the effect of handedness on implicit space‐valence mappings in Tibetan practitioners of Bön who show a strong religious preference for the left, in comparison to an English group. Results showed that Bön right‐handers tended to implicitly associate positive valence more strongly with their dominant side of space despite strong explicit associations between the left and goodness in their religion. This pattern of results found in Bön participants was indistinguishable from that found in English speakers. The findings of the present study support the BSH, demonstrating that space‐valence mappings in people's minds are shaped by their bodily experience, which appears to be independent of space‐valence mappings enshrined in cultural conventions.  相似文献   
众所周知,明代有四大高僧。他们分别是释袜宏、释真可、释德清和释智旭。以他们是“出尘体道,以极佛化”的“出类拔萃”者,故有此誉。其中,释袜宏、释真可、释德清三大高僧,又以“久栖胜地,道著清凉,或暂入兹山,感通大圣”,而又谓之明代五台山的著名高僧。所以,《清凉山志》卷三《莲池大师传》中说:  相似文献   


患者决策能力对于患者享有临床知情同意权具有重要意义。风险相关标准主张决策所需的能力水平应该根据决策的结果来调整,单一的决策能力标准是不够的。决策结果带来的风险越大,能力水平要求越高,反之则可以要求较低的能力水平。该主张的伦理本质是不合理家长主义,并且,它意味着对同一决策任务,个体可能只有同意的能力而没有拒绝的能力,因而在经验上也站不住脚。患者决策能力标准仅应根据决策本身的复杂性和难易程度视该决策特性来决定,而独立于患者实际决策结果。  相似文献   
公立医院“医疗联合体”改革模式为解决“看病难”问题提供了新思路, 其目的是促使优质医疗资源通过医疗联合体纵向下沉, 从而达到医疗资源最大化利用和居民就诊的合理分流。为了推进我国“医疗联合体”改革模式的发展, 首先分析了医疗联合体的作用和面临的障碍, 然后介绍我国上海、北京、湖北、重庆的“医疗联合体”改革实践模式, 在此基础上对我国“医疗联合体”改革发展提出相关建议, 期望对我国这种改革模式的实施推进提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
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