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The rehabilitation of offenders in English-speaking countries is primarily guided by a risk management framework (the risk-need-responsivity principles: RNR model), which aims at reducing the possibility of harm to the community rather than improving offenders’ quality of life. In the last decade Tony Ward and his colleagues have developed the good lives model of offender rehabilitation (GLM) as an alternative to the RNR model. The GLM incorporates the RNR principles of risk, need and responsivity into its theoretical structure while aiming to provide a more constructive and comprehensive approach to correctional practice. More specifically, it aims to both reduce risk while enhancing the quality of offenders’ lives. The present article aims at outlining the general, etiological assumptions and practice implications of the GLM. In addition, its strengths and limitations and evidence base are reported. These illustrations highlight the usefulness of the GLM for the treatment of offenders and sex offenders in particular.  相似文献   
Adaptation to male voices causes a subsequent voice to be perceived as more female, and vice versa. Similar contrastive aftereffects have been reported for phonetic perception, and in vision for face perception. However, while aftereffects in the perception of phonetic features of speech have been reported to persist even when adaptors were processed inattentively, face aftereffects were previously reported to be abolished by inattention to adaptors. Here we demonstrate that auditory aftereffects of adaptation to voice gender are eliminated when the male and female adaptor voices are spatially unattended. Participants simultaneously heard gender-specific male or female adaptor voices in one ear and gender-neutral (androgynous) adaptor voices in the contralateral ear. They selectively attended to the adaptor voices in a designated ear, by either classifying voice gender (Exp. 1) or spoken syllable (Exp. 2). Voice aftereffects were found only if the gender-specific voices were spatially attended, suggesting capacity limits in the processing of voice gender for the unattended ear. Remarkably, gender-specific adaptors in the attended ear elicited comparable aftereffects in test voices, regardless of prior attention to voice gender or phonetic content. Thus, within the attended ear, voice gender was processed even when it was irrelevant for the task at hand, suggesting automatic processing of gender along with linguistic information. Overall, voice gender adaptation requires spatial, but not dimensional, selective attention.  相似文献   
In five experiments, participants were asked to describe unambiguously a target picture in a picture–picture paradigm. In the same-category condition, target (e.g., water bucket) and distractor picture (e.g., ice bucket) had identical names when their preferred, morphologically simple, name was used (e.g., bucket). The ensuing lexical ambiguity could be resolved by compound use (e.g., water bucket). Simple names sufficed as means of specification in other conditions, with distractors identical to the target, completely unrelated, or geometric figures. With standard timing parameters, participants produced mainly ambiguous answers in Experiment 1. An increase in available processing time hardly improved unambiguous responding (Experiment 2). A referential communication instruction (Experiment 3) increased the number of compound responses considerably, but morphologically simple answers still prevailed. Unambiguous responses outweighed ambiguous ones in Experiment 4, when timing parameters were further relaxed. Finally, the requirement to name both objects resulted in a nearly perfect ambiguity resolution (Experiment 5). Together, the results showed that speakers overcome lexical ambiguity only when time permits, when an addressee perspective is given and, most importantly, when their own speech overtly signals the ambiguity.  相似文献   
Prior irreversible investments of money, time, or effort referred to as sunk costs frequently lead to decisions to continue a chosen course of action despite that this is irrational. With the aim of demonstrating that such escalation of commitment is a special case of a more general phenomenon, two experiments were carried out employing undergraduates as participants. Experiment 1 showed for fictitious personal and business investment scenarios that both prior losses and gains (sunk outcomes) affected choices to continue or discontinue the investment. In Experiment 2 the effect of sunk outcomes was reduced although not eliminated by a monetary bonus that in one condition depended on the future outcomes of the second gamble in two-stage gambles, in another condition on the future returns in personal investment scenarios. In support of a more inclusive theory subsuming escalation of commitment, the decisions were affected by both past and future outcomes and both gains and losses.  相似文献   

