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城市绿化景观观赏性的心理学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抽取上海地区具有代表性的公共绿地绿化景观样本,编制测评量表对其观赏性进行评价.通过探索性因素分析鉴别该量表的测评维度并基于理论推断和经验归纳确定评价指标,包括整体美感、正性情绪、色彩知觉、形态知觉、负性感受.120名大学生和研究生对景观样本的评价结果表明.高观赏性组的景观与低观赏性组的景观相比,前者的整体美感、正性情绪、形态知觉、色彩知觉维度评价指标及其所含测项的评分均高于后者,彼此差异达到极显著或非常显著的水平,而负性感受维度评价指标评分则是后者极显著地高于前者,而且其测项评分也显著高于前者.本研究编制的量表能够对城市绿化景观观赏性进行有效测评.  相似文献   
自从理性主义原则在近现代西方社会确立之后,包括道德在内的一切都要接受理性法庭的审判,为其自身存在的合理性进行辩护并重新寻找理性根基,随之确立起来的理性主义道德观则成为现代西方社会的道德实践和理论探讨的出发点和旨归.  相似文献   
陈玲 《中国道教》2005,(6):33-36
一、道教学者:李淳风李淳风是唐朝著名的天文学家和数学家,他是道士之子,是中国古代著名的道教学者。他的父亲李播曾出家为道士,据《新唐书·列传第一百二十九方技》记载:“李淳风,岐州雍人。父播,仕隋高唐尉,弃官为道士,号黄冠子,以论撰自见”。这么说来,“李淳风出身于道士之  相似文献   
Previous research suggests that children gradually understand the mitigating effects of apology on damage to a transgressor's reputation. However, little is known about young children's insights into the central emotional implications of apology. In two studies, children ages 4–9 heard stories about moral transgressions in which the wrongdoers either did or did not apologize. In Study 1, children in the no‐apology condition showed the classic pattern of ‘happy victimizer’ attributions by expecting the wrongdoer to feel good about gains won via transgression. By contrast, in the apology condition, children attributed negative feelings to the transgressor and improved feelings to the victim. In Study 2, these effects were found even when the explicit emotion marker ‘sorry’ was removed from the apology exchange. Thus, young children understand some important emotional functions of apology.  相似文献   
中国古钟源远流长,从石器时代的陶钤算起已有五六千年的历史,它不仅有形、有义、还有声,严格来说,钟不仅有一种声,还有阴阳多种声,而更有趣的是,与这声相和的,是天地间的吟咏和人世间的吟咏,这种大小吟咏相和,居然和谐共存了两三千年的历史,这大概也就是至今人们吟咏相和乐此不  相似文献   
尚庆飞 《学海》2007,2(6):5-11
十一届三中全会以来,以邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛为代表的中国共产党人,以毛泽东的终点为起点,在社会主义处于低潮,马克思主义受到挑战的国际大背景下,领导中国走上具有中国特色的社会主义发展道路.在新的国情和实践基础上,他们坚持和发展实事求是思想路线,不断总结经验,创新理论,从而将马克思主义中国化的事业不断推向前进.在党的十七大即将召开之际,总结、概括并把握马克思主义中国化的发展脉络和创新逻辑,对于21世纪中国特色社会主义的建设,必将具有十分重大的实践意义和理论价值.  相似文献   
In two experiments, semantic facilitation and translation priming effects in Chinese-English bilingual speakers were demonstrated with a lexical decision task. A 300-msec stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) was used between display of the prime and the target item. Experiment 1 showed that subjects' lexical decision responses were facilitated to a greater extent when primed by a translation equivalent than a semantically related between-language word. In Experiment 2, we found that pictorial, between-language, and within-language primes produced comparable effects of semantic facilitation. These results are in line with the hypothesis that lexical items in different languages and pictures are processed by means of an amodal conceptual system.  相似文献   
广州大学生对衣服款式及颜色爱好特点的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用心理物理学的等级排列法,用男女各16种服式及27种颜色布样做材料,随机抽取广州市五所大学一年级学生男女各30名为被试,对被试的服式爱好和颜色爱好特点进行实验研究,结果表明:(1)单纯对布样颜色爱好的顺序与对特定服式的颜色爱好顺序不一样、衣服款式不同,喜欢配搭的颜色的爱好等级顺序也不同。(2)当前男女大学生都喜欢活泼大方、文雅、有朝气的服装款式,而不喜欢过时的、古旧的服式。(3)从颜色明度来看,大学生喜欢明度大的(反射率Y大的)颜色,不喜欢明度小的(反射率Y小的)颜色。其颜色爱好变化趋势是从明度大的颜色向明度小的颜色方向变化。  相似文献   
Effects of presentation complexity on rapid-sequential reading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated the effect of EMG biofeedback training in reducing muscle tension among subjects who displayed Type A behavior. 22 Type A college students (19 to 22 yr. old) were randomly assigned to either a biofeedback group or a control group. After 6 wk. of training, Type A subjects showed a significant reduction in muscle tension for both resting and aroused states; however, the reduction of muscle tension did not result in reduction of Type A behavior patterns.  相似文献   
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