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汪琴 《世界宗教研究》2012,(4):131-141,192
宗教身份是指某宗教团体(派别)及其信徒在世俗社会中所处的地位。在基督教传入罗马前,各宗教间保持着和平共处的态势。其时,拥有某宗教身份不会影响人们的法律地位。但随着基督教的出现,这种情况改变了。帝政初期,他教信仰者因憎恶基督徒而对其迫害。因基督教身份,基督徒或被剥夺市民身份降为外邦人;或被剥夺自由身份降为奴隶。此时,宗教身份是人格变更的因素。而当基督教成为帝国国教时,信仰正统的基督教则成为完整人格的构成要素。凡信仰正统基督教则享有完整的权利能力;反之则具体权利能力受限,但不会导致身份的剥夺。  相似文献   
旨在通过交叉映射的实验研究范式,证明存在一种独立于知识经验的基于能力的映射转换过程。研究结果表明:(1)瑞文高级推理测验的第二组题确实要难于第一组题;被试在转换题上的得分低于非转换题上的得分,转换题的设计效果明显,且表明是否需要进行心理上的转换确实影响了被试的解题成绩;不论题目难度的高低都不影响转换与非转换之间的差异。(2)存在着基于能力的映射转换,并且映射转换能力与析出关系能力之间呈中等程度的线性相关。实验可以区分出析出关系能力高、低的被试和转换能力高、低的被试。  相似文献   
A lattice distortion, represented by microstrain and lattice parameter change, is frequently observed in nanocrystalline (NC) materials. In this letter, we develop a quantitative model to account for this phenomenon. The internal stress induced by the excess volume at grain boundaries is suggested to be the main reason for the lattice distortion. NC materials, prepared by the milling and crystallization method, were used for analysis and comparison. Theoretical calculation shows a reasonable agreement with experimental observations in the grain-size range from 5 to 100 nm. Our results indicate that there is an inherent relationship between microstrain and lattice parameter change in NC materials.  相似文献   

An n-body Ni-Ti potential is derived and applied in a molecular dynamics simulation to study the maximum supersaturated solubility of the terminal solid solutions and solid-state reaction in a Ni/Ti bilayer. It reveals that during interfacial reaction of the Ni/Ti bilayer the Ti lattice reaches its maximum solubility by dissolving Ni earlier than Ni does through dissolution of Ti, which results in a sequential disordering of first Ti and then Ni, although Ti has a higher melting point than Ni. In the Ni-Zr, Ni-Mo and Ni-Ta systems, however, the Ni lattice collapses more rapidly because it reaches a maximum solubility earlier than its partners, which have higher melting points than Ni. A solubility criterion is thus relevant for all the above cases; the lower the maximum solid solubility the less stable is the lattice of the metal upon solid-state reaction.  相似文献   
The present study assessed the impact on the work engagement of expatriates’ personal value orientation alignment with the host country’s national culture. Participants were 231 expatriates from seven countries who are working in Ethiopia (females = 17%; mean age = 36 years, SD = 2.72 years). The expatriates completed measures of personal value orientation, cross-culture adjustment, and work engagement levels. Structural equation modelling analysis indicated expatriates with personal value orientations that align with the host country’s national culture to have a higher work engagement level. Cross-cultural adjustment mediated the relationship between personal value orientation and work engagement. Expatriates’ personal value orientation fit with the host country’s national culture is a resource to accomplish their work successfully.  相似文献   
When designing a study that uses structural equation modeling (SEM), an important task is to decide an appropriate sample size. Historically, this task is approached from the power analytic perspective, where the goal is to obtain sufficient power to reject a false null hypothesis. However, hypothesis testing only tells if a population effect is zero and fails to address the question about the population effect size. Moreover, significance tests in the SEM context often reject the null hypothesis too easily, and therefore the problem in practice is having too much power instead of not enough power.

An alternative means to infer the population effect is forming confidence intervals (CIs). A CI is more informative than hypothesis testing because a CI provides a range of plausible values for the population effect size of interest. Given the close relationship between CI and sample size, the sample size for an SEM study can be planned with the goal to obtain sufficiently narrow CIs for the population model parameters of interest.