Three classes of cognitive tests (short-term memory, long-term memory access/recall, and verbal ability) and one class of communicative tests (visual speech-reading) were administered to 49 hearing-impaired and 69 normal hearing subjects, varying in age between 23 and 75 years. It was found that when dB-loss and “handicap age” were partialled out, the negative effects of cognitive ageing remained: Speed in accessing alphanumeric symbols from long-term memory and as rehearsal speed correlated substantially with chronological age. Discriminant analyses revealed a communality between the discrimination of old from young subjects, and skilled from less skilled speech-readers: Visual decoding skill and rehearsal speed constituted the common discriminators. Departing from this result, an age-dependent componential model of visual speech-reading is delineated. with particular reference to the assumption that a temporally early lexical access system is crucial to the decoding of lip movements.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit untersuchte die Anwendbarkeit des Intelligenz-Struktur-Test (IST) von Amthauer auf die Diagnostik der Schulbegabung. Die in der Arbeit verwerteten Daten (IST, Four-Picture-Test von van Lennep und Schulnoten) wurden an 519 männlichen Gymnasiasten der Klassen 6–9 (Untersekunda bis Oberprima) erhoben. Zunächst wurde geprüft, ob sich die Hypothese Amthauers, die besagt, daß für die einzelnen Berufe optimale Intelligenzxtrukturen zu ermitteln sind, die sich in typischen IST-Profilverläufen zeigen, auch auf den Bereich der Schule und die dort angenommenen Spezialbegabungen für die einzelnen Fächer übertragen und dort verifizieren läßt. ES erwies sich (Extremgruppenvergleich und Faktorenanalyse), daß dies nicht mit der nötigen Sicherheit möglich ist. Die individuelle Vielfalt der Testergebnisse verwischt die Gruppenunterschiede. Es wurde der Versuch unternommen, eine theoretische Begründung dafür abzuleiten.Weiter wurde versucht, mittels zweckmäßiger Untertestauswahl undgewichtung eine Kurzform des IST zur treffsicheren und ökonomischeren Vorhersage des allgemeinen Schulerfolges zu entwickeln. Die Validitöt ließ sich nicht bedeutsam steigern, hingegen konnte die Testzeit auf die Hölfte reduziert werden. Die notwendigen Daten zur Anwendung Dieser Kurzbatterie Anwendung dieser Kurzbatterie wurden mitgeteilt.Es wurde gezeigt, daß sich größere Diskrepanzen zwischen realer und vorhergesagter Schulleistung (anhand der Kurzbatterie berechnet) in quantitativen Merkmalen des Four-Picture-Test von van Lennep widerspiegeln. Diese Differenzen sind nicht nur durch Unsicherheiten der Merkmalserfassung erklärbar.Schließlich wurde geprüft, ob sprachlich Begabte gegenüber mathemathisch-naturwissenschaftlich Begabten im IST-Gesamtergebnis benachteiligt sind. Es zeigte sich, daß dies nicht der Fall ist, daß hingegen der IST bezüglich seines Gesamtergebnisses eine engere Beziehung zu mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Leistungen hat als zu sprachlichen.  相似文献   
An n-dimensional Weber Law and the Corresponding Fechner Law   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Weber's law of 1834, DeltaS/S=c for the just noticeable difference (jnd), can be written as S+DeltaS=kS, k=1+c. It follows that the stimulus decrement required to elicit one jnd of sensation is S-DeltaS*=k(-1)S. If generalized for two stimulus dimensions and two corresponding response dimensions, Weber's law would have to state such equations for all directions of change in the plane. A two-dimensional Weber law with exactly these properties is realized by [S(x)+DeltaS(x)(straight theta), S(y)+DeltaS(y)(straight theta)]=[k(sin(straight theta))S(x), k(cos(straight theta))S(y)] which determines the stimulus coordinates for all stimuli just noticeably different from the stimulus (S(x), S(y)) in all directions 0R(2)) is [x, y]mapsto[log(k)(x), log(k)(y)]. The solution is generalized to arbitrarily many dimensions by substituting the sin and cos in the generalized Weber law by the standard coordinates of a unit vector. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   
Dialectical-Behavioral Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder (DBT) developed by M. Linehan is specifically designed for the outpatient treatment of chronically suicidal patients with borderline personality disorder. Research on DBT therapy, its course and its results has focused to date on treatments in an outpatient setting. Hypothesizing that the course of therapy could be accelerated and improved by an inpatient setting at the beginning of outpatient DBT, we developed a treatment program of inpatient therapy for this patient group according to the guidelines of DBT. It consists of a three-month inpatient treatment prior to long-term outpatient therapy. In this pilot study 24 female patients were compared at admission to the hospital, and at one month after discharge with respect to psychopathology and frequency of self-injuries. Significant improvements in ratings of depression, dissociation, anxiety and global stress were found. A highly significant decrease in the number of parasuicidal acts was also reported. Analysis of the average effect sizes shows a strong effect which prompts the development of a randomized controlled design.  相似文献   
Examined the validity of the Traumatic Stress Disorder scale of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED), a recently developed self-report questionnaire measuring Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed. [DSM-IV]; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) defined anxiety disorders symptoms in children. A large sample of normal schoolchildren (N = 996) ages 7 to 19 years completed the SCARED. Children who scored high on the SCARED Traumatic Stress Disorder scale (i.e., trauma group; n = 43) and children who scored low on this scale (i.e., control group; n = 43) were then interviewed about their most aversive life event. In addition, children completed self-report questionnaires of traumatic experiences and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology. Results showed that children in the trauma group more frequently reported life events that independent judges considered to be 'potentially traumatic' than did control children. Furthermore, children in the trauma group reported having experienced more traumatic incidents and had higher scores on PTSD-related questionnaires compared with control children. Moreover, trauma group children more frequently fulfilled DSM-IV criteria for PTSD than did control children. The results of this study support the validity of the Traumatic Stress Disorder scale of the SCARED.  相似文献   
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