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采用眼动记录技术和恋人概念威胁启动范式探讨自我和恋人面孔优势效应的产生和维持过程。结果发现:与概念非威胁启动条件下相比,概念威胁启动条件下,被试搜索恋人面孔时的兴趣区个数和搜索自我面孔时的平均眼跳次数与搜索陌生人面孔时比差异变得不显著;恋人面孔与陌生人面孔在兴趣区内总注视时间上的差异变得不显著。结果表明,自我与恋人面孔存在注意的优先捕获和维持优势,恋人概念的威胁启动会减少对恋人的关注,证明了建立恋人的积极概念是恋人面孔优势效应产生和维持的重要原因。  相似文献   
成就目标的一种新分类——四分法   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在成就目标二分法和三分法的基础上,依据能力划分的两个维度-能力的界定维度和效价维度,Pintrich和 Elliott等人提出了成就目标的四分法,将成就目标分成掌握-接近目标,关注于掌握新的知识和提高自己的能力;掌握-回避目标,关注于避免完不成任务或避免失去已有的知识技能;成绩-接近目标,关注于表现得比他人优秀和胜过他人和成绩-回避目标,关注于避免表现得比他人更差或更愚蠢4种类型。实证研究表明,四分法不仅完善了成就目标的分类研究,而且也为提高个体的成就水平提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
为考查观察者公正敏感性对不公正信息加工(注意、解释)的影响,该研究开展了两个实验研究。在实验一中,让被试观看不公正影片剪辑或中性剪辑后,要求他们完成视觉探测任务,判断探测刺激是在不公正词汇还是中性词汇的左边或右边;在实验二中,让被试对一个模糊的暗含不公正意义的影片剪辑中的主角进行公正性评价。结果表明,当被试不公正概念被激活后,观察者公正敏感性高的被试比观察者公正敏感性低的被试对不公正信息的注意加工更集中和更自动,同时他们对模糊的信息解释为更不公正。  相似文献   
The current research examined the moderating role of employees' need for cognitive closure in the relationship between their perceived person–job fit and their work-related attitudes. In Study 1, a survey was conducted among 176 Chinese employees from various organizations, and the results confirmed that both demand–ability fit and need–supply fit were positively related to employees' job satisfaction; moreover, these relations were stronger among people with higher need for closure than those scoring lower in need for closure. In Study 2, a survey was conducted among 242 employees from a Chinese city government, and the results replicated the findings of Study 1, but also found that need for closure moderated the relation between demand–ability fit and turnover intention. These results have important implications for research in organizational psychology and human resource management.  相似文献   
Usually, the B‐theory of time is taken to involve the claim that time does not, in reality, pass; after all, on the B‐theory, nothing really becomes present and then more and more past, times do not come into existence successively, and which facts obtain does not change. For this reason, many B‐theorists have recently tried to explain away one or more aspect(s) of experience that they and their opponents take to constitute an experience of time as passing. In this paper, I examine three prominent proposals of this kind and argue that, though intriguing, the proposals undermine, to some extent, the assumption that there is an element of experience that B‐theorists need to take to be illusory.  相似文献   
A phase transition of MgS under high pressure is investigated using a first-principles method. It is found from energy-volume calculations that the rock-salt (B1) phase of MgS transforms into a FeSi-type (B28) phase at 143?GPa. The calculated ground-state parameters in the B1 phase are in excellent agreement with available experimental and theoretical data. Ab initio phonon calculations are also performed to investigate the structural behaviour of MgS under high pressure. An unstable transverse acoustic mode and a phase transition from B1 to B28 phase at ~143.7?GPa driven by this soft mode are predicted. The B28 structure of MgS is stable up to 350?GPa according to lattice dynamics calculations.  相似文献   
通过问卷调查法和结构方程模型分析技术,探讨家庭功能与大学生情绪表达性、孤独感之间的关系,以及家庭功能的作用机制,即家庭功能能否通过情绪表达影响大学生孤独感。结果发现:(1)家庭功能对大学生情绪表达性、孤独感有显著预测作用,家庭亲密度或适应性水平高的大学生更倾向具有高的情绪表达性,更少的体验到亲情、爱情以及社交孤独感;(2)情绪表达性对大学生社交孤独感具有一定的预测作用,即大学生越乐于表达情绪,其社交孤独感就越少;(3)家庭功能既直接对社交孤独感产生影响,又通过情绪表达性间接影响社交孤独感,即情绪表达性在家庭功能与社交孤独感之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to explore how environmental factors (family environment and school education) and individual characteristics (personality, creative attitudes, and divergent thinking) collectively affect creative achievement of American and Chinese college students. Data were collected from 378 college students in the United States (N = 193) and China (N = 185). Results showed that the US sample had significantly higher means in home resources, high-school education, Conscientiousness, creative achievement, and all four dimensions of the Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA) than the China sample. In contrast, the China sample scored significantly higher in understanding the importance of creativity. Results indicated creative attitudes and divergent thinking sequentially mediated the effects of parental values on creative achievement for the US sample, whereas Openness mediated the effect of high-school education on creative achievement for the China sample. For both samples, creative attitudes mediated the effect of Openness on divergent thinking. The results suggested cultural differences in the effects of environmental factors on creativity, yet more similar findings in the effects of individual characteristics on creativity between the two samples. The results and implications are discussed.  相似文献   
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