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本实验系统地考察了在不同刺激率、信号率条件下警觉水平的变化 ,并分析了以往警觉理论的适应条件。实验一采用 5次 /分、1 5次 /分和 30次 /分的刺激率条件 ,发现检测正确率在各条件下随时间的变化是由于 d′下降所致 ,而β值基本不变 ,可以认为警觉随时间下降是由于疲劳所致 ;中等刺激率条件下的 d′最高 ,低刺激率次之 ,高刺激率最差并且高刺激率导致被试唤醒水平降低。实验二在 30次 /分的高刺激率条件下变化信号率 (分别为 3次 /分、6次 /分和 1 2次 /分 ) ,发现信号率变化不会改变 d′,但导致β值的变化 ,可以认为高信噪比导致被试的唤醒水平升高  相似文献   
Adjunctive behaviors refers to behaviors that are “out of context” and/or excessive in amount. The terminology was first used for unexplained behaviors associated with food pellet ratio contingencies in food deprived rats (Falk, 1971). Clinically, unrelated and complex excessive behaviors were also noted with brainstem and diencephalic discharges (Andy, 1986, 1989 and 1995; Andy and Jurko, 1986). The objective of this study was to develop a model of brainstem generated adjunctive behaviors in the rat. Method: Sixty-one adult rats were used. Kindling was induced by mechanical and DC electrical perturbations in the midbrain. Nine different treatment groups were established in which lesions and drugs were used separately and in different combinations. Cocaine was used to accentuate, and dextrorphan to attenuate the kindling process. Behaviors were visually analyzed and recorded by video camera; they were not quantified. DC stimulation and EEGs were done with Grass instruments. Recording and stimulation sights were verified histologically. Results: A total of 45 different behaviors were elicited. DC stimulation kindled subjects had significantly more behaviors than did electrode insertion alone and cocaine alone. However, cocaine combined with DC stimulation increased the number and intensity of the kindled behaviors. Dextrorphan tended to facilitate catatonic and sleep states. Behaviors occurred randomly and were unrelated, even when they occurred in clusters. The behaviors were associated with four abnormal EEG discharge patterns. Conclusion: We speculate that brainstem behaviors are innate adjunctive drives that are generated in the brainstem reticular formation. They are monitored by the cortex and partially modified by environmental and cortical inputs.  相似文献   
国外有关异种移植与伦理学的讨论   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
今天,医学界的许多问题已经在公众调查方面很公开了。异种移植在成为一种临床治疗手段后,势必也将带来激烈的讨论。国外有关这一方面的讨论较多,主要集中在以下几个方面。在60年代早期,外科医生尝试了用黑猩猩和狒狒的肾、心及肝进行异种移植,早期的研究工作多集中在异种移植的技术可行性及操作过程。在当时,有关异种移植的伦理学问题尚未提出。1984年,在Bailey及其同事完成了一例狒狒心脏移植到一新生儿体内后,伦理学的问题如“一石激起千层浪”,顿时在美国医学界引起争论。在那时,由于缺少供体,所以在器官短缺的前提下,有关伦理学的…  相似文献   
本研究采用元分析方法, 以疼痛阈限、疼痛诱发生理反应和疼痛评分为结果变量, 考察了自闭症谱系障碍个体(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)的疼痛敏感性异常, 以期为ASD的诊断和干预提供参考。元分析共纳入16项研究(总样本量N = 822)。对于疼痛阈限, ASD组和对照组无显著差异, 但受到疼痛模态等变量的调节作用, 如ASD组的压力疼痛阈限显著低于对照组。对于疼痛诱发生理反应, ASD组对现实医疗疼痛的生理反应强于对照组。然而, ASD组和对照组在疼痛评分上无显著差异。将来研究应结合多模态疼痛刺激和多维度疼痛评估, 系统考察ASD个体的疼痛敏感性及其与临床核心症状之间的联系。  相似文献   
李亚  孔宏  宋倩  蔡景霞 《心理学报》2010,42(2):235-240
慢性应激对学习记忆功能的影响是神经科学的热点问题, 在脑内, 海马和前额叶是与学习记忆功能密切相关的重要脑区, 也是应激易累及损伤的主要靶区。膜流动性的改变在神经细胞功能活动中起重要作用。为探讨慢性应激对大鼠空间学习记忆功能的影响及前脑皮层和海马突触体膜流动性的作用。采用多因素慢性应激动物模型, 通过开场试验和Morris水迷宫测试大鼠行为及空间学习记忆能力; 并且测定大鼠前脑皮层和海马突触体膜流动性和突触体内游离Ca2+浓度的变化。研究结果显示, 与对照组相比, 应激组大鼠在应激后即刻, 在新异环境中的自发活动和探究行为显著降低(p<0.05, p<0.01), 空间学习记忆能力明显下降(p<0.05, p <0.01); 并且应激组大鼠前脑皮层和海马突触体膜流动性显著降低(p <0.05, p <0.01); 而突触体内游离Ca2+浓度的显著增加 (p <0.05, p <0.01)。停止应激后一周, 应激大鼠的各项指标有所恢复, 但仍未达到正常水平。研究结果提示, 慢性应激引起大鼠明显的开场行为改变和空间学习记忆功能障碍, 这些变化可能与突触体膜流动性和突触体内游离Ca2+浓度的变化密切相关。  相似文献   
