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Promises are among the most widely used tools for increasing trust in social hierarchies; yet the effect of social status on trust in promises is unknown. Here we used a modified version of the Trust Game, in which participants, acting as Investors, were paired with Trustees of varying social status who were given the opportunity to promise (or not) to return at least half of the multiplied amount (i.e., 4 × the amount invested). No return feedback was provided. Participants invested more in partners who promised than those who did not or whose promise information was concealed. Importantly, in both lab-manipulated (Exps. 1–3: math-induced) and pre-existing (Exp. 4: university-based) hierarchies, participants invested more in promises given by high status than low status partners. Post-experiment measures suggest that this may be due to greater expectations of honesty for high status than low status others. Potential explanations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Is public trust in government representatives (i.e., bureaucrats, police, public servants) affected by the language they use? The conventional theory holds that, in a multilingual society, people favor government representatives who speak the listeners' dialects because it indicates a shared cultural identity, that is, the “culture-marker” effect. This article offers an alternative mechanism in which people's attitudes can be affected by the government designating the official language as a marker of political authority. Listeners will then project their respect for the political authority to the government representatives who speak this marker language. This mechanism is named an “authority marker” effect. Using a set of adjusted matched-guise experiments in China, this study examines the culture-marker and authority-marker effects. The results support the authority-marker effect by showing that listeners have significantly more trust in the bureaucrats who speak the official language than in those who speak the dialects of the listeners. The study also finds that this is a unique effect for speakers when they represent the government. Without that political identity, listeners will still respond more positively to speakers of their own dialects.  相似文献   
1644年天主教在川传播过程中发生了成都教案,是为明清天主教进入中国后与本土宗教道教唯一的一次正面冲突。这场教案并未留下太多的中文记载,但在传教士记录的西文文献中可以觅得踪迹。该文从早期入华传教士对道教的态度出发,并立足西文原始材料,详细阐述成都教案产生的过程、特点及背后的社会文化因素,进而分析道耶是如何在中国文化框架内进行宗教对话的。  相似文献   
张彦  胡俊 《道德与文明》2020,(3):103-108
榜样示范作为品格教育的重要教学策略,在教育哲学意义上主要存在两类问题,即"如何激发教育对象模仿行为"的方法论问题和"榜样示范教育应教什么"的实质性道德问题。"模仿"是"榜样示范"中的核心概念,亚里士多德将其视为一种蕴含情感、意动、认知及行为要素的情感美德。因此,在品格教育"榜样示范"的过程中,要避免仅止于对榜样的行为模仿及类推性实践的方法论问题;更要重视所要学习模仿的道德品质独立性问题,化解"模仿者"对榜样无知顺从的困境。从实践角度看,应从多方面审视和改善品格教育的"榜样示范"问题:加强教师对于自身作为行为榜样的反思;要确认榜样必须具有真实性特质;从"道德成熟"标准确保榜样与学生存在的德性位势差,强化德性内驱;创设道德情境,加强学生对榜样的心理认同感;培养道德能动性,促进学生道德层面的知行转化。  相似文献   
美国工程伦理学自20世纪70年代产生以来,经过几十年的发展,已经比较成熟和规范,形成了相对完善的伦理章程与稳定的学术建制,促进了美国工程的良性发展。而深入地探讨与分析其历史背景与目标,发展过程与态势,不仅有利于我国工程伦理学的产生,而且有利于促进我国工程的健康发展。一美国工程伦理学产生的境域与目标技术已经对我们这个世界产生了深远而广泛的影响,而工程师在技术各个方面的发展上扮演了核心角色。工程师创造产品与程序来提高食物产量、加强植物保护、节约能源消耗、提速通信交通、促进身体健康以及消除自然灾害,也给人类生活带…  相似文献   
阴阳观是中国传统思维及认知的重要取向,阴阳学说充当了自然社会事物发生发展变化的机制机理性解释。阴阳学说在古农书及相关典籍中,普遍被用作对“天地人物”系统及其农业生态系统、农学思想原理的阐释,指导农业生产实践。由此,引导了传统农业走向整体系统、有机协调的精耕细作道路,铸就了传统农业的历史辉煌。时至今日,阴阳学说虽然存在着不可避免的历史局限性,但其蕴含及其延展的系统整体、辩证对待、互补平衡等诸多思想内核,在农业可持续发展、食品安全及生态环境保护等人类诸多诉求中,仍然具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
2008年,是改革开放三十周年.30年来,伴随着改革开放的春风和祖国日新月异的发展变化,陕西省道教事业在党的宗教政策的指引下,在党和政府的大力支持下,取得了长足发展与全面进步.广大道教徒借此最直接、最真实地感受到了改革开放带给自己的莫大好处.可以说,道教事业处在历史最好的发展时期之一.  相似文献   
<正>大凡修道之人虽然可以做到身遁山林,却不易做到超脱尘世;虽然可以诚心信仰,却不易做到了却烦恼、保持喜悦;虽然容易放下名利,但却很难克服习性与执着。所有这些不易和困难,恰恰是修道人必须面对的功课,必须逾越的屏障;更能体现修道者苦志修炼、超凡入圣的精神追求。处在这个意识决定行动的人类社会,我们之  相似文献   
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