Latent curve models (LCMs) is an application of SEM with mean structure to studying change over time. The sample size planning method for LCM from the CI perspective is based on maximum likelihood and expected information matrix. Given a sample, to form a CI for the model parameter of interest in LCM, it requires the sample covariance matrix S, sample mean vector , and sample size N. Therefore, the width (w) of the resulting CI can be considered a function of S, , and N. Inverting the CI formation process gives the sample size planning process. The inverted process requires a proxy for the population covariance matrix Σ, population mean vector μ, and the desired width ω as input, and it returns N as output. The specification of the input information for sample size planning needs to be performed based on a systematic literature review. In the context of covariance structure analysis, Lai and Kelley (2011) discussed several practical methods to facilitate specifying Σ and ω for the sample size planning procedure.  相似文献   
The current research investigates how accuracy motivation impacts anchoring and adjustment in metacomprehension judgment and how accuracy motivation and anchoring affect metacomprehension accuracy. Participants were randomly assigned to one of six conditions produced by the between-subjects factorial design involving accuracy motivation (incentive or no) and peer performance anchor (95%, 55%, or no). Two studies showed that accuracy motivation did not impact anchoring bias, but the adjustment-from-anchor process occurred. Accuracy incentive increased anchor-judgment gap for the 95% anchor but not for the 55% anchor, which induced less certainty about the direction of adjustment. The findings offer support to the integrative theory of anchoring. Additionally, the two studies revealed a “power struggle” between accuracy motivation and anchoring in influencing metacomprehension accuracy. Accuracy motivation could improve metacomprehension accuracy in spite of anchoring effect, but if anchoring effect is too strong, it could overpower the motivation effect. The implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   
张凯莉  张琴  周静  王沛 《心理科学进展》2017,(11):1955-1963
认知者往往依据陌生个体面孔所携带的性别、年龄、种族等多重社会范畴信息对其进行加工,以期快速识别和了解他人。在基于面孔识别的多重社会范畴加工过程中,亚范畴间存在着复杂的交互作用。研究者分别采用"Who Said What"范式、重复启动范式、加纳选择注意范式、鼠标追踪范式等方法,发现亚范畴间的内隐加工具有彼此削弱的特性,外显加工存在交互影响的不对称性和偏差性。动态交互理论对此进行了进一步的理论分析与阐释。今后需更加科学地区分社会范畴加工的各个阶段,凸显内隐和外显加工的区别与联系;同时进一步整合各研究范式,克服方法异质导致的结果偏差甚至矛盾。  相似文献   
The microstructural features of M23C6 carbide in a long-term aged heat- and corrosion-resistant Ni-based superalloy have been investigated in detail using various kinds of transmission electron microscope (TEM) techniques. It is found that TEM contrast, which is related to structural and chemical inhomogeneities inside the grains, always exists in the interior of grains in the alloy. The structure of these inhomogeneous regions has been determined to be the same as that of the γ′ and t-M23C6 phases, where t-M23C6 indicates a transitional and metastable phase. Although possessing the same structure as the M23C6 phase, the chemical composition of the t-M23C6 is different from that of the M23C6 phase. Compared with M23C6, t-M23C6 is richer in Ni, Co, Al and Ti but poorer in W, Mo and Cr. This phenomenon of structural and chemical inhomogeneity demonstrates that pristine M23C6 carbide (p-M23C6) precipitated in standard heat-treated samples is unstable. Therefore, upon long-term ageing treatment, Ni, Co, Al and Ti may locally enrich inside the p-M23C6 phase, finally forming the γ′ phase, which can be described by the decomposition reaction p-M23C6 → M23C6 + γ′.  相似文献   
采用2(组内变量:量尺大小(25分和9分))×2(组间变量:评分方法(相对和绝对))的混合实验设计探讨评分量表对115名大学生新手评委评分准确性的影响。对于评分准确性,采用Cronbach1955年提出的四个指标,Elevation(EL)、Differential elevation(DE)、Stereotype accuracy(SA)、Differential Accuracy(DA)。结果发现,评分方法只在SA上主效应显著,量尺大小在只在DA上主效应边缘显著,评分方法和量尺大小在DE、SA和DA三个指标上均有交互作用。总体上看,在结构化面试评分中,对于评分准确性,相对评分量表优于绝对评分量表,小量尺量表优于大量尺量表。  相似文献   
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