Effects of shape parameters on the attractiveness of a female body   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Various researchers have suggested that certain anthropometric ratios can be used to measure female body attractiveness, including the waist to hip ratio, Body Mass Index (BMI), and the body volume divided by the square of the height (Volume-Height Index). Based on a wide range of female subjects and virtual images of bodies with different ratios, Volume-Height Index was found to provide the best fit with female body attractiveness, and the effect of Volume-Height Index can be fitted with two half bell-shaped exponential curves with an optimal Volume-Height Index at 14.2 liter/m2. It is suggested that the general trend of the effect of Volume-Height Index may be culturally invariant, but the optimal value of Volume-Height Index may vary from culture to culture. In addition to Volume-Height Index, other body parameters or ratios which reflect body proportions and the traits of feminine characteristics had smaller but significant effects on female body attractiveness, and such effects were stronger at optimum Volume-Height Index.  相似文献   
Studies have shown that numerosity‐based arithmetic training can promote arithmetic learning in typically developing children as well as children with developmental dyscalculia (DD), but the cognitive mechanism underlying this training effect remains unclear. The main aim of the current study was to examine the role of visual form perception in arithmetic improvement through an 8‐day numerosity training for DD children. Eighty DD children were selected from four Chinese primary schools. They were randomly divided into the intervention and control groups. The intervention group received training on an apple‐collecting game, whereas the control group received an English dictation task. Children's cognitive and arithmetic performances were assessed before and after training. The results showed that the intervention group showed a significant improvement in arithmetic performance, approximate number system (ANS) acuity, and visual form perception, but not in spatial processing and sentence comprehension. The control group showed no significant improvement in any cognitive ability. Mediation analysis further showed that training‐related improvement in arithmetic performance was fully mediated by the improvement in visual form perception. The results suggest that short‐term numerosity training enhances the arithmetic performance of DD children by improving their visual form perception.  相似文献   
唐倩  毛秀珍  何明霜  何洁 《心理科学进展》2020,28(12):2160-2168
随着认知诊断计算机化自适应测验(cognitive diagnostic computerized adaptive testing, CD-CAT)理论与实践的发展, 兼顾知识状态与能力的双目标CD-CAT逐渐受到重视。选题策略是CAT的核心, 通过梳理传统CD-CAT和双目标CD-CAT选题策略的研究, 并对它们的特点、关系及表现进行介绍和评析。最后, 基于认知诊断模型与CAT实践发展指出未来应加强一般化认知模型、复杂测验条件认知诊断模型下选题策略的研究; 应开发双目标诊断测验的项目和测验特征指标; 还应加强非参数选题方法和CD-CAT的实践应用研究。  相似文献   
创伤后成长:5·12地震创伤的新视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张倩  郑涌 《心理科学进展》2009,17(3):623-630
创伤后成长是人们与主要的生活危机斗争后所体验到的一种积极的心理改变。对此概念的认识存在着结果与策略、建设功能与幻想功能、认知成分与行为成分的争论。对它的解释模型包括经历困难的力量、心理准备和存在的再评价。而它与心理健康的关系仍存在争议。建议此领域的研究应从概念澄清入手,开展过程研究和纵向研究,建立行为指标,关注其临床应用,进行本土化研究,并为5·12震后心理重建工作提供新的思路  相似文献   
将200例老年抑郁患者随机分为研究组和对照组.研究组认知行为治疗联合药物治疗,对照组单纯药物治疗.治疗前后进行CRI、SDSS、GAF等量表评定.6个月后,两组在大体功能、生活满意度、应对方式等方面有显著性差异(P<0.01).认知行为治疗有效改善老年抑郁症病人的应对方式,提高患者的生活满意度.  相似文献   
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