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作为跨学科的研究构念, “韧性” (resilience)呈现出心理和系统两条独立的发展轨迹。基于心理路径和系统路径, 本文系统梳理了韧性在组织不同层面的类型特质、影响因素及测量, 依托资源保护理论, 以保护性资源的建构为主线勾勒出韧性在组织不同层面的产生路径, 并据此提出相关干预策略。未来研究可尝试探究积极事件对韧性的诱发机理以及跨层面韧性之间的促进作用, 并基于心理和系统两条发展脉络开展本土化实证研究。  相似文献   
In the marketing and consumer behavior literature, there has been a growing attention on upward intergenerational influences, or reverse socialization, which is largely because of children's increasing influences on family decisions. This paper hypothesizes different patterns of upward intergenerational influences in single versus multiple‐child families, controlling for peer and spousal influences. We found that young adult single children had a direct positive influence on their parents' innovation adoption behavior, but not a significant influence on their parents' overall innovativeness, whereas young adult children with siblings had a different effect: Their innovativeness had a significant positive influence on their parents' overall innovativeness, but not a direct impact on their parents' innovation adoption.  相似文献   
以183名运动员为被试,以心率变异性为指标,考察不同情绪状态、不同情绪调节策略下运动员自主神经反应的性别、运动年限、运动等级特点。结果发现:(1)快乐情绪状态下的心率变异性显著高于悲伤情绪状态下;表达抑制的心率变异性显著高于认知重评;短运动年限运动员的心率变异性显著高于长运动年限运动员;男性运动员的心率变异性显著高于女性运动员。(2)在快乐情绪状态下采用表达抑制策略时,低运动等级运动员的心率变异性显著高于高运动等级运动员;在悲伤情绪状态下,高运动等级运动员采用表达抑制策略比认知重评策略产生更高的心率变异性  相似文献   
In maladaptive respects, perfectionism reflects an individual’s concern over making mistakes and doubting the quality of his or her own actions excessively, which would affect one’s emotion. However, little is known about the neural mechanisms associated with the perfectionism and negative affect. In this study, voxel-based morphometry was performed to identify the brain regions underlying individual differences in perfectionism, which was measured by the Chinese Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (CFMPS), in a large sample of nonclinical young adults. Our results showed that the two subdimensions of the perfectionism, concern over mistakes (CM) and doubts about actions (DA), were both positively correlated with the self-reported anxiety and depression as well as the gray matter volume (GMV) in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a pivotal brain region in cognitive control, affective state, and regulation. Moreover, CM, DA, and organization scores were respectively correlated with distributed brain regions involved in multiple cognitive and emotion processes. Our results furthermore revealed that the score of DA acted a mediational mechanism underlying the relationship between the GMV of ACC and self-rating negative affect (anxiety and depression). Taken together, these results might suggest the neuroanatomical basis of perfectionism and the association among the perfectionism, negative emotion, and brain architecture. This study emphasized that perfectionism could play a crucial role in the arousal of negative affect.  相似文献   
Individual differences in the personality trait Agreeableness underlie humans’ ability to interpret social cues and coordinate effectively with others. However, previous investigations of the neural basis of Agreeableness have yielded largely inconsistent results. Recent evidence has demonstrated that Agreeableness can be divided into two, correlated subdimensions. Compassion reflects tendencies toward empathy, sympathy, and concern for others, while Politeness reflects tendencies toward compliance and refraining from aggression and exploitation. The present study seeks to clarify the neural substrates of Agreeableness by examining whether structural differences in the brain show distinct associations with Compassion and Politeness. Results of a meta-analysis of fMRI studies examining empathy were used to generate hypotheses about the brain regions and networks that underlie trait Compassion. Results of a large-scale structural neuroimaging investigation (N = 275) were largely consistent with the meta-analysis: Compassion was positively correlated with gray matter volume in the bilateral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and anterior insula (AI). Further, these differences appear to be associated with Compassion specifically, as opposed to Politeness, suggesting that these two traits have at least partially distinct neuroanatomical substrates.  相似文献   
采用选择性任务范式,用2个实验考察价值-项目间隔和项目呈现时长对价值导向元记忆的影响。实验1考察不同价值-项目间隔(无, 1s, 2s)时被试的选择性记忆指标SI和记忆成绩。结果发现,随价值-项目间隔增加,被试的记忆选择性逐渐下降,间隔1s时对高价值项目的选择性仍存在,但间隔2s时消失;实验2选取实验1的两种价值-项目间隔(无, 1s)条件,延长其项目呈现时间至4.5s,考察项目呈现时间对价值导向元记忆的影响。结果发现,两种价值-项目间隔条件下记忆选择性水平(SI)均显著降低,但对高价值项目的选择性加工优势并没消失。结论:价值导向元记忆受价值-项目间隔和项目呈现时间的影响。  相似文献   
心理分离指的是个体在非工作时间里从工作中分离出来,个体不仅身体上远离工作场所,精神上也摆脱掉工作的事情,对员工工作压力的恢复过程非常关键。首先,文本概述了心理分离的概念及其进展;其次,论述了心理分离研究现状;最后,阐述了心理分离的已有研究存在的问题和未来研究的方向。  相似文献   
汉魏六朝道教无论是早期的太平道、五斗米道、符派、丹鼎派,或者是稍后的上清派、灵宝派等,都追求长生久视,羽化成仙,在这些道派的经典如《太平经》、《老子想尔注》、《周易参同契》、《抱朴子内篇》、《黄庭经》、《养性延命录》中,其养生思想主要表现为养身、养神两个方面,最后发展为性命双修,经历了一个从贵生到养性的过程。道教养生思想建立在《老子》、《庄子》的养生理论之上,《太平经》在《庄子》关于“气聚则生,气散则死”的生命构成说的基础上,综合《淮南子》“形”、“神”、“气”三者之关系,提出了“爱气养神”、“自爱、自好…  相似文献   